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Every week we will be starting a new Story Telling competition - with great prizes! The current prize is 2000 NP, plus a rare item!!! This is how it works...
We start a story and you have to write the next few paragraphs. We will select the best submissions every day and put it on the site, and then you have to write the next one, all the way until the story finishes. Got it? Well, submit your paragraphs below!
Story Ninety-One Ends August 23rd
"Brrr, why does it always have to be so cold here?" muttered Stanley as he shivered atop a
snow bank. The other Blumaroos didn't seem to mind. They would just frolic all day long, throwing snowballs, laughing and
building little snow Blumaroos. Huddling into a ball, he sighed, wondering if he was just defective. He quickly
shook the idea out of his head.
"Or maybe this just isn't the place for me," he said, looking around, hoping his second
idea was more true. "You can't even get a hot cup of soup way up here. The only things to eat are slushies, Chia pops,
snow sandwiches… nothing to warm a cold little blue Blumaroo like me..."
The days wore on, and it only seemed to get colder and colder. Stanley knew if he stayed here any longer, he was sure to
freeze. Packing his bags and wishing his friends a teary farewell, he began his journey to a land he knew would be toasty
warm all year round...
Author: Little Snow Blumaroo
Date: 19 August
...The Lost Desert!
"Everybody there has lots of fun," Stanley muttered. "Hanging out at Coltzan's Shrine, eating delicious fruit,
playing fun games, and best of all, SUNBATHING!" He said the last word vigorously as he slammed a sleeveless shirt
into his backpack.
He hurried down the mountain to the docks. Just as he stepped onto the ship he heard a voice he knew…
"Rob!" Stanley exclaimed. "What are you doing here?"
"Didn’t think I could let you go without a proper send-off, did you?" Stanley’s best friend grinned. "Still haven’t
changed your mind?"
"Why should I?"
"You never know," Rob shrugged. "Sometimes you can live in a place like Terror Mountain all your life without ever
realizing how great it really is. But hey, lighten up, OK?" He added cheerfully, noticing Stanley’s bored
I’m-about-to-have-a-lecture-look. "I brought our favorite game."
"Oh wow!" Stanley exclaimed. "Dice-a-Roo!" As they rolled the dice, both friends tried not to think about
this as the last time they would ever play together.
Ten minutes later, Stanley was doing very well. He had won a neat stack of neopoints and was up several dice.
He rolled again...
"Cool, Stanley!" Rob said, excited. "Mystic Wind!" Do you feel any different? Stanley? Stanley??"
Stanley hadn’t heard a word. The instant he had rolled the dice, everything had gone black. He felt as though he was
floating. Mystic Wind was whipping through his clothes and hair, but it was far colder than any wind he had ever felt.
Dimly he heard a voice repeating words he had never heard before.
"halstah alar shinalla... weftasah re wotanah..."
"Stanley? Stanley!!!" Rob was shaking him. "Answer me! Are you all right?"
"Huh? What?" Stanley woke up suddenly. "Yeah I’m all right. Man that was weird."
"You don’t look any different," Rob said. "But then, I’ve never known mystic wind to actually do anything before."
For the rest of the trip Stanley felt dazed. He hardly noticed when Rob disembarked at Neopia Central. He
barely understood when the captain announced they had arrived at the Lost Desert. Slowly he stood and gathered his
things. But when he stepped onto the dock, Stanley gasped with surprise…
Author: c42002
Date: 19 August
...because a Neopian Police Shoyru was standing there.
"Are you Stanley the Blumaroo?" he asked, impatiently.
"Yes, that's me. I'm moving to the Lost Desert to get away from the cold on Terror Mountain."
"Stanley, I have been instructed to take you to King Roo immediately." With that the Shoyru grabbed him and his
things and launched them into the air with his powerful wings. It seemed like it had only been a couple of minutes,
when in fact they flew for more than three hours.
Stanley was dropped off by the police Shoyru, then wisked into a gigantic room with Blumaroos playing Dice-A-Roo everywhere.
"Wow, this place is incredible," thought Stanley to himself, "I've never even dreamed of a place like this."
"Sire, this is the Blumaroo you wished to see," said one of the Captain Blumaroos.
"Excellent, you may leave," The King dismissed the guards and turned to Stanley, "Hello my little friend, please sit down."
A servant quickly apeared with a luxurious seat and Stanley sat. "This place is incredible Your Majesty, but why did
you want to see me?"
"That is why I brought you here, Stanley. Did you play Dice-A-Roo today?"
"Yes, with my friend Rob," Stanley was suddenly scared. How did he know...
Author: ultimax10
Date: 20 August
...about the Dice-A-Roo game? wondered Stanley. Why does King Roo want to talk to me? What is all this about?
The King smiled when he saw Stanley's frightened face. He stared into Stanley's eyes and said, "Don't be scared
little one, not yet should you be."
Just then another servant appeared and handed King Roo and Stanley two gold plates filled with delicious desert
food for them to eat. Stanley thanked the servant and started munching away.
The King continued, "Tell me Stanley, did something... hmm, how should I explain it... did something different happen
when you were playing today that has never happened before?" asked the King. Cold sweat was dripping down his dark skin,
and he was grasping his gold plate really tightly.
"I won a lot of Neopoints, that was definitely different," joked Stanley carelessly.
"No you fool!" roared King Roo. "Did you hear the voice of Mahkmor Molzan!?!"
"I... I... uh..." Stanley was shaking with fear, and all of the Blumaroos were staring at the King and Stanley curiously.
The gentle smile that was on the King's face when he first saw him was gone. He looked terribly angry and worried. And
who was Mahkmor?
"I did hear a voice, a really creepy voice, it started whispering some words... probably nothing important though," Stanley
whispered. He was afraid all the Blumaroos would stare at him again.
"NOTHING IMPORTANT!" yelled King Roo. "Stanley, you just heard the the words of Mahkmor Molzan's curse! He is back again,
he has risen..."
Author: party_girl07
Date: 20 August
...King Roo stood. The other Blumaroos went back to their games, for they feared the king's anger.
"Come with me," he said in a much gentler tone than before. Stanley quickly stood up. They walked across the great hall and entered
another room. There, tall stairs of gold rose in front of them, and at the very top, a large golden building stood.
The king began climbing the stairs, followed by Stanley. It felt like forever for Stanley, until they finally reached the top.
They entered the building, which turned out to be a sacred temple.
Candles were burning everywhere. The inside of the building was also covered with gold, like the outside. At the center of the temple,
three figures stood: an Aisha, a Lupe and a Kougra. They wore white cloaks and golden pendants. All were clearly in their golden ages,
but nevertheless looked fearsome and wise. Stanley soon discovered that they were all blind.
The Lupe touched Stanley's forehead. "So this is the one who disturbed that which should not be disturbed."
"How did you know?" Stanley asked. He was very amazed.
"Stanley, these are the Fates. They are the elders, who've lived longer than everyone in Neopia. Past, the Kougra, can see events that already happened.
Present, the Lupe, sees things that is happening all around Neopia right this moment. Future, the Aisha,
foresees what is going to happen. The elders were the ones who told me to look for you," King Roo explained.
"A long time ago, there was a king named Mahkmor Molzan. He ruled the Lost Desert with an iron fist. He was also very greedy
and ambitious. His desire was to conquer Neopia and rule it all," Past, the Kougra, explained.
"But his disciples found out about his evil plan, and stopped it before it happened. He was banned to the desert far away,
where no Neopian lived, never to be seen again. However, he swore that his spirit would return for revenge," Present, the
Lupe continued.
"When you rolled the silver dice and got the Mystic Wind, the spirit of Mahkmor Molzan returned, stronger than ever. If you do
not stop him, he will take over the Lost Desert and conquer Neopia," Future, the Aisha, finished her brothers' explanations.
"Wait! Wait! Why me?" Stanley asked.
"Only the one who rolled the dice can stop Molzan's curse," Future said.
"That is a prophecy made and known long ago," said the Present.
"Are you up to the quest, young Blumaroo?" Past asked.
Stanley was filled with fear, surprise and excitement. He knew the whole Neopia depended on him. Finally, he answered, "What
do I have to do?"
Future replied, "There is only one way to defeat Molzan..."
Author: monsterran2
Date: 21 August
“...You must raise his younger sister, Indyleah the white Ixi. Only she knows the way to defeat her brother.”
“How do I do that?” asked Stanley.
“You must go to Meridell, her chosen sanctuary,” replied Present.
“Where in Meridell will I find her sanctuary?” asked Stanley.
“Only the White Gathow knows the way. Indyleah’s power is such that she can hide from our sight with a shroud of purple light. When you find her you will know her by her luminous eyes of the clearest purple,” said Past.
“WE NOW SUMMON YOU GUARDIANS OF SECRETS, TRUTH, AND JUSTICE. WE CALL UPON THE POWER OF THE PENDANTS TO LIGHT YOUR WAY THROUGH CHAOS, DARKNESS, AND DESTRUCTION. APPEAR BEFORE US,” chanted the Fates as their golden pendants began to brilliantly shine. The golden light became so bright that Stanley and King Roo were forced to close their eyes against the radiance of the pendants. Suddenly a Noil, a Gathow, and an Anubis appeared; all were white.
You wish to find Indyleah, It was not a question, why do you want to find her? The words were clearly heard by all there but no one knew who had spoken. Then King Roo noticed that the Noil and the Anubis were looking at the Gathow as though to give polite attention to a speaker.
“You better answer Stanley,” said King Roo.
“Answer who? I can’t tell who spoke,” said Stanley.
Talk to the Gathow, I think that she is the one who spoke,” said King Roo.
Stanley asked, “How can you tell?”
“By the way that the other Petpets are looking at her as though she spoke,” answered King Roo.
“I wish to find Indyleah in order to stop Mahkmor Molzan from destroying all of Neopia,” stated Stanley.
Once that Stanley had spoken all three white Petpets began to circle around Stanley.
How sure are you that this will all turn out in that ending? Queried the white Noil.
“I’m positive that if he is not stopped that he will destroy the Lost Desert like he attempted before,” Stanley said.
What do you think that you must do in order to deal out justice to Mahkmor Molzan? The white Anubis wished to know.
“I’ll do whatever I have to, whatever I am instructed to do,” stated Stanley.
Instructions can be misleading, you never know who will give them to you, whispered the white Noil.
“What does it matter to you anyway? And what do you know?” asked Stanley because by now he was getting a little angry. Angry at the small circling Petpets that kept bombarding him with questions when all he wanted to do was to go to the Lost Desert to warm himself up.
The Petpets stopped circling and all of them were lined up in front of Stanley.
I know of all of the secrets that you keep hidden deep in your heart and mind, said the white Gathow.
I know of all of the truths that you say and the lies that others speak every day of their lives, said the white Noil, guardian of truth.
I know of the injustices of the world that are committed by Neopets everywhere. I would stop those if I could, said the white Anubis, guardian of justice.
It matters to us because if Neopia were destroyed then so would be all of life and Truth that continues to make the world go around. It matters to us because if Neopia were destroyed then so would be the universe and all of its secrets. It matters to us for if Neopia were destroyed then Justice would never be dealt out again to those deserving of punishment. That is why it matters to us, all of the Ppetpets said together.
You have passed the test, I will lead you to where Indyleah hides, said the White Gathow, guardian of secrets.
Stanley was stunned, to say the least. How could it matter to them so much? What test?
The Fates who had stood silent in their white robes the entire time that this was going on shifted slightly to look out the window at the setting sun.
“It has become too late in the day for you to set out,” said the Lupe of present.
“Should you attempt to leave tonight you would be waylaid by the roadside by wild Kyrii and taken to Molzan’s hideout,” stated the Aisha of the future.
“As has always been wise in the past, you will set out in the first rays of the morning light,” said the Kougra of the past.
The next morning at dawn...
Author: lady_knight_dia
Date: 21 August
...they left for Meridell. Once there, Stanley followed the white Gathow as he walked up a hidden path near Illusen's Glade.
To Stanley it seemed as if he had
walked forever until, suddenly, the white Gathow stopped. Indyleah lies over the next hill. The purple flowers lead the way.
The white Gathow looked wistfully up at the hill, then continued. I can go no further...The guardians cannot be parted for long.
The white Gathow tumbled down the path, then vanished in a puff of silver smoke.
Stanley started up the hill, following the purple flowers. At the top of the hill, Stanley shaded his eyes and looked down. A
cottage sat down there, hidden in large amounts of purple-tinted moss. To the casual eye it seemed like a large plant, but since
the white Gathow had told Stanley what to do, the blue Blumaroo continued onward.
He arrived at what was cleverly a moss-covered door. It glowed purple. Stanley knocked on the door, but because of the moss
there was no sound. "HELLO?" He yelled. "ANSWER ME, PLEASE! NEOPIA IS IN GREAT PERIL!"
The door opened and he was quickly pushed in. He looked up into the violet eyes of a beautiful Ixi. She pawed the ground
anxiously. "Yes?" She blinked hard, as if trying to clear a thought from her head. "What is it?"
"Indyleah..." Stanley gasped. "Your brother...Mahkmor Molzan...he's risen! Past, Present, and Future, they told me you are
the only one that can stop him!"
The Ixi looked at Stanley. "I'm trying to think that you are joking, but you are not. I can only HELP you defeat him.
Hurry, we must go quickly to...
Author: neosass
Date: 22 August
...the Lost Desert!"
"Finally!" thought Stanley. "We must be off to Coltzan's Shrine. He was once Mahkmor's old friend, so he might be
able to help us too."
They set off towards the Lost Desert. WWhen they got there, Stanley and his guide approached Coltzan's shrine. "Ahh... Indyleah... Is Molzan up
to his tricks again?"
"Yes," replied Indyleah. "and we thought you might be able to help us stop him once more."
"Of course. All you need is a fire paint brush."
"WHAT?" they cried in unison.
"Fire is his weakness," Coltzan explained, "here, take this."
Out of the sand before them emerged a fiery paint brush.
"Hooray!!" they both cried.
Quickly, they turned to go find Molzan's hideout.
But instead, it found them. As they stepped outside the shop, a trapdoor opened under
their feet and they plunged into the darkness.
Stanley screamed as he fell, but landed on something soft, something breathing- something ALIVE.
"AAAHHHH!!!" Yelled the little Blumaroo.
He desperately scrambled off the thing and turned to it. Although Stanley had never seen Molzan before, he knew exactly who it was...
Author: stripedhat10
Date: 22 August
...The creature was all black with amber eyes. He had yellow claws that were an inch long, and obviously
very sharp.
"MUHAHAHAHA!" The creature cried. "You thought that YOU would trap me, while it turns out, I HAVE TRAPPED
YOU!" Molzan chuckled coldly. "Any last words, little Blumar--" Molzan's eyes widened as he saw his sister.
"Mahkmor..." She shook her head gently, though her violet eyes were hard. "I will give you a choice." Indyleah looked
at her brother, waiting for a reply. He was silent. "Good. Now choose, imprisionment in YOUR own house, going back to
your 'shrine' where they kept you trapped, or..." Indyleah smiled one-sidedly. "This Blumaroo... shall beat you. And you
shall have no choice but to go back to your shrine to stay forever..." The Ixi eyed Molzan. "CHOOSE, NOW!"
Molzan grinned insanely. "Of course, I'll fight the Blumaroo!" Molzan roared and charged toward Stanley; but suddenly stopped in surprise. The Blumaroo
held a fire paint brush?!! Stanley twirled the paint brush expertly, but it slipped out of his hands...
...and landed on him!
Molzan's eyes grew large at Stanley, who was now a fire Blumaroo. "Errrr...ROARARRRRRR!" Stanley never flinched. He stepped toward Molzan.
After a few paces Molzan was trapped against the wall. Stanley leapt and grabbed ahold of Mahkmor's leg.
"AYAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" Molzan yelled, disintigrating into a puff of reddish-orange smoke.
"He has been banished to the shrine. He is trapped." Indyleah told the Blumaroo happily.
The two climbed out of the hole. "Farewell, Blumaroo..." Indyleah smiled at Stanley, and then she was gone in a
purple whirlpool.
Stanley walked around the Lost Desert, and was suddenly overcome by a yearning to go home...
Author: neosass
Date: 23 August
...because, after all he had been through in the Lost Desert, Terror Mountain didn't seem like such a bad place after all...
in spite of the cold.
An hour saw Stanley back at the docks, and ready to board the ship. But as he stepped on to the gangplank, a warm, friendly,
and oddly familiar voice sounded in his ear, as a companionable paw clasped his shoulder.
"Well done Stanley. You have defeated
the curse of Mahkmor Molzan. The Lost Desert is safe once again, thanks to you. And it would appear as though you've gotten a
NICE new coat in the process."
Turning, Stanley saw King Roo standing behind him, smiling. "Yeah, it'll take some getting used to, but I kind of like it."
Releasing Stanley's shoulder, King Roo stepped back and looked him up and down. "You know Stanley, I'm proud of you. You are
by far the bravest Blumaroo I have ever met. But, if you don't mind, I'm kind of curious. Why aren't you staying?"
"Well, Your Majesty, when you're staring death in the face you realize what's important in life, and well sir, it's not being
comfortable." Stanley said solemnly.
"Well then, what is important son?" King Roo said with an affectionate smile on his face.
"Well sir, it's friendship. Being with those who love you is what makes where you live your home.
And aside from that nothing else really matters."
Stanley said as a uniformed Tuskaninny shouted from the deck, "Direct ship to Terror Mountain departing in five minutes. All
passengers claim your cabins now."
Shaking Stanley's hand the king said,
"Well it looks like you're off, but before you go I just want to say one thing. As the King pulled Stanley near for a farewell
hug he said,
"It's been fun, Stanley. Have a peaceful journey home." The world disapeared from Stanley as he fell into a deep sleep.
Stanley awoke covered in darkness. A bitter wind blew through his clothes and fur. Then, as though
struggling up from the depths of the ocean Stanley slowly gained consciousness.
As he sat up he heard the sounds of a vicious snowball fight outside, and the familiar sound of
Rob's voice. Getting out of the bed, he stretched and thought, what a strange dream...
As Stanley approached the front door of his house, he realized that for the first time that he could remember he wasn't
cold. "It must be an exceptionally warm day, if I'm not cold," he thought.
Stepping out into the snow, he made his way over to where the other Blumaroos were throwing snowballs. Catching sight of Rob
he waved. "Hey Rob, mind if I join?"
Rob looked around but didn't seem to see Stanley. Instead he said "Hey everybody look at the cool fire Blumaroo over there."
Stanley looked around to catch a glimpse of this rare and wonderful sight, but couldn't figure out where the Blumaroo Rob was
talking about was. All of a sudden the other Blumaroo started to charge towards him. They stopped inches away from bowling him
over, and stood around stunned.
After nearly a minute of this eerie silence Rob said in an astonished voice, "Stanley, is that you?"
Slightly angry Stanley replied, "Well who else would it be? Now I know I don't like the cold but jeeze guys enough is enough."
"B-b-but where did it come from, I mean, WOW Stanley how did you afford it?" Rob stammered.
"Afford what?" asked Stanley. Then he realized they were all looking at his fur. "What is it guys?" he asked confused. Then,
with some anger, but mostly curiosity, he looked down at his paws.
Instead of blue, Stanley was looking at a pair of silky black paws. Excited, he reached back and pulled his tail into view.
There, tracing an elaborate path through his black fur, was a red and orange trail of fire. Suddenly Stanley knew where the fire
Blumaroo Rob had seen was, it was him. And now he also knew why he wasn't cold.
Grinning he looked up at Rob, "Lets just say a good friend gave it to me." Finally Stanley knew where he belonged. Here with
all of his friends... here in his home.
The End
Author: warriors_of_mist
Date: 23 August
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