..."It's still responding to emotions," Thomas said, still thinking furiously. "Only now it's not to mine... it's to the fear and anger of everyone in the vicinity."
"Yeah, and you're probably happy about it," Albert muttered, the pain from his leg and lip making him irritable.
"How can you say such a thing!" Thomas snapped. "How dare you?"
"How dare I?" Albert repeated incredulously. "It's obvious! You made that awful thing for the purpose of wreaking havoc. I didn't like seeing the way they treated you, but I stopped feeling sorry for you when you started using the EmoBot!"
"That's right!" Thomas shouted. "Do you think I wanted your pity? Until your sister BROKE it, it was getting me the respect I've always deserved!"
"No it wasn't!" Albert bellowed right back at the Tuskaninny. "Fear isn't respect! And I stopped feeling sorry for you because you showed me you were just as bad!"
Thomas stopped, mouth open, and seemed to shrink down.
"Um, guys?" Kasie said. "I know we're all upset, but that thing is still on a rampage. So they were stupid and mean and didn't think... they don't deserve this. And if Thomas IS going to step up and be better than all the petty hit-and-hit-back, this would be a good time. You sounded like you had an idea, Thomas?"
"Er, right," Thomas said. "It's still responding to emotion, so... erm, we should probably calm down... and we need to calm everyone else down."
The two Shoyrus stared at him. "Um... HOW?"
"I don't know! If I could get people to feel the way I wanted them to normally, do you think I'd've started this?" He screwed up his face. "Maybe if we got one very serene person? No, we haven't got time to go looking for anybody.... Hah! I've got it! There's a simple way to amplify the effects of a Dream Orb--" The Tuskaninny wilted suddenly. "But I took apart my last one and used some of the parts for the EmoBot."
Kasie gulped. "Actually," she said, "I've got one."
It was hard to hand over one of her precious Battledome weapons to someone who had just moments before trapped her inside his horrible robot, but Thomas earnestly seemed to want to fix things now. He sat down right there on the ground, and with sounds of clanging and chaos and screams all around, he feverishly began taking apart the Dream Orb. He took out a piece of the dark glass and bent back the dark webbing, letting the soft glow from inside shine more brightly out into the day. With a nervous mutter of, "Not something I'd usually do without insulated tools," he poked his fingers -- more deft than they looked -- into the interior. He removed one item shaped like a pink squash, moved a blue banana-shaped thing into its place, wedged the pink squash back in a different orientation, winced as a purple spark leapt out to zap his nose, and carefully wrapped the whole thing shut again and fit the glass back into place.
It didn't look any different.
"We'll have to start from far away from the EmoBot," said Thomas nervously, "and circle in, or else the first people to be relaxed by the modified Dream Orb will just get trampled. But I can't move that fast, and Albert is hurt...."
"I'm not," said Kasie, "and I'm not just a damsel in distress, you know. Give it to me. Do I still activate it the same way?"
"Yes," said Thomas, handing it over -- and with that, Kasie leapt into the air. She barely heard him shouting after her, "Be careful! The user may no longer be totally immune to its effects!"
"Oh, great," she muttered. But it was still their only chance. Out and around she flew, in a wide arc that carried her toward the farthest reaches of the crowd fleeing the EmoBot. It occurred to her that she'd better be very fast -- the further the panic spread, the harder it would be to calm everyone.
She activated the modified Dream Orb as she reached the outer rim of the panic, and the effect was instantaneous and astounding. Neopets' motions slowed; they stopped and looked around, yawning and puzzled as to what they'd been so afraid of a moment ago. Many lay down to take naps.
Kasie flew onward, making a wide sweep and arcing inward as she learned to gauge how far the range was, and thus where she needed to fly to affect the most people at once.
But it was, indeed, affecting her too. The lassitude began to grip her brain and wings; it touched her arms, and the jolt of frightened adrenaline when she nearly let the Dream Orb fall was the only thing that saved her. But it couldn't last. She was moving more slowly, more and... more....
"Hey," said a startlingly alert-sounding green Pteri, bobbing up in the air beside her. "What are you doing?"
Kasie focused her tired mind and realized that the Pteri, able to dodge the EmoBot more easily than most, must have seen her and flown in from further out to investigate. "Modified Dream Orb," she gasped. "Need to calm everyone down to stop the EmoBot. Can you take it? Circle inward so people don't slow down and get trampled closest to it... give to somebody else if you have to...."
The pink Shoyru sank from the air, but hope rose in her heart as the Pteri seized the Dream Orb and continued her own earlier path. Before too long the Pteri faltered, but an Eyrie took over, then a Buzz, and a Draik, and a Faerie... Tuskaninny. A Poogle got hold of it and ran, amazingly fast on its short legs.
Kasie laughed weakly, but in relief, not mockery. Onward went the Dream Orb, and with every step and wingbeat, the EmoBot slowed down. The Neopets still nearest it were growing more confused than terrified, and that helped too.
At last, nearly all the Neopets in the crowd were relaxed almost to the point of dozing, and the EmoBot just curled up on itself and apparently went to sleep.
Kasie picked herself up and made her way through the napping crowds toward the EmoBot to reclaim her Dream Orb, only to find that Thomas had surprised her again. Huffing and sweating, he heaved himself up and, as the EmoBot gave a last half-hearted lurch, deactivated it entirely. Kasie offered him a tired grin, picked up and deactivated her Dream Orb as it rolled off the Poogle's paw, and headed for her brother.
He met her a quarter of the way there. "Go back," Albert said urgently. "We've got to help!"
"Help with what?" Kasie asked in confusion. Then she looked around and realized what she'd been too tired to notice moments before: the effects of the Dream Orb had ended, and with that, all the Neopets in the crowd had come back to their senses.
Sort of.
There was an ugly, angry mutter rising from them, and Thomas's head, poking up from the remains of the EmoBot, looked very frightened indeed.
"Help me get there," Albert muttered to his sister. "I should've said something in the first place... Help me get into the air."
She did, shouldering him up; the red Shoyru fluttered awkwardly over and landed, his hurt leg nearly collapsing underneath him, right next to Thomas. Kasie joined him and held him up. Thomas stared at them as if they'd both grown Alien Aisha ears.
"Get out of the way!" an Usul with fiercely fluffed-out fur shouted from the crowd.
"He saved you!" Albert yelled back.
"He CAUSED this!"
"That stupid Tuskaninny did this -- we'll show him!"
"You've all shown everybody ENOUGH!" Albert yelled. There was pain in his voice, but it wasn't enoug to keep him quiet, and the surprise of seeing the Shoyru Thomas had fought with earlier speak up for him was enough to quiet the crowd for a moment. "Thomas shouldn't have made this and tried to make everybody fear him. He shouldn't have attacked anybody. But you shouldn't have been picking on him in the first place! Calling names, throwing things -- you ought to be ashamed of yourselves! I know I'm ashamed I didn't speak up sooner. And louder." Albert took a deep breath. "Thomas caused the problem -- but he's fixed it, too."
"He learned his lesson," Kasie challenged them, supporting her brother. "Have you?"
Nobody answered. But quietly, from the edges outward, the crowd dispersed.
Eventually, Kasie and Albert both sank down on the EmoBot with a sigh and looked at Thomas, who had been staring at them in awe. He lowered his eyes and mumbled, "Thanks... thank you. I'm sorry."
"You're not so bad when you lose the mad scientist act," Kasie said. "Think you can help me get my brother to the Hospital?"
"Sure," Thomas stammered quickly. "I, I'll do that. Least I can do...."
"And maybe," Albert continued shakily, "when they get it rebuilt, we can get that ice cream together...."
"I bet I could build something to repair it faster, if they'll let me."
"You could market gizmos like that, you know," they told him.
Thomas blushed behind his goggles. "Maybe when I didn't cause the problem in the first place..."
"Well, yeah."
...It turned out forgiveness made for a surprisingly good friendship.
The End