"Where's that Negg for brains Lawbstir when you need him?" Eemunn the Eyrie yelled. "He was supposed to
be here two hours ago! Looks like I'm going solo on this one."
Eemunn paced back and forth in front of the crowded food shop. He was beginning to sweat. This is no time to get nervous, he
thought to himself as he put on his Hairy Tash and Party Hat. It's now or never.
"Hey Eemunn! Why do you have that funny hat on? Wow, I didn't know Eyries could grow facial hair!" Lawbstir Kiko yelled.
"Ssshhhhhh! Keep it down, man," the Eyrie said, looking around to see if anyone was watching. "You were supposed to be here two hours ago."
"I got hungry," Lawbstir said.
"What?! That was the point of Operation Gorge. Never mind, just wipe the mustard from your lip and put on your disguise."
Seconds later, the two busted through the food shop, shouting, "Yo, Breadmaster! Give us all your streaky or else..."
Author: Neopets Staff
Date: 4 Feb.
..."FREEZE!" shouted a Desert Aisha, who was sitting at one of the bakery's tables, eating a Honey and Wheat Baguette. "I'm
with the NBI. You're in some serious trouble! Besides, you idiots, this is the bakery, not the food shop."
"Oh, man, not again!" Lawbstir said. The two took off with the NBI agent in hot pursuit. They headed into the Marketplace
and found a dark, empty alley to hide in.
"Oh, he won't find us now!" Eemunn said to his accomplice.
"Shh... be quiet, if you don't pipe down, we'll be thrown in the slammer for sure!" Lawbstir said, covering Eemunn's mouth. "It's
a known fact that Aishas have good hearing!"
"Hey, you! Yeah, you, in the 2 Gallon Hatz T-shirt!"
"Yes?" a tiny Mynci replied.
"Have you seen two shady characters skulking about?"
"No, sir... I'm sorry, but I've got some cheese in my pocket."
"Erm, no thanks. When I catch those two fugitives, they'll pay--BIG TIME!"...
Author: blastoise353
Date: 4 Feb.
..."Agent Sulky! Thank goodness I've found you!" The Desert Aisha turned around. It was her partner, Agent Molded.
He continued, "I've been checking the N-files, and I don't think this case is as simple as it seems."
"Oh really?" questioned Sulky. After so many years on the job with the handsome blue Lupe, she knew very well that his
explanation had something to do with the paranormal. And she had learned to be skeptical. "What is it this time?
Bloodthirsty Korbats? Mutant Puppyblews?"
"Much, much worse." Agent Molded paused, and looked to either side. In a low voice he whispered, "I think these criminals
were abducted by the Alien Aishas!"
Lawbstir was getting impatient. "How long do we have to hide out here, Eemunn? I'm hungry again!"
"Just a little while longer, Lawbstir. One more job and we'll have all the ingredients we need. We need the streaky for
Operation Gorge." The Eyrie scowled and sank further into the darkness.
Lawbstir began rummaging through the dumpster in the alley. "Hey look! Two thirds of a green pepper omelette! And it's
still warm!"
As the Kiko choked down on his dumpster delight, Eemunn began to shiver, then shake, then twist in a very un-Eyrielike way.
"Hey, Eemunn!" Lawbstir called with his mouth still full, "Want some of this stuff?" He turned around, and screamed in
horror: "You're not Eemunn!"...
Author: belleforpele
Date: 4 Feb.
...Standing in front of Lawbstir was a huge mess of wings and feathers.
"You must get the streaky soon, before I completely transform," Eemunn whispered. "If you don't, they'll find me."
Lawbstir was in shock. What was happening to his friend? He'd never heard of a mutant Eyrie, much less seen one. The
Kiko decided he'd better get some streaky, and fast.
Sulky and Molded walked into the NBI headquarters. Immediately, they were confronted by Skininny, their supervisor.
"Agents Sulky and Molded, did you catch the two robbers?" Skininny asked, as his Tuskaninny tail moved back and
forth across the floor.
"No sir, they got away," Agent Molded replied, "And we haven't found any clues to their disappearance, either."
"Listen, Molded. If you can't find these two, I'll have to close down the N-files," Skininny said.
Author: poisonedneedle
Date: 5 Feb.
...Lawbstir was rummaging through a garbage bin again, with his mind firmly occupied by the lovely odour of herring
from somewhere beneath all that rotten potato, when a sharp claw tickled the fur coat of his back. Two eyes big as
frying pans filled with ketchup looked down on him. They sent a chill down his spine as he realised this was the
former brain of the team. He'd have to actually think of something to do... else than eat. Streaky, streaky,
streaky. Where to get? Food Shop. Down the alley. Right. He made a run for it. The smell of it was distinct, it
seemed the whole building reeked of it. From the walls, somewhere beneath all those bricks he decided. Indeed it
never occurred to anyone what great isolation it made, and as the Kiko made the discovery he felt worthy of at least
one of those juicy broccoli pies in there. Just one wouldn't hurt, would it? He didn't think so and grabbed
one quicker than he thought was noticeable...
Author: mattieamelia
Date: 5 Feb.
..."THEIF!" a voice yelled, "Somebody catch him! Theif!" Lawbstir tried to run away, but a pair of strong arms
grabbed him from behind and wrestled him to the ground. Before he knew it, he was behind bars at the local jail.
As soon as word of the arrest reached the headquarters, Sulky and Molded hurried to the jail. Sulky was worried
because of the peculiar glint in her partner's eyes. She had seen that look before and she knew what it meant.
"He's just a common thief, Molded," she said, "nothing more. I respect your theories, but this is not an N-File.
Now that he's been arrested we should let the local authorities take care of this one."
Molded laughed softly. "Why would a common thief commit two crimes so close together? I'm telling you, there's more
to this one than meets the eye."
"Maybe he's just stupid," Sulky responded, "Why can't you accept that there may be a rational explanation for all of this."
Molded smiled and handed Sulky a large file. "This file is a record of all the streaky robberies in the past twenty
years. Those I've highlighted were crimes committed or attempted by Eyries."
"So," Sulky said, flipping through the file, "Maybe Eyries just like streaky."
Molded's smile widened, "Maybe," he said, "but in each of these cases, the Eyries that were captured started exhibited
weird symptoms and behaviour and in each of those cases the Eyrie in question vanished before he could be examined. Don't
you see, it's an conspiracy. Someone doesn't want the public to know the truth."
"And what is the truth, Molded?" Sulky asked...
Author: saiyan_mistress
Date: 6 Feb.
..."I'm not sure," replied Molded. "But I'm going to find out. It's time we questioned that Kiko."
Sulky sighed. "Fine," she said, "But don't try to pull another 'I know what you did, you can't trick me'. Last time you did
that the poor Skeith broke down and told us everything. Including that he had always wanted to see me swim in a pool filled
with spaghetti soup, and that he was in love with me and... Ugh. Don't make me go through THAT again!"
Molded nodded. "Ok, let's get to work."
Molded and Sulky walked into Lawbstir's cell. "Um, hi, are you gonna hurt me?" Lawbstir asked, huddling on his little cot in the
corner "'Cause I don't know nothin' about anythin', ya hear?!" Lawbstir started crying.
Sulky looked at Molded and smirked his NBI issued smirk, then turned to Lawbstir. "No, but we need information, and you have it."
"I don't know nothin! Nothin, I tell ya!"
"Well, we think you know more than you think you know." Lawbstir looked at Sulky, slightly confused. "We're pretty sure you know
something we should hear about. Does Operation Gorge ring a bell?"
"Well..." Lawbstir started cautiously, "It's about my friend...
Author: salinas888
Date: 6 Feb.
...As the hours passed, Lawbstir lied his way out of guiltiness, and Sulky seemed to believe him.
"The poor creature," she sighed, putting all the files down.
"He was forced by this Eyrie to get a streaky. What was his name again, and why did he want a streaky?"
"His name was Eemunn, and-" Suddenly Lawbstir realised that he was not supposed to reveal Eemunn's name.
"I mean his name was Edmund," he corrected, and Moldy grew suspicious.
"And I don't know why he wanted a streaky."
As Lawbstir finished, Sulky got up to go. Moldy held her back down.
"Look," he said. "How do you know he's not lying?"
"It's obvious," whispered Sulky.
"But it's too obvious," cried Moldy. "How do you even know that this Kiko is not mad? In his story, he claims
he had nothing to do with robbery, and that he was just about to pay for that broccoli pie. He also said that
it was his twin brother that tried to steal a streaky, not he. Logic, logic is the thing we need. Lawbstir is
either telling the truth, telling a lie, or just mad."
"One person can look at him and say he is not mad," said Sulky.
"And how could he know about this Eyrie named Edmund if they had not been working together," Moldy said. "So he
is not telling the truth."
"Therefore, Lawbstir is telling a lie!" Sulky cried. She reached in her pocket for a pen to record all this
information, but nothing was in her pocket. Even her keys were missing!
She looked around to find Lawbstir, but he was gone. The only thing she saw was the cage door wide open...
Author: blossom_gtw
Date: 7 Feb.
..."That sneaky crook!" Sulky cried, frustrated. "I turn my back and he's off! So, he must have been lying
through the whole thing and when I turn my back, he's gone! He's a Houdini, this one is!"
"Agent Sulky!"
Oh, great! It was her supervisor, Skininny, checking up on her. She quickly closed the cage and stood with her back to
it and tried to look inocent.
"Agent Sulky! Why are you just standing around like that? Where is the prisoner?" Skininny wanted to know.
Oh no! If Skininny finds out about this blunder, I'll be fired for sure. "He's in the other room with Moldy for questioning."
"Good. I want to know anything you get out of him. Carry on, agent." Skininny saluted and walked out.
Oh great! Sulky thought. I'll have to go find Lawbstir myself. And she ran out the door.
After Lawbstir had stolen the agent's keys and broken out of jail he had run straight to the alleyway that he and Eemunn had
used as a hide-out.
"Eemunn!" he called. "Its okay. It's me, Lawbstir."
A large shadow stirred from behind the dumpster. It was Eemunn all right, but it didn't look like him at all. He had grown a
mass of purple feathers that covered his body and he had a beak and wings. He came and greeted Lawbstir, walking pigeon-toed.
"Is that you, Eemunn?" Lawbstir asked in amazement. The bird creature nodded. "Uh, is that," he waved over the creature's
feathers and bird-like appearance, "supposed to happen?"
And the birdlike creature thing that was once an Eyrie opened its mouth to answer...
Author: sarabisky7
Date: 7 Feb.
..."Do you have the streaky?" croaked the massive creature. "If you don't, you may become my first meal as a
mutant Eyrie."
"No! Eemunn... Eemunn, it's me you're old pal Lawbstir! Really..."
"I've seen you beg, Kiko. I've also just seen you act as a two-faced horror creature--" Eemunn began.
"You're the horror creature!" Lawbstir replied timidly. "And-"
"And you're under arrest! Both of you for attempted robbery of streaky!" Agent Sulky shouted from behind a trash can.
"Oh, and a single Aisha will have the strength to capture a nearly mutant Eyrie..."
"I think I can have you running straight into your jail cell, Mr. Eemunn. With a bit of streaky."
The nearly morphed Eyrie flapped, without much success, along the trail of streaky that led to the jail.
"Streaky... must have streaky... must have... now..."
Author: purplemonkey003
Date: 8 Feb.
...Eemunn closed his eyes as he savoured a strip of streaky...
"Does Eemunn want another piece?" asked Agent Sulky. Walking backwards she dropped a streaky every five steps.
One of them landed on Lawbstir's head.
Eemunn wobbled forward and snatched a piece of streaky from the ground. "Streaky... must have streaky..."
Lawbstir stood trembling as his old pal had just threatened to eat him! He shivered in fear.
"That's a good boy Eemunn follow the streaky," said Agent Sulky reaching into a bag and dropping another streaky on
I'm going to make a run for it! Lawbstir thought. Gru... gr... rumble Lawbstir's stomach began to grumble. Lawbstir
realised he hadn't eaten anything from since he had that 2/3 omelette several hours ago.
"Streaky..." screeched Eemunn.
The smell of streaky was stifling. Lawbstir's mouth began to drool, so he took a little piece of the streaky and ate it.
Yummy! he thought.
"Here's more streaky Eemunn. Here you go!" Agent Sulky exhaled in relief.
Just around the corner was the NBI Headquarters and they were almost there... when all of a sudden a blue blur snatched up
the bag of streaky right from the agent's paws.
"Lawbstir! Stop!" yelled Agent Sulky. In a matter of seconds, Lawbstir made off with the entire bag of streaky, leaving the
two agents with the half-mutated Eyrie and confused looks on their faces.
Eemunn screeched in outrage and began hopping down the street in pursuit of Lawbstir, who...
"CUT! All right everybody," the director said, "it's time for lunch. But when we come back, I want this scene done exactly
the way it is in the script. This is a serious movie we're shooting, not some silly storytelling contest that takes illogical and
random turns. I want to win an award for this... but no pressure though."
The End
Author: nisha1636
Date: 8 Feb.