"When are you going to learn to save your Neopoints?" Krylyx the brown Grundo asked. "Look at
all this junk! I can't cover for you much longer, Trimmolon."
Trimmolon the purple Grundo put on his Hairy Tash and Feather Party Hat and danced about the room, trying to make Krylyx
laugh like he usually did.
"Look at me, look at me! I'm Crazy Trimmolon and I'm smashing my prices," he said, picking up one of his Fortune Telling
Fish. "Regularly three thousand Neopoints, but for you... eight thousand! Ha ha ha ha ha... Crazy Trimmolon! Crazy
Trimmolon! Crazy Trimmolon! Crazy Trimmolon! How do I stay in business? It's gonna be a BLOWOOOOUT!"
Krylyx wasn't laughing at all. "It's not going to work this time. You need to sell all this stuff and get your
own NeoHome. You're the worst roommate a Grundo could ever have..."
Author: Neopets Staff
Date: 21 Jan.
..."Roommate?!" Trimmolon yelled, dropping the fish and picking up a Mermaid Usuki "Buy a Mermaid Usuki! Best
roommate you can get! Crazy Trimmolon will never smash his prices again... usually only two hundred and fifty
Neopoints, but for you? Five hundred! Crazy Trimmolon! Crazy Trimmolon! Slashing, smashing, bashing the pric--"
And the next thing Trimmolon knew he was out on the doorstep of the NeoHome, a bag full of his junk in each hand.
Crazy Trimmolon was on his own.
A few days later, Krylyx was walking down the street when he saw a huge commotion going on at the corner of Soup
Alley and Bread Street. Walking over to investigate he slapped his forehead when he saw what was causing it. Hopping
around on a smashed Boom Box was Trimmolon, donning a Scorchio Scarf and Wellington Boots.
"Crazy Trimmolon, Crazy Trimmolon! Look at my Wellies! Squish Squish, Paddington Trimmolon!"
A little Quiggle in the audience pointed at Trimmolon. "Paddington Trimmolon? More like Padded Walls
Author: callisa
Date: 21 Jan.
...Krylyx rolled his eyes. Crazy Trimmolon was at it again. Always trying to get more NP for stuff most Neopians already
"Trimmolon? I don't think anyone's interested in a pair of Wellington Boots. Why don't you try to make a profit? Good money
for good stuff! Like me! That's how I bought my NeoHome," Krylyx said.
All of the audience murmured and nodded. Soon enough the little Quiggle was chanting, "Profit! Profit!" And not long later the
whole crowd was chanting it. Soon everyone on the streets were shouting "Profit! Profit!" The Breadmaster put icing on a
cake that said, "Make a Profit!!!" Kauvara had mixed up a potion that when swallowed made you make a profit off of things.
Geez, Krylyx thought. All I did was tried to knock some sense into Trimmolon. The chanting stopped just
as soon as...
Author: awesomekeet
Date: 21 Jan.
...Trimmolon woke up.
"Now that was a weird dream!" he said to himself. "Where am I? Oh, yeah."
Trimmolon found himself sleeping on a park bench in the Marketplace.
"This is pathetic," he said. "Look at me. Sleeping on the streets, and talking to myself! How am I going to get myself
out of this? I guess I could beg Krylyx to stay at his house some more... or..." Trimmolon recalled his dream. "...or I
could make a profit!"
Standing up on top of the park bench, Trimmolon raised his old Hairy Tash in the air.
"Hey, everybody! I've got a Hairy Tash here! Only four Neopoints for a Hairy Tash!"
A little Usul that was walking past swerved to meet Trimmolon. "Hey, mister, here you go."
And with that, the first transaction of the day was made.
A little while later, Krylyx was walking to the Chocolate Shop when he noticed a huge crowd. Pushing his way to the
center, he noticed that Trimmolon was in the middle of things.
"Trimmolon!" he yelled over the roar, "What are you doing?"
"Making a profit!" yelled back Trimmolon. "See? I've got a Blue Furry Negg, and I actually sold it! I sold it for twenty
Neopoints! And see this Dark Faerie? I sold one just like it for fifty. And here I have this Red Satin Collar. Only two
Neopoints! I'm making a profit!"
"That's not a profit!" answered Krylyx. "This is insane!"
"I know! I'm Crazy Trimmolon!"
I've got to figure out a way to stop this! thought Trimmolon to himself, just as...
Author: ploopusgirl
Date: 22 Jan.
...a tomato hit Trimmolon in the head and knocked him out. Krylyx went over to him and took him and his junk out
of people's way.
Pouring one of Trimmolon's bottles of water on his head, Krylyx woke poor Crazy Trimmolon up.
"What happened?" asked Trimmolon.
"You got hit in the head with a tomato you sold just ten minutes earlier."
The crowd started laughing. They were rolling around all over the ground in the middle of the Marketplace. Then
King Roo walked out of the crowd.
"Nice throw, eh? I've been practising since I heard of this little fellow." The king looked at Crazy Trimmolon. "Why
don't you come with me and I'll show you the ropes?"
The crowd started cheering and saying, "Go with him, Crazy Trimmolon. You're crazy if you don't."
"I will," said Crazy Trimmolon. "I'll make you all proud or my name isn't Crazy Trimmolon!"
"Oh boy," thought Krylyx. "What could King Roo possibly do to help him?"...
Author: princessadoption2002
Date: 22 Jan.
...Suddenly, trumpets boomed out of nowhere!
Crazy Trimmolon (and most everyone else with ears) quite nearly jumped out of their skin, but King Roo was quite calm.
"We shall have a tournament," he declared in a regal voice. "People from the crowd will line up in two orderly queues
and prepare to throw Lime Jelly Blumaroos at each other. The tournament will begin in one hour!"
Everyone stood stock-still.
"What are you waiting for? MOVE!!!!" King Roo boomed.
The crowd scattered to get ready to be slimed with jelly.
One hour later, the King declared he and Trimmolon would go head to head first, and at the end, Trimmolon would be clobbered
by, erm, have a fair chance of winning in a round with the champion of the crowd, the overall winner.
"This is insane!" Trimmolon declared.
"I know! I'm King Roo."
"That sounds familiar," Krylyx chuckled to himself...
Author: angelilynn
Date: 23 Jan.
...King Roo handed a bag full of jellies to Trimmolon.
"Here you go. Take 10 steps backwards, then turn around and start throwing!"
A hush fell over the crowd. Everyone dropped their jellies and stared at King Roo. He was serious? Everyone else had
been planning to take all the jellies their pockets could hold and go home!
"Sounds good to me!" yelled a little Chia, and chucked a jelly right at Krylyx, getting him in the back of the head.
"JELLY FIGHT!!" another chia yelled, and it began.
Trimmolon took his jellies, and began counting as he walked.
"One, two, three... it would really be good if I could count past three. Oh well," he muttered, turning around quickly.
He chucked a jelly, missing King Roo by the width of one basic gold Nerkmid.
"D'oh!" he yelled when King Roo turned around and got him in the belly.
"Ha ha ha!" laughed King Roo. "There's no way you can beat me! Down with you, little Grundo!"
The fight went on for seven hours (as according to King Roo's rules). Both King Roo and Trimmolon had used their last jellies,
and were standing, both out of breath, two feet away from each other. King Roo smiled as the judges stepped forward.
Author: psychocutekitty
Date: 23 Jan.
...KRYLYX!" Krylyx blinked for a moment while both King Roo and Trimmolon's jaws dropped to the ground. The two stood
motionless for a moment, and the crowd was completely silent.
"What...?" Krylyx was the first to break the silence. His utter confusion was expressed to the judges as he turned his head
slowly towards the judges.
"But he just stood there watching us!" King Roo was furious at the decision, and as he spoke, he growled at the judges.
"How can he possibly win!? How does he deserve it!?"
"Well..." The first judge began. "We just like calm people, and he was the first one actually calm at one of your crazy
tournaments." The other remaining judges nodded a bit, adding light smiles to their expressions.
"You have got to be kidding..." Trimmolon mumbled to himself, and only to himself. "Congrats, Krylyx!"
"No congratulations! All of you judges are fired! And they said I was crazy!" Trimmolon stared at King Roo
and he could have sworn that he was beginning to twitch as he spoke. "Trimmolon! Your first lesson: Never become like
these insane Neopians! You are so much...
Author: mourned_love
Date: 24 Jan.
...like the son I never had. This contest was so I could find compony in my castle. I tired of playing Dice-A-Roo.
When I get to the blue dice, I always lose. So will you come to Roo Island?"
Trimmolon starred for a second then fainted.
Three days later...
"Trimmolon, Trimmolon?" King roo asked.
"What happend to me?"
King Roo helped him up and then answered, "You fainted after I asked you to come and live in my castle, and we kidnapped you
and now you're here. You like your new spiffy court jester uniform?"
Author: fire_babe1
Date: 24 Jan.
...Trimmolon looked down at his costume. The right side was red with black dots and the left was blue with gold stars.
Upon his head was a green and yellow cap with golden bells that jingled when he moved. "I love it!" he cried, "Now I'm
really crazy Trimmolon!"
He began to dance around the room, listening to the bells jingling on his cap. King Roo laughed at the Grundo's antics.
"I knew you would the perfect jester," he said.
Trimmolon smiled and continued to dance about, but then he remembered Krylyx and asked King Roo about his friend.
"Who?" King Roo seemed confused, "Oh, you mean the winner of the jelly fight. He made a fuss about us bringing you here,
but my guards were finally able to send him on his way. You wouldn't believe how he fought." King Roo chuckled softly.
Trimmolon couldn't believe his ears. "He fought? For me?" Tears began forming in his eyes. Krylyx was truly a good friend.
Slowly, he began to remove the jester clothing. "I'm sorry, but I can't stay here," he said.
"What?" King Roo demanded, "You aren't staying. You really are crazy!"
Trimmolon smiled. "That's what they say. I'm crazy Trimmolon! Say, do you mind if I keep the hat?"
Trimmolon returned to become Krylyx's roommate and began a rather lucrative career as a comedian. Krylyx was managing
his career, so for once the crazy Grundo was making a profit. Krylyx was relieved that Trimmolon was finally making something
of himself. Now if only he could rid of that stupid hat and those annoying little bells!
Anyway, on Trimmolon's first night on stage...
Author: saiyan_mistress
Date: 25 Jan.
...the room was packed! Everyone had heard of this "Crazy Trimmolon" who had turned down living with King Roo!
Trimmolon peeked out from behind the curtain. "Oh my Faerie Queen!" he exclaimed, looking at all the pets who had
come. Heck, the Queen really was there, too!
Krylyx walked up behind him. "Anything wrong?"
Trimmolon jumped. "Ahhh! Don't DO that! What? Oh, uh, nothing's wrong. I'm a little nervous, that's all. All the
Uber-Faeries are here, and they all have front row seats!
Krylyx laughed and shook his head. "Remember that day of the jelly fight? When you were in that store? You had just
as big as an audience, but you didn't care!"
"Yeah, but they weren't expecting anything!" Trimmolon said nervously. Then the music started; it was his time to go.
Trimmolon walked out on stage and gulped. He looked offstage, and saw Krylyx give him a thumbs-up. Trimmolon nodded
and smiled to the crowd.
"What do you call a confused spoon? A noops!"
That was his worst joke he had, and that was all he could think of. It was horrible. But, slowly, the audience started
to laugh! They liked it! And from then on, Crazy Trimmolon's act was a famous one.
The End
Author: psychocutekitty
Date: 25 Jan.