..."I don't want to hurt you, Catchem," Commander Cutiepie started with gruff bravado.
"Oh trust me, you'll end up just hurting yourself," the Schnelly giggled confidently.
At once, a Cobrall slithered around Buttons. The spry but inexperienced Warf could only flail helplessly as he realized his paw-cuffs were useless on a creature without paws!
Meanwhile, an Aisha and a Puppyblew had Commander Cutiepie surrounded. The elder Warf took a battle stance, he could take them--
And then he realized they were wielding some Virtupets brand weaponry.
"Ugh!" he groaned. "Where are the days of classic fisticuffs?"
"Wait, your RCD!" Buttons squealed as the Cobrall wrapped around his neck. "I can't believe, eurgh, I didn't think-- look for the, ack, defense and attack buttons!"
"But you're Buttons!" Cutiepie felt his anxiety rising as he fiddled aimlessly with the device. But he had no idea what he was doing, and though he put up a valiant effort, he lost to the cyberpunk henchpetpets.
Catchem Schnell just shook her head with a sad smile before she glanced at her nemesis. "Cutiepie, you know I love ya', so believe me when I tell you that your retirement is long overdue." She laughed to herself as she sashayed away. "Come on boys," she sang to her henchpetpets. "To the Kadoatery!"
Buttons and Cutiepie were led to a back "Employees Only" room in the Kadoatery. The henchpetpets had long since loosened their grip, and the Warfs could easily have escaped. But Catchem was leading them, supposedly, to Dr. Megabyte and the other Kads... and Cutiepie had known her long enough to know when she had a trick up her sleeve, and when she just wanted to gloat in his face, and this sure sniffed of the latter.
"Proudly presenting... Dr. Megabyte!" Catchem exclaimed as she showed off her catch, behind bars.
The pink Kad just waved from three cells above them.
"And how do we know that's the REAL Dr. Megabyte?" Button inquired.
"Quick," Cutiepie interjected, "what did you photograph and who took it to the Queen?"
"That Schnelly there, and 1337," the captured Kad said matter-of-factly.
Buttons's eyes narrowed. "Is it true you let yourself be captured to escape the Fields?" he asked, his heart pounding.
"It is true," he said levelly.
The Warfs deflated as Catchem Schnell cackled and danced about. "I told you soooo!" she chided, cantabile. And then she commanded her henchpetpets to leave, wanting to savour this victory against her nemesis, all to herself. The Warfs just stood there, dumbfounded and defeated. Buttons let the paws-cuffs slip from his grip, and they fell to the cold concrete with a loud clang.
"Could you let me out?" Megabyte asked. "It's awfully cramped in here, and high up. I like to look my adversaries in the eyes when I monologue to them."
"Of course, of course," Catchem agreed, grinning. She leapt up and, mid-air, unlocked the cage with her paw-pad.
Megabyte deftly jumped to the ground to meet the others. "I let myself be captured because I was tired of sitting idly by while the Queen continued her terror," the Kad continued, frowning, pacing about, and the others followed. "Yes, Kadoatie Fields is a land of 'peace, harmony, and prosperity' -- but only for those Kads who worship the Queen, share her views, and don't step out of line. Those who do... it's the labour or re-education camps for them." He shuddered. "1337 was the Queen's second in command before I took the position, but she started questioning the Queen's motives, wondering why the Queen needed to keep such tight control on the thoughts and actions of her citizens. Well, 1337 got her re-education, and the Queen asked me to step up. And... I did. I thought I could be a reformer, help temper the Queen." He paused. "But that didn't work. Deep down, I think the Queen means well. She's just terribly misguided."
"So you see," the Schnelly announced as she spun to face the Warfs, "Dr. Megabyte is here, ready and waiting to be rehomed to a Neopet. Soon, we'll show all of the little Kads in the Fields how wrong and brainwashed they are, and they'll all flee here, and then into a nice Neopet's arms."
"But you and the PPL you work for are misguided, too." Megabyte said from behind her as a loud click was heard.
Catchem turned, seething, as she realized the Kadoatie had cuffed her. "After all I did for you! Why you no good--"
"Just because Kadoatie Fields isn't free, doesn't mean you should be kidnapping its Kads. Yes, many want out. But many are happy where they are. Similarly with re-homing street Petpets to Neopets... it works for some, but certainly not for all. And while we're waiting to be rehomed, we're stuck in little cages, and some meet worse fates! But frankly, to force your convictions on all creatures... you aren't any better than the Queen. And that's why I had to conspire to turn you in, too."
The Warfs were in shock. Catchem Schnell, through unbridled rage, called for her henchpetpets. While they came to her aid, they were woefully disorganized; though they had technology, Buttons -- not caught by the element of surprise -- managed to subdue them with his own tech.
"Real self-determination comes from within," Dr. Megabyte finished. "Not from any ideologues telling you what's best for you. What's best for me, is to be free. I will help you subdue the Queen, as I helped secure Catchem."
Buttons nodded. "I knew it, I saw it in the Queen's eyes..." He then turned to the struggling Schnelly, who appeared bitterly forlorn. "Now, let's get her brought her in to the arbitrators!" he exclaimed, wide-eyed, to his Warf Rescue Team idol.
Commander Cutiepie's face fell. "Yes... let's. But..." he turned to the Schnelly. "I finally get you, I think. You have a vision for Petpets. It might be warped and involve petpetnapping, but you think it's right--"
"It IS right," the Schnelly said through gritted teeth. "The best thing for Petpets is for them to be cared for by Neopets."
Commander Cutiepie nodded slowly, but his expression was one of vague disagreement. He had always admired the self-sufficiency of Kadoatie Fields, but... perhaps for its idea, rather than its execution. "Like I'll do for the Queen, I'll argue to the arbitrator to get you a light sentence," he affirmed his nemesis.
"Ew!" she uttered, aghast. "Not from the likes of you, Oldiepie!"
Meanwhile, Buttons fiddled with his RCD. "And, our location has been sent to Rescue Team HQ," he said, walking up to Cutiepie, interrupting the moment. "I've cleared the area as safe, and reinforcements are coming quickly."
"Excellent." Cutiepie released a big exhale as some Warfs came in and started to carry a screaming Catchem away. Other Warfs let some of the locked Kads go free -- "but only those who want to go free," the Commander ordered.
The Warfs discussed a bit with Megabyte about when to head back to the Fields. Cutiepie thanked him, and the Kad was on his way.
"Well, after all this," Cutiepie said privately to his lieutenant, "I'm certainly glad to be retiring."
"Because you finally caught your nemesis?" Buttons asked inquisitively.
"Yes... but no."
"Because the technology thing?"
"I despise it, sure, but no, not quite that either." He gave an almost tired smile. "There are just... more shades of grey now than I grew up with. Or maybe it's always been that way, and we were all too clear-cut and idealistic. Maybe, in the end, both sides can be wrong... or right. In their own ways."
"And this wisdom is just one example of all that I can still learn from you, Commander, sir!" The younger Warf paused. "So... before you retire, will you join me assisting Megabyte to carry out the rest of this mission, at least?"
"I would be honoured to finish my final mission with you, Lieutenant Buttons," Cutiepie said with a grin.
Buttons saluted him. "The honour is all mine."
The End.