...a portly Meepit waddling through the crowd wielding a pair of knives that he was sharpening against each other with a ping.
“Are we ready to get the real party started?” he growled with a grin.
Angelo stared in horror as each Meepit looked to him with thin smiles. He gulped and screamed mentally for his brother’s return.
Michael knew his plan was weak, but he solidified his decision when he overheard the two Meepits talking as he led them back down the foyer hallway.
“Oh, you should have seen what I did to that Cork Gun Gallery shopkeeper,” The Meepit named Toby was saying. “Had her screaming like a hungry Kadoatie.”
Michael heard Fred chuckle appreciatively. “Speaking of starving, I’m really getting hungry for that pizza.”
“Yeah kid,” Toby said. “Where is it?”
They had reached the front door, and Michael opened it confidently and pointed out to the darkened porch. “It’s right out there.”
The two small petpets crossed the threshold, and Michael heard Fred say, “Hey, I don’t see any pizza,” but the Aisha slammed the door shut and locked it. Even if one of the Meepits stood on the other’s shoulders, they’d still be too short to touch the lock.
Michael heard his brother’s scream of terror and he felt his own heart jump into his throat. He raced back into the room just in time to see a chubby Meepit advancing on his brother with a weapon. Preparing to defend them both at no cost, Michael stormed into the room like a mutant Mynci and seethed around at them all.
“Get away from him! Get back!” Michael screamed.
Several dozen blank Meepit faces blinked back at them.
“Take it easy,” the leader Meepit said calmly. “Where’s Toby and Fred?”
“Where’s the pizza?” another Meepit cried.
“You’re not having us for dinner. We will not be your next victims,” Michael said confidently. Angelo squeezed his arm reassuringly.
There was a silent pause, then a humming of raucous laughter echoed around them.
“Eat you?” the leader Meepit said, through gasping breaths. “Why would we eat you?”
“We heard y’all talking about the Coconut Shy booth owner,” Angelo piped in.
“Yeah,” Michael agreed. “I heard Toby discussing what you did to the Cork Gun Gallery Aisha. And the knives.” He pointed to the cutlery wearily.
“These” the fat Meepit said, “are to cut the cake.”
“And what we did to the Cork Gun Aisha,” the leader continued. “Is scare her with a few fake Spyders. She hates those. Freaks her out. Harmless Halloween pranks. Now if you don’t mind, we’d like to continue our Halloween party that you’ve crashed.”
The other Meepits nodded in unison.
“Right,” Michael said, eyeing the crowd hesitantly. “We’ll just be on our way then.” He took a step backward and when no Meepit made a move to stop him, he grasped his brother’s hand and pulled him hastily from the house.
The crowd of Meepits watched them go silently.
“So there’s no pizza?” a voice cried.
“Enough,” the leader cried. “It’s time to continue our project.”
“To party?” one voice asked hopefully.
“For Haunted Woods domination!” the Leader shrieked.
The crowd of Meepits chanted together and the sound traveled through the house and out onto the front lawn sounding like softly playing music.
The End.