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Every week we will be starting a new Story Telling competition - with great prizes! The current prize is 2000 NP, plus a rare item!!! This is how it works...
We start a story and you have to write the next few paragraphs. We will select the best submissions every day and put it on the site, and then you have to write the next one, all the way until the story finishes. Got it? Well, submit your paragraphs below!
Story One Hundred and Fifty-Eight Ends December 19th
"Hmm, just one more carrot should do it...
there!" The red Scorchio stepped back and gazed upon the snowman he and
his friend had just created. Well, snow Scorchio to be precise. He
smiled down at his small green Kacheek friend, who had just finished
forming the legs and tail. "Chester my friend, I do believe our creation
is complete!"
Chester took a couple of steps back to admire the work, as well. "Yay!" he
yelled. "This was so fun, Randol... we should make a whole army of snow
pets!" he giggled.
Randol laughed. "Are you kidding? It took forever just to make this one!"
Randol reached under his fluffy red hat and pulled out a strange blue
vial. "However, I think this would add the last, perfect touch!"
"What's that, Randol?" said the Kacheek, peering up.
"This, my friend, is something I found in the woods," the Scorchio
explained. "I do believe it's faerie dust!"
Chester looked skeptical. "Faerie dust? I think you've been out in the
cold to long," he giggled.
Randol shrugged. "Maybe I have," he said, while popping the cork.
"But it never hurts to try!"
"Nope, never," agreed his Kacheek friend.
Randol sprinkled the fine dust over the head of The Snow Scorchio,
and watched as the blue powder settled onto its head. Several minutes
"Well, that was exciting." Chester chided.
Randol laughed. "Yeah. Oh well, it was worth the try! Come on, let's go
home... it's freezing out here."
"A truer statement, I've never heard!" laughed Chester, bounding through
the snow as they headed back towards town, hopping from footprint to
footprint, just as they'd been left by his friend.
Later that night, as the two friends were still fast asleep in their beds...
Author: Mah tuhng ith stuk ta a ithe thical!
Date: 15 December
...Randol suddenly awoke. Moonlight poured through his open window,
along with an icy wind. He struggled to his feet, wiping his eyes,
then muttered groggily, "How'd the window come open?"
The Scorchio reached to shut it, when a movement outside caught his eye.
He pressed his nose to the frosty glass, hardly daring to breathe.
"It can't be..." he muttered, giving his eyes a more vigorous rubbing.
But it was. Standing outside, face placid and unmoving, was The
Snow Scorchio he and Chester had made earlier that day.
Stifling an exclamation of shock, Randol threw on a robe and stuffed his
feet into his boots. He raced through the halls, not paying attention to
the clatter his heavy footsteps made in the deserted hall.
He went outside, running towards it. The Scorchio hesitantly reached
out a trembling finger toward the creation of snow. His uneven breath formed
clouds of mist in the winter air.
He touched The Snow Scorchio, and it did not move. Randol put his hand
back at his side, somewhat chagrined. "What did I expect?" he scoffed,
"After all, it can't truly be alive. It's dark, and I can't see properly.
For all I know, this is just another snow Scorchio that someone made
outside my window. It might not be the same one."
He went to turn away, deciding he would contact Chester in the morning,
and together they could go back to the woods where their snow Scorchio
undoubtedly still stood. The cold air and excitement of the holidays
were obviously getting to him.
And yet, as he turned toward the house, Randol fancied that The
Snow Scorchio's eyes glittered rather strangely...
Author: nurluen
Date: 15 December
...He stared at The Snow Scorchio for about a minute more, then
turned and hurried back to his house, feeling nearly frozen by now.
However, just as he placed his hand on the backdoor, Randol heard a moan. A
shiver ran through his body. He was too afraid to look, but was
curious now. He slowly turned around... and gasped!
There stood The Snow Scorchio. Its shiny black eyes stared back at
Randol, who gasped for breath, having forgotten to breathe for a moment.
"Help... me..." The Snow Scorchio moaned in a deep, almost unreal voice.
Randol screamed as he ran into the house, slamming the door behind him.
Randol quickly ran through the hall, not stopping until he reached his
room. He closed the door and locked it, and then shoved a chair in front
of the door. He stood by the door, listening. It was silent...
not a single moan. Randol flopped down in the corner of his room,
trying to calm himself down and stop shaking. "It was just your imagination...
it was just your imagination..." he continually whispered to himself.
He stared up at a tall, gold mirror, seeing only himself and the
surrounding room. Nothing out of the ordinary. He sighed and stared
at the ground, kicking a ball of dust under the bed. He glanced up at
the mirror again... to see The Snow Scorchio!
He quickly turned around, but saw that it was only a pile of clothes
on a chair. He breathed a deep sigh of relief, then climbed into his bed.
Randol pulled the blanket over himself, not daring to look around anymore.
He awoke the next morning, to find himself wondering whether it had
been real. It all just seemed like a dream now. He looked over at
the door, which he'd blocked off the night before... however, it was
no longer blocked. Everything was back in its original place...
perhaps it HAD been just a dream!
He laid back in bed for a few more minutes, then got up.
Reaching out for the door, Randol stopped suddenly, as he felt an ice
cold sensation wrap around his foot. He jumped back... to find a big
puddle of water on the floor!...
Author: _shannara
Date: 16 December
...Stifling the scream that set upon him, Randol closed his eyes to shut out
the sight. "This can't be real..." he murmured.
"But... it... can..." a low voice whispered. Randol ripped open his eyes,
looking frantically around. However, there was nothing to see. He peeked
out of the window, just to make sure there was nothing out there. That's
when he noticed footprints in the newly fallen snow... Scorchio footprints!
He knew that snow had fallen last night, covering up all of his tracks.
But there, right there, were footprints... what could it all mean?
Randol dressed in a flash, then rushed from his house. He'd ask Chester
what to do. After all, wasn't that what friends were for, giving you good
advice when you didn't know what to do? As he ran toward the road, Randol
thought he saw something in
the trees. However, the vision was gone as soon as it had appeared.
Randol rang the doorbell, again... and again... and again. However, nobody answered.
Randol had just given up, when suddenly, the door swung silently open.
However, it wasn't Chester who was standing at the door...
Author: rachelglodo
Date: 16 December
| was his older sister, an Aisha named Macey, and she was looking extremely annoyed.
"What is your problem?" she snapped. "If no one answers, it usually means we're not home... or we don't want to answer."
Randol rolled his eyes, too preoccupied to get angry.
"Where's Chester?" he asked impatiently. "I need to talk to him... it's really important."
Now it was Macey's turn to roll her eyes. "He was supposed to be going over to your house," she replied,
lifting a brow and giving him a how-dare-you-bother-me look. "He kept saying something about a snow Scorchio
that had come to life, and that he needed to warn you. I swear, sometimes I really do think that my brother has gone insane..."
Before Randol could utter another word, the door slammed shut in his face. He was stunned
into silence and paralysis. Had The Snow Scorchio come to Chester's, too? Randol hurried off in search of his friend...
Author: midnight_arabian
Date: 17 December
...He ran through the snow. Chester had obviously set out that morning,
since there were Kacheek footprints moving towards Randol's house. Randol followed these,
his quickened breath puffing out before him in a small cloud.
Randol shook his head, trying to clear his thoughts. It was probably nothing...
but hadn't he heard The Snow Scorchio itself talk? Nonsense. Things made out of snow
can't talk! he told himself, chuckling nervously.
As he walked, Randol became more couragous. His footsteps became more deliberate.
Chester was probably at his house, waiting for him at the door. They would have
a good laugh about the entire thing, and then it would be all over.
Soon, however, Randol noticed a set of Scorchio footprints in the snow, a little ways off.
He also noticed that Chester's footprints had veered towards the left, as though trying
to escape. Randol followed these, his heart beating wildly. It was getting harder
and harder for Randol to convince himself that this was some strange nightmare, or mean practical joke.
What if it had gotten Chester?
Randol began running, watching the footprints with his eyes. The Snow Scorchio's had been
gaining on Chester's... and it looked like it was running, too. Then, he found a spot where
it looked like Chester had fallen. Randol stared at the spot, before noticing that Chester's
footprints continued, right into a thick snow covered forest...
Author: xxstarry_bunnixx
Date: 17 December
...Randol felt of dread running up his spine, and he began to run
himself. Maybe he could catch Chester, help him, warn him... something.
He ran headlong through the snowy forest, dodging between dark, snow-laden
fir trees, always following the double sets of footprints. His mind whirred
with worry. What did The Snow Scorchio want? What if it had caught Chester?
He rounded a particularly large pine tree... and there was The Snow Scorchio,
standing in the middle of the clearing. Randol's heart stopped dead in his
chest. The Snow Scorchio's coal eyes glittered darkly, and it said in a
voice as cold and hollow as the drip of a melting icicle, it said, "Beware..."
Randol began to shake, but he summoned up all of his courage and shouted, "Where's
Chester? What happened to my friend?"
The Snow Scorchio took a moment to respond. "My... friend... now," he said,
then stepped aside. Behind him wasa snow Kacheek--that looked just like Chester!
"No!" Randol said in horror and disbelief. The Snow Scorchio began to shamble
forward, its arms extended, as if to give him a hug.
"I... want... more... friends," it said in an eerie voice. Randol was too
stunned with fear and horror to move quickly, and before he knew it, The Snow
Scorchio's arms had closed around him.
At The Snow Scorchio's touch, he felt himself getting cold--very cold. It
felt as though his heart had turned to ice. He then noticed a thin rime
of frost spreading over was spreading over his red scales. Oh no,
he thought, horror
stricken, It's going to turn me into a Snow Scorchio, too!
The fear was enough to spur him into action. With all the strength left in him,
he summoned up a blast of Scorchio fire and breathed it directly at The Snow Scorchio.
The Snow Scorchio staggered backwards, flinging up its arms in defense. Even as
he did so, however, the melted spots began to freeze solid again.
As Randol fled, he thought, it must be the magic faerie dust! It may be made
of snow, but it can heal! I have to find some way to save Chester--but how?
Then he realized: he had used faerie dust to create The Snow Scorchio.
He would have to find a faerie to help him solve this puzzle. Randol couldn't
think of a better faerie suited to help him than Taelia, the Snow Faerie.
It wasn't far to the Snow Faerie's lodge, especially for someone with wings.
Randol flew up from Happy Valley to the top of Terror Mountain, then knocked
furiously on the Snow Faerie's door. Finally, the Snow Faerie answered. She...
Author: barnowl42
Date: 18 December
...didn't look very happy.
"What is it?" Taelia snapped testily. Her hair was uncombed, and her make-up had
been sloppily applied.
"Uh... Ms. Taelia--oh, I mean, Ms. Snow Faerie..." Randol stuttered.
"Urgh! I don't have time for this, young Scorchio! Don't you realize I'm in a
crisis here?" Taelia screamed.
"What do you mean?" Randol inquired.
"My--my super-duper faerie dust... it's gone! I can't find where I put it, and if
someone were to get their hands on it... Brr! I wouldn't even want to
think about the havoc it could do!" Taelia cried desperately as she overturned her
sofa with ease, then checked under it. "Ugh, I don't know where it could be!"
"Umm... was this super-duper faerie dust of yours blue?" Randol asked, muttering as he took a
cautious step inside her igloo.
"Yes, yes... wait--how do you know that? Have you seen it?" the Faerie asked
"I think so, but--"
"Whoopeee! Thank goodness for little miracles! The Queen would have my hide
if I lost it!" Taelia did a pirouette in the air. "Where is it?"
"Um, it's not anywhere anymore," Randol said.
"What do you mean?" she asked.
"I-I used it on my snow Scorchio," Randol replied hesitantly.
The Snow Faerie froze. Her eyes then narrowed evilly as she stared at the Scorchio.
"You what?" she asked testily.
"I used it on my snow Scorchio," Randol squeaked. He almost would have rather
faced the dreaded Snow Scorchio.
Taelia did nothing but stare at him. She was at a loss for words.
"I'm really, really sorry! I didn't know what it could do... and now we've got an
even bigger problem. The Snow Scorchio came to life, and it wants friends. It already
took my friend Chester... and it nearly took me! I can't burn it--it just heals
back to normal again! Please, I need you to help me stop him!" Randol pleaded. The Snow Faerie
had to help him... she just had to!
Taelia stared at him, lips pursed.
"You know, what you did was very stupid," she finally remarked.
"Yes ma'am."
"You also know that it's your fault if the entire village gets turned into
snow creatures!"
"Yes ma'am," Randal whimpered. "So, will you help me?"
Taelia gazed at him and said...
Author: chipster33
Date: 18 December
..."I will bestow upon you my help." Her expression softened, as she began to
realize how frightened the poor Scorchio was. Randol's features
brightened a bit when he heard this wonderful news. "You must promise me
one thing," Taelia said, her stern voice returning.
"Anything!" Randol exclaimed ardently.
"Once this is all over, you must help me create another batch of super-duper
faerie dust... agreed?" the beautiful Snow Faerie replied, her features
hardening into a game face. Randol nodded eenthusiastically, then shook
Taelia's hand to make the deal final.
With that, the regal faerie and the red Scorchio descended Terror Mountain to
search for the vile snow creature.
The odd pair ventured into the snowy thicket of the forest, with Randol once again
following the footprints in the snow. When they came to the foggy grey clearing
where Randol had last found Chester, the space was vacant. Empty.
Where's Chester? Where's The Snow Scorchio?
Is Chester a regular Kacheek again? Hundreds of worried thoughts raced through
the troubled Scorchio's mind.
"This is where you found Chester and the Snow Scorchio?" Taelia asked, raising
a quizzical eyebrow.
"Y-yes," Randol replied shakily.
"But there's no one here," Taelia replied, her eyebrow still placed high upon
her forehead inquiringly. Randol detected a trace of skepticism in her tone.
B-but... this is where I... I don't understand!" the poor confused Scorchio mumbled,
perplexed. Suddenly there was a low soft groan from somewhere behind the
In an instant, the two readied themselves for battle. Taelia drew a dagger, made
of reinforced ice, from her long flowing coat and brandished it. Randol prepared
to blast fire. He knew the fire would not defeat The Snow Scorchio, but it would
at least slow the icy villain down. A snowy figure stumbled out of the bushes,
five feet from Taelia. The creature dragged itself closer to her, arms outstretched.
Suddenly striking him as familiar, Randol took a closer look at the snow creature.
The being let out another groan, which sounded like dead winter leaves scraping across
the ground. Realization slammed into Randol like a rocket. His heart pumped loudly
in his chest, and his breath came out in quicker, shorter blasts of air. The forlorn
creature stumbling around madly was...
Author: minxiechan
Date: 19 December
"Chester!" Randol cried, then he looked at Taelia. "What's wrong with him?"
"When he was turned into a snow pet, the 'disease' began to spread. Now,
your friend here can't keep from trying to turn more pets into snow," the Snow Faerie
explained. "However, since he is not the original snow pet, it will be
simple to change him back."
Taelia then raised her hands and mumbled a few words. Instantly, Chester
was back to normal!
"Chester!" Randol cried, "You're okay!"
"Oh my... thank you so much!" Chester said.
"Do you know where The Snow Scorchio is?" Taelia asked.
"Yeah!" Chester exclaimed, "Follow me!"
Randol and the Snow Faerie followed Chester into a large dark cave. "He's
back there," said Chester.
A low, moaning sound emerged from beyond the trees. It was The Snow
Scorchio! The creature pounced on Randol, who tried his best to get away, but The Snow
Scorchio was incredibly strong. Once again he felt an iciness begin to inch
up his skin. Seemingly from far away, he heard the Snow Faerie yell out some strange words
he could not understand. As he felt his body growing colder, and saw the
daylight as it seemed to become dim, Randol heard his friend Chester screaming, "Use your
fire! Use your fire!!!" Fighting against the darkness that was quickly spreading over his eyes
and mind, Randol took a deep breath, then blasted The Snow Scorchio with
everything he had left... before collapsing to the ground.
* * * * *
When Randol woke up, he found himself in Taelia's igloo. Examining himself,
he breathed a sigh of relief upon finding that he wasn't made of snow.
He then heard Taelia's voice. "Well, I'm glad to see that you two are okay.
You certainly have some very powerful fire breath. My magic was able to weaken its
resistance, but it was your fire that finally defeated it." She smiled, "Now,
you two can help me with my faerie dust. Oh, and the next time you get your hands on
something like that," she added with a grin, "make sure you know how it works
before using it."
Randol and Chester agreed wholeheartedly. It was a lot more fun building snowmen
than being one.
The End
Author: murplefloprules
Date: 19 December
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