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Every week we will be starting a new Story Telling competition - with great prizes! The current prize is 2000 NP, plus a rare item!!! This is how it works...
We start a story and you have to write the next few paragraphs. We will select the best submissions every day and put it on the site, and then you have to write the next one, all the way until the story finishes. Got it? Well, submit your paragraphs below!
Story One-Hundred and Forty-Six Ends September 26th
"Hmrf! You think you're all so pretty, don't you?" Vira
sneered, staring into the mirror she held in her hand. Gazing into the looking glass, she
saw a group of girls in the school bathroom, preening and combing their beautiful
fur, and adjusting bows. Vira's knuckles turned white from her grip on the mirror.
Her eyes burned at the image of a beautiful Acara, curling her eyelashes to perfection
as she chatted happily with her friends.
"Mirror, mirror..." Vira said in vain. Like that would do anything... to wish that
she was that Acara, and not the ugly monstrosity that she was now. She USED to be beautiful,
she USED to be popular, until that evil... Vira shook her head. That's enough of that
she thought. Her
burning thoughts turned towards the giggling Acara once again, who was now heading
out of the bathroom, looking... perfect. Rage began to consume Vira. Maybe... maybe
if she just concentrated hard enough? The mirror had magical properties. She knew it
did. "Make me her..." she whispered, closing her eyes and clutching the mirror to her chest.
She felt her skin prickle. Opening her eyes, Vira had to suppress a gasp. She saw an
Usul and Cybunny staring at her. "Are you okay, Kedra?" the Cybunny asked, looking at
her wide-eyed face.
It took a moment for Vira to realize the Cybunny was addressing her. "Of course I'm
fine!" she snapped. The Cybunny recoiled in surprise, and Vira realized her mistake. If
she didn't try to fit in, someone may catch on. "Um, I'm sorry, I... I was just...
not feeling well for a second. I'm fine now. Sorry." The Cybunny still seemed a bit
shaken, but nodded, accepting her excuse.
"Well, we'd better head off. No use looking beautiful in the bathroom!" the Usul
giggled. As they went out the door, Vira glanced at the mirror to admire herself,
and nearly fell over in shock. She may be in the Acara's body... but reflections
never lie.
Vira hurried out, before the mirror could reveal her true form...
Author: Questions? Comments? Send them to 1-800... er,
Date: 22 September
...deftly slamming the bathroom door behind her. She stood, her back pressed to it momentarily,
inhaling sharply while trying to catch up with her thoughts, which were racing five paces ahead of her.
The Cybunny and Usul, her apparent friends, looked at her quizzically.
"Are you sure you're okay Kedra?" the Usul asked, cocking an eyebrow at her estranged friend.
"Maybe you should go to the Nurse or something--"
"I already said I was fine!" she said, strangling the annoyance that tried to rise in her throat. I'll
just have to get used to company again... Vira thought to herself.
"Well, I'll catch up with you and Kedra after school, Delia!" the Cybunny proclaimed to her
two friends, then hopped away to her next class. Before leaving, she cast one last suspicious
glance at "Kedra".
"Yeah... I'd better be going, too... Delia." Vira struggled to remember the Usul's name. Slowly,
she started to stride down the hallway, not quite sure where to go, but hoping one of her
many obvious admirers would point out her way.
"Kedra, wait up!" Delia called out. We have our last class together!" The Usul ran to catch up with Kedra, who
was already halfway down the hall. "Are you SURE you're feeling better? I hope you'll be able
to participate tomorrow! We've all been looking forward to it for months!"
Vira smiled as Delia went on explaining the event that was to come tomorrow. The reality of where she
was still sung inside of her. She was pretty... no, beautiful... living the life that should have rightfully
been hers in the first place. It was a tune that she would have to grow accustomed to once again.
* * * * *
The youthful Acara danced playfully in the rain that had started to fall; school had been over
for only a few moments, so she and Delia were waiting for their Cybunny friend to turn up.
Vira still wasn't sure of her name yet.
"Does my hair really shine when the sun hits it?" The words giggled out of Vira's mouth as she
asked the Usul standing next to her for an answer.
"For what must be the 700th time, yes!" Delia threw up her hands in exasperation as she glanced
sideways at her strangely-acting friend. She had been asking questions like that all day. "Jillian,
over here!" Her thoughts changed suddenly as she spotted her Cybunny friend hop out of the school
"Can you believe this weather?" Jillian said, returning the greeting. "My fur will get positively mussed
in this rain! We'd better hurry home fast!"
The word caught Vira off guard. It had been so long since she'd thought of being part of a
family. She stopped dodging the rain drops as Jillian and Delia started away, chasing after
them with this new word of hope. Suddenly, something out of the corner of her eye caught Vira's
attention. A perfectly serene puddle, glassy and smooth on top, no ripple of disturbance daring
to scar its surface.
She walked over to the curiosity, knowing full well what she would see, but she looked into its
depths anyways. There she was. Not the beautiful, popular Acara she was hiding in... but her.
A slight laugh escaped her lips, tumbling onto the puddle's surface, ripples suddenly bursting
from the center. A laugh that was not commonly ushered by happy little girls.
With new thoughts darting through her head, she dashed up to Jillian and Delia, contemplating her
school day tomorrow. But first, something else had to be done.
* * * * *
Vira approached her own house, the one where, for many years, she had taken refuge in hiding her scaly
complexion. Gingerly she turned the door knob, hopping inside while making sure that no one had seen her enter.
Quietly she strode upstairs, where Vira was greeted with a piteous wailing sound. It was a sound she had
expected; the sound was coming from her old room. Smiling, she stepped inside...
"YOU! I mean... ME?!?" It was the old Vira, although her body was now filled with another, who stood
in front of the smirking youth. "Please, what's happening?" She wailed even louder, casting her eyes to the
ceiling and stomping a foot on the floor.
The real Vira eyed her coolly. "What? You don't like being me? You know, some people considered me
quite the beautiful one..."
She stopped to laugh as Kedra cast a fearful look her way. "Yo-you mean you kn-know what's
going on?"
"What have they taught you in that school, dear?!? Of course... isn't it obvious?" Kedra shook her
head, which happened to be Vira's head...
Vira sighed. "Well, I suppose I'll just have to tell you. However, you have to promise... no more of that awful,
awful wailing." She laughed cruelly, relating the whole story, but careful to leave the part out
about her wanting to become someone more beautiful.
At first, fear and confusion had risen in Kedra's heart. Quickly, though, as the story was being told,
those feelings had been replaced with hate, anger, and spite.
"Change me back... now!" Kedra hissed, but this just sent Vira into another fit of spine-tingling
"Who do you think you're talking to, pretty? I am Vira, a proud member of the Gallery of Evil!"
She said her last words almost triumphantly.
"You forget, O Evil One," Kedra's said, her mocking words sending Vira into a fit of silent anger, "I
have your magic mirror!"
Her words certainly caught Vira off guard. While the former Kedra held up the jewel-studded mirror,
each orb shone as a mockery of Vira's looks.
"Now, now, Vira..."
Ignoring her outburst with a wave of her manicured paw, Vira continued, "I don't honestly believe
that you can work my mirror. After all, even I don't know all the powers that it holds. Now, if you'll
excuse me, I have to be going. I've got a special event at school tomorrow, you see." Vira viewed Kedra's
questioning gaze with pleasure, then continued. "The School Beauty Pageant is after classes tomorrow.
I have to look my best from now on, don't I?" she sneered, a look that wasn't meant to cross her now-youthful face.
"How... do you know I-I won't follow you out?!?" Kedra screamed in angst, trying to fish for a way to
get her life back.
"Honestly... no one wants to see you, Vira. Even I know that you won't risk the ridicule of all
the other pets." She spat her words out, twisting a delicate paw around the door handle and leaving.
"Oh... I may not be able to control your mirror yet, Vira. Just you wait and see, though. Tomorrow is
another day..."
Author: lucki_ducki
Date: 22 August
..."And the winner of the NeoSchool Beauty Pageant is..." announced the red Kyrii as he opened
the envelope. "KEDRA THE ACARA!"
Kedra felt her eyes fill with happy tears as she received hugs from the runners up. She couldn't
remember ever being so happy as she was given the sash, red roses, and a beautiful diamond-studded
tiara. Kedra walked down the catwalk, waving to her many admirers and friends who all cheered
for her.
"This is just so wonderful," she said into the microphone. "I just want to thank my best friends,
Jillian and Delia. Without their help, I wouldn't even be..."
Just then, a scream came from the audience. "Look!" cried a brown Ixi, pointing a hoof at Kedra.
"Something's happening to her!"
Kedra wasn't sure what the Ixi was talking about, until she looked down at her hand and saw that her
perfectly manicured nails were growing long and sharp, almost like claws. Her fur was turning a
strange shade of green, and had begun to look like she had scales. Kedra's eyes widened in fear,
as her whole body started to mutate; twisted horns pierced out of her skull, and a pointed tail
stuck out of her dress. Finally, wings erupted from her back.
Kedra fell to her knees, gasping for air. "Kedra!" she heard Delia cry. As she looked up to gaze
at her friends, Delia and Jillian gasped as they stepped away from her. "You're... you're not Kedra!"
said Delia.
"Delia!" Kedra cried. "Yes I am! It's me!"
"No... you're a monster!"
"Monster... monster..." repeated Jillian, in almost a zombie like voice. Soon the entire assembly
was joining in the chant.
"Monster... monster... monster..."
"NOOO!" cried Kedra, covering her ears as the chant grew louder. "I'm Kedra! I'm not a monster!
I'm NOT!!!"
Kedra sat up, drenched in a cold sweat as she slowly awoke from her horrifying nightmare. "It...
it was all a dream!" she whispered. "Oh, thank good..." As she was about to run her fingers
through her silky hair, she felt twisted horns atop her head. Looking around, Kedra saw she was
in Vira's room, wearing Vira's clothes, and sleeping in Vira's bed. She was still Vira. Kedra closed
her eyes and sighed sadly. She had awoken from a new nightmare, only to return to her old one.
"This isn't fair!" she cried. Then, looking over, she saw the magic mirror sitting on her (or
Vira's) nightstand. Grabbing it, she wrung the mirror tightly in her paws, shouting at it. "Change me
back! NOW!" There was no reaction. "I'm Kedra, do you hear me? KE-DRA!" There was still no response. In pure frustration,
she tossed the mirror upon the mattress, then flung herself face-first into her pillow, crying
sorrowful tears.
"It's not fair!" she whimpered. "It's not fair..."
Kedra felt her nose filling with mucus, so she reached over to grab a tissue. As she lifted
it to her
nose, the tissue suddenly flew out of her paws. Kedra opened her eyes in surprise, to find a little
Ghostkerchief floating before her. It merely gazed at her with its tiny, blank eyes.
Vira has a Petpet, Kedra thought. She slowly reached out to the Petpet, but it quickly flew
away under the dresser.
"No!" she cried, getting out of bed. "No, it's ok! I won't hurt you." If there was one thing
that Kedra needed at that moment, it was a friend, even if it was a creature from the Haunted Woods.
She looked over and saw a water bowl, with "Hexter" written upon it, sitting on top of yesterday's
issue of the Neopian Times.
"Um... c'mere Hexter," Kedra said again. "It's all right, I won't hurt you."
Hexter slowly poked his head out from under the dresser and gazed at his "master" oddly. She had
never seemed so... nice before. He slowly emerged and floated towards Kedra as she gently took him
in her arms. At first he seemed uneasy, but then relaxed as he rested
his head under Kedra's chin.
"At least someone isn't afraid of me," Kedra said quietly. "Oh, what am I going to do? As long
as Vira's in my body, there's no way anybody's going to believe that I'm her and she's me. If only
someone could show me how to work that stupid mirror!"
As she sat there against the bed with Hexter in her hands, she glanced down at the Neopian
Times again. It was opened to the Shop Ad section, and what Kedra saw in the middle of the page
sparked an idea in her mind...
Author: bitsy_dj
Date: 23 September
... "KAUVARA'S MAGIC SHOP!" she read aloud. Kedra thought for a second... maybe she could buy
a morphing potion?!? If that didn't help, maybe Kauvara could teach her how to use the magic
mirror?!? Now, how will I get there? After all, it's not like I can really just walk into crowd,
she stewed.
Kedra stood up and Hexter fell from her lap, then hovered in the air.
"Great idea!" she exclaimed. Hexter, startled, hovered under Vira's gray bed. Kedra looked
into her blind spots and saw Vira's great wings bursting from her body. She concentrated hard.
Move, wings... move, she thought.
Her wings began to beat, faster and faster, and as a result she rose higher and higher, until
bumping her head on the roof. "Come on, Hexter... we're going for a walk--er, fly!" Kedra had
a hard time controlling her flight at first, but soon enough she got the hang of it.
"We're almost there," she shouted, flying in the direction of the Magic Shop.
Out of nowhere, a large figure flew past her in the opposite direction. It was the Pant Devil.
"Vira? Where are you going?" he asked, stopping in midair.
"Oh," Kedra exclaimed in surprise. "Uh, I was just... umm.."
"The Evil Denizens of Neopia meeting is starting soon. We'd better hurry."
Not sure how to get out of the situation, she could only agree. "Yes, of course," Kedra said,
with Vira's scratchy voice uttering her words. "Hexter!" she called.
Kedra had followed the Pant Devil for about ten minutes when they came upon the Haunted Woods. She
looked around, seeing witches and monsters, but her temporary body fit right in. They landed
in front of the Battledome and walked in. The Pant Devil led her into a large room with a giant
round table. Sitting in one of the chairs, Kedra soon heard a loud, thundering voice.
"VIRA! What, my dear, are you doing in MY seat?"
Kedra's stomach twisted into a knot, as she looked up to find a very large Doctor Sloth towering over her...
Author: 00bunnie00
Date: 23 August
...She felt very, very sick. "I-I was j-just..."
"Vira, I'm amazed!" Dr. Sloth exclaimed. "You're not yourself." He almost looked concerned,
but Sloth's face quickly turned to stone. "Move this instant... go sit in your own seat,
Vira! Come now, quickly!"
Vira got up and looked around warily. She hopefully turned towards Hexter, who was floating around.
"Hexter," she whispered. "Where is my seat?"
The Ghostkerchief seemed to understand, floating down a few rows and hovering over one of the
Battledome seats. Vira nodded and sat down.
A clap of thunder soon sounded through the room, and the last one to enter the Battledome
finally arrived. It was Jhudora.
The meeting started as she walked to the front of the room. "Evil villains of Neopia," Jhudora
started. "We are close to attaining our goal of conquering Neopia, as Vira has, at last, taken
form in the body of another. If
all goes well, the world will take a turn for the worse." The Dark Faerie eyed Kedra. "This
is a traitor," she said, pointing a finger accusingly. "Seize her!"
After a confused pause, the Battledome became a mass of confusion and chaos, as the villains
tumbled over each other to reach Kedra first.
In a panic, Kedra took off in a crooked flight, with Hexter in hand. She raced out of the
building, the other flying pets right on her tail.
Before long she'd reached Neopia Central, and was nearing Kauvara's Magic Shop. However,
she was not sure about being able to keep up the pace for much longer. Her wings sagged
as she flew, slower
and slower, closer to the ground with every flap of her wings. Suddenly, the Pant Devil
grabbed onto her leg...
Author: tolkienlordofthering
Date: 24 September
..."Get off me!" Kedra cried, shaking her leg frantically, but to no avail.
With a sudden movement, Hexter flew at the Pant Devil and bit him on the arm that was
grasping Kedra. With a scream the Pant Devil let go. Kedra raced into the Magic Shop,
with Hexter close behind. She immediately locked the door, then collapsed with a sigh.
"What's going on?" asked a voice that came from behind one of the shelves, "Who's there?"
Kauvara peeked out from behind the shelf and, seeing all the evil villains hovering
outside her door, gasped.
"I can explain!" Kedra said hurriedly, then began to share her story.
By the time Kedra had finished, Kauvara had taken her back into the storage room, to evade the
racket coming from the villains locked outside. Kauvara had always kept magical wardings, to stop
thieves and villians from getting into her magical supplies. That is one of the reasons why
she believed the young Acara... if she really HAD been the real Vira, she could not have
crossed the threshold into the shop.
"So, what're we going to do?" Kedra said. She didn't want to be in Vira's body for another instant.
Kauvara stared ahead for what seemed like days. Finally, her eyes lit up. "I know just what
we'll do!"...
Author: ninaj26
Date: 24 August
..."I have another magic mirror in the back of my shop, which looks just like the one
that Vira used to transform
into you. This one, however, is made of positive energy, and will reverse the effects.
I only just remembered about it now. Stay here, I'll be right back."
Kedra nodded in agreement as a relieved smile spread across her face. She'd been starting
to lose hope, but had now realized that there WAS a way to get out of Vira's cold, ugly body.
Minutes later Kauvara arrived, holding a mirror in her hooves. She placed it onto the table,
but by now a serious, somewhat anxious expression appeared upon the Kau's face.
"What's wrong, Kauvara?" asked Kedra, the smile slipping from her face.
"In order to reverse the effects, you're going to have to face Vira. It won't work otherwise.
Vira is strong, clever and witty. She'll sense what you're up to, and will stop at nothing to
prevent you from turning her into her true self again. She could even destroy you."
"What?!" shouted Kedra, her mouth wide open. "There's gotta be another way! I don't
want to put myself in any danger!"
"Danger is inevitable, Kedra. If you want to be free of Vira's body, and become yourself again,
then you must face danger. Be strong and you will succeed."
"Thank you, Kauvara but um..."
"You want to know how to use the mirror?"
Kedra nodded.
"Hold the mirror towards Vira's face; she's got to look straight at it. It will only
take a few seconds, but during those seconds, Vira will try her best to evade the mirror.
You must do whatever is necessary to succeed."
Kedra gulped and her heart fluttered with nervousness. She had to overcome her fear, though, if
she wanted to be free of this cursed body.
"I'll ward off the other beasts that are outside the door," said Kauvara. She lifted a blue
orb from the table and muttered a few words. Kedra then heard screams of anger and pain from outside.
"They won't be coming back here for a while," Kauvara said. "Now go, Kedra. Go to the school
and see Vira before it's too late!"...
Author: ginger23456
Date: 25 September
...Kedra walked across the room, holding out a shaky paw towards the door handle.
"Thank you, Kauvara. I really appreciate it." Kedra said, in Vira's cold, rasping voice.
Kauvara nodded, ushering Kedra out the door. However, just as Kedra was going,
Kauvara held her back. "Wait, Kedra... I think you'd better take this," Kauvara said, handing
over a small dark orb on a silver chain. "This shall help protect you from Vira's dark powers,
if she still has them in your form," the Kau explained.
Kedra smiled, then took the orb and placed it around her neck.
"Take care, Kedra... and remember, she must look straight into the mirror!"
Kauvara sang as Kedra took flight. Hexter flew off right behind her.
It wasn't long before they found themselves near the school.
"Well... here it is, Hexter. Time to face Vira," Kedra said.
Hexter puffed out his ghostly chest and nuzzled his head into Kedra's cheek.
It seemed as though he liked his new master.
As they landed near the entrance, Kedra looked around wearily.
"Well, here we go..." Kedra said, then pushed open the front doors.
She could hear announcements in the background while stumbling down the hallways.
They finally came to the assembly room. Just as she peeked through the opened doorway,
Vira, as her former self, walked onstage...
Author: forbiddenonly
Date: 25 August
...Kedra, in Vira's body, snuck through the shadows of the room, to see what exactly was
happening at that moment.
"And now," the Kyrii principal boomed with excitement, "Let's take a listen to what our next
contestant has to say!"
There was a sudden surge of applause as the creature in Kedra's body stepped up to the microphone.
"Hello, I'm Kedra, Contestant 9 of the Annual Neoschool Beauty Pageant," the Acara said.
Her voice echoed throughout the room.
The Acara was in a beautiful red lace gown, and her face was glowing radiantly.
"Now Kedra, please tell us a bit about yourself, and why you should win this competition,"
one of the judges, an Aisha, instructed Vira.
"Well, my name is Kedra and I'm an honor student. My hobbies include playing dress-up,
fooling around with my bestest buddies--" she gave a wink to Jillian and Delia, who winked
back, "and looking beautiful. I should win this competition because I believe that I am the
the most qualified, not to mention beautiful, contestant in this competition. I am highly
enthusiastic, and love to have fun!"
The audience broke out into huge applause, as they had with the other eight contestants.
"Very well, then," another judge said, grinning widely. "It is time for us to choose the winner."
Back in the shadows, Kedra clutched the mirror in one of Vira's hideous paws. The orb
Kauvara had given her was still around her neck. Hexter was spinning around in the air.
After a few minutes of discussion, the judges seemingly came to a decision.
"I am pleased to announce the winner of this year's Annual Neoschool Beauty
Pageant," a Moehog at the judges table boomed, "The lucky winner of the competition is...
Kedra the Acara!"
The Acara stepped up boldly from the row of contestants to receive her tiara, bouquet of
roses, and a nice, beautiful golden trophy.
However, as soon as Vira grasped the flowers, they started to wither and turn brown; crumpling,
then falling to the floor.
The crowd gasped. A cold gust of wind suddenly blew into the assembly room and swirled
around the Acara. The roof blew off the auditorium, and dark clouds swirled above.
Although she was in Kedra's body, Vira still caused nature to do horrible things. The crowd
became a ruckus of pets, thrashing wildly to escape the disaster.
The crowd eventually left the room, and Kedra took this as a sign to start her siege
on Vira to get her body back.
The Acara on stage cackled with delight, pleased to see that she had wreaked havoc upon
the school. She then grew angry, though, because her secret had been revealed. The winds blew violently as
Kedra and Hexter strained to approach Vira.
"Vira, I see you!" the evil Acara in Kedra's body roared coldly, narrowing Kedra's eyes.
"Stop it! As much as you'd like it to be so, I am NOT YOU!" Kedra screamed, pouncing onto the
stage. The wind continued to pick up as Vira grew angrier. Lightning began to strike, and
the walls of the room blew away. Rain began to pour down as the auditorium fell to pieces from
the violent winds of the storm.
"You foolish, pathetic excuse for a Neopet... you stand no chance against me!" Vira said,
laughing maniacally.
She raised Kedra's paws, shooting out little black bolts that seemed to swirl towards Kedra, as if
she were a magnet. The dark reflectorb, however, deflected the darkness attack away from her
body. However, the bolts found a new victim...
Kedra saw a little white cloth plunge to the floor and lie there, completely still.
"HEXTER!" she cried, tears starting to pour from her face. I've got to save him,
Kedra thought to herself, If it weren't for me, he wouldn't be wrapped up in this mess!
I've got to do something!
In a fit of desperation, Kedra leapt up in a fit of desperation and, beating her wings,
flew over to the other Acara--her own body--and raised the mirror in front of her
opponent's face.
"It's payback time!"...
Author: hybrid_insomniac
Date: 26 September
...Vira looked straight into the mirror at first, not realizing what it was. She then screamed,
backing away as far as she could.
"G-Get that thing away from me!" she scowled viciously. "You can't let me be Vira again... I'm
YOU now!"
Kedra walked forward, holding the mirror towards Vira's eyes. Vira, however, had other ideas.
She leapt up into the air and jumped on Kedra, shocking her as she knocked the magical mirror
out of her grasp and onto the floor.
"No!" Kedra yelled as Vira pinned her to the floor, laughing insanely.
"You see, VIRA," the real Vira said in a mocking voice, "You can't defeat me... no one can!
I'm going to finish you now, so that I can finally be at peace in your body!"
Vira leapt up from Kedra and raised her arms. Black bolts erupted from her hands, but Kedra
managed to evade them all. She could see the mirror lying on the floor, but Vira was already
running quickly towards it. Just when Kedra thought that all hope was lost, she heard an
agonising scream.
"Aaaagggghhh! Get off me!" Vira screamed.
Hexter had latched onto her back, and was starting to bite her. With all the strength
he could muster, the little Petpet clung to his former master's back, giving Kedra
a chance to retrieve the mirror.
The Acara ran up to the mirror, grabbing it from off the floor. She then ran up to Vira, who
could no longer move, as Hextor tried in vain to prevent her from escaping his grasp.
"You put up a fight, Vira... and you lost. This time, it really IS the end for you," Kedra
said, almost breathlessly.
She raised the mirror to Vira's face.
"NOOO!" cried Vira. "I don't want to be ugly again! Hexter, Hexter... let me go!"
However, the little Ghostkerchief wouldn't let go. It was clear that he loved Kedra, and
wanted her to win.
The positive energy in the mirror was beginning to work. Kedra's facial features were
beginning to fade and now. Instead of beautiful blue eyes, evil red eyes were showing
instead. Her skin started to change colour, into a dank, greyish green tone. A set of horns sprouted
from her head.
It wasn't just Vira who was changing, though... Kedra was, too. Her head was spinning, and for a
second it seemed like she would lose her grasp of the mirror. Her paws were pretty once again,
and her breathing was no longer shallow and raspy. Realising that the job had now been
completed, she dropped her paws and let go of the mirror, dropping it to the ground.
Vira looked at her own paws and screamed.
"This can't be! I'm... ugly once more! I've been beaten by a vain, weak Acara! Come Hexter,
we're going! Did you hear me? We're GOING!"
However, Hexter would not obey her orders. Instead he flew to Kedra and landed on her shoulder,
nudging her lovingly.
Vira cringed at the sight of them, then turned to fly away. However, before she went, Vira yelled,
"You might have beaten me now, Kedra... but next time, you won't be so lucky!"
With those words, Vira vanished from the room and disappeared into the sky. Kedra turned her
head towards Hexter and whispered, "I'm your new owner now, Hex! How do you feel about that?"
The Petpet sighed happily as he nudged the Acara once more.
"Kedra!" yelled familiar voices.
She turned around to find an Usul and Cybunny running up to her.
"It's you!" they cried. "It's really you! We saw what happened, and knew that it couldn't
have been you. We're so glad that you're back!"
"Me, too!" Kedra said happily, hugging her Ghostkerchief.
"But Kedra," her friends asked, "what if she tries it again?"
"Don't worry," the Acara said, grinning. "I think it will take quite some time for Vira
to find her mirror again." Giving Hexter a gentle shake, she laughed as Vira's mirror fell
out from under his cloth body. "Hexter, you are one awesome Petpet."
The End
Author: ginger23456
Date: 26 August
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