Storytelling Competition - (click for the map) | (printer friendly version)
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Every week we will be starting a new Story Telling competition - with great prizes! The current prize is 2000 NP, plus a rare item!!! This is how it works...
We start a story and you have to write the next few paragraphs. We will select the best submissions every day and put it on the site, and then you have to write the next one, all the way until the story finishes. Got it? Well, submit your paragraphs below!
Story One-Hundred and Thirty-Three Ends June 27th
"Hooray! I'm here at last!" Leroy shouted merrily as he
he jumped off the boat and onto the dock. He drew in a deep breath, basking in the wonderful
smell of the island air. After all those years living in the cold climate of Happy Valley,
he couldn't wait to begin his new life here on Roo Island.
The Blumaroo slung his pack over his shoulder, and brought a map out of his pocket. He
turned it around a few times, trying to get his bearings. He decided, finally, that
he was on the Eastern side of the island. In the distance ahead of him, he could make out
a large castle that appeared to be in the shape of a very large Blumaroo.
The ship's captain had suggested he first go to the visitor's center, just north of the
docks. He pushed open the glass doors of the red building, shaped like a Blumaroo tail.
Inside, he found all sorts of maps, advertisements for fun things to do, as well as
some coupons for the shops.
He grabbed all sorts of fliers, excited to learn all about his new home. There
were so many, he felt quite overwhelmed, and decided that on his first day, he
would just enjoy a pleasant walk around the island and meet his new neighbors.
Walking out of the visitor's center, he headed down a winding dirt path. The locals
all seemed very friendly, telling him their favourite sights and things to do. Most
of them were Blumaroos, but other pets had made this place their home as well.
Eventually Leroy came to a crossroad, with a wooden sign pointing in many directions.
After carefully reading what they all led to, he decided to follow the one pointing...
Author: Questions? Comments? Send them to 1-800... er,
Date: 23 June
| Grandma Roo's Cafe. After the journey due south, he thought he'd enjoy a nice,
hearty brunch. After all, his stomach was starting to churn and growl, practically
begging for food. So he headed off towards Blumaria, where the sign pointed.
He took in all of the lovely sights of the island--everything from the crisp, green
grass to the nice, bright morning sun.
As he walked down the winding road to the cafe, Leroy bumped into a friendly spotted
Blumaroo trimming a patch of grass.
"Erm... I'm sorry," Leroy murmured, backing off a bit.
"Ah, 'tis alright mate! Doesn't bother me a bit!" the Blumaroo squealed, grinning
gleefully, "What's your name, ickle fella?"
Leroy took a step closer, noticing the friendly Blumaroo's heavy accent.
"Um, my name is Leroy," said the Blumaroo, his yellow cheeks turning a rather bright pink.
"I see! Me name is Roghar," said the other, still grinning. "Where is it yah come
from, mahbuddy?"
"Oh, um, Happy Valley!" Leroy said, happy to have already made a friend.
"Ooh, Happy Valley? I see!" cried Roghar. "Well, I guess 'tis time for meh tah get
back to me gardening! See yah around the island, kiddo!"
"Alright!" squeaked Leroy, waving at his new pal. So then he continued on his way to the
cafe. He bounced by hills and passed bright shrubs and tall trees. You know,
Leroy thought to himself, I think I'm really gonna like it here!
The small cafe began to come into view. It was made of little red bricks and had
quite a few windows. A small little chimney seemed to pop out of the roof, emitting
little puffs of smoke every few seconds.
Leroy, who had become quite excited, trotted over to the little picket fence. He
gave the gate a bit of a shove and it slid right open. He hurried up the walkway
and pulled open the squeaky wooden door. He then bounced inside...
Author: hybrid_insomniac
Date: 23 June
...Leroy smiled as he was overwhelmed by the warm smell of coffee. The cafe was full of
chatting Blumaroos, eating biscuits and slurping their drinks. Some had buried their heads
in copies of The Roo Times (the local newspaper), a few were sitting at the counter,
while others were talking in large conversations and exchanging jokes.
Leroy bounced up to the counter. A pretty Blumaroo maid grinned.
"What would you like?" she asked sweetly.
"Um..." Leroy looked around at the drinks that the others had. Tea, coffee, juice...
"The best drink 'ere is a bit of the ol' hot chocolate!" a voice boomed from behind the
young Blumaroo, making him jump.
Leroy whipped around, and felt relieved to see that the voice had belonged to
his new friend, Roghar.
"Just finished me grass cuttin'," Roghar grinned, showing a few yellow teeth,
"Thought I'd come in 'ere for a cup er two."
"Cool," Leroy smiled, "So... the hot chocolate's the best?"
"It sure is, a famous drink amongst us Roos!" Roghar laughed, "Why not come
sit wif 'ee? T'would be a sorry sight ta see ye sittin' a lonesome on this merry ol'
day, and durin' yer first hour on Roo Island, too!"
"Alright, I'll sit with you," Leroy chuckled.
They ordered their hot chocolates, then sat down at the
nearest table.
"So... anything interesting happening on n Roo Island nowadays?" Leroy asked, sipping
his mug.
"Oh, I wouldn't say INTERSTIN'," Roghar boomed, taking a large swig from his drink,
"But there are rumours-- lots o' rumours skippin' and hoppin' about the place..."
"What rumours?" Leroy asked, putting his mug down, but licking the chocolately
foam that had spilt down the side.
"Well, summink's not right, ya see," Roghar said in a hushed voice, "The old King
Roo is apparently up ta summink... he ain't been right this past month. Been
keepin' to 'imself, not really talkin' ta anyone... even 'is servants are
confused wif what's goin' on and all..."
"I don't understand... what's so wrong about keeping to yourself?" Leroy asked.
"Well..." Roghar slurped from his tankard, spilling rum down his front, "His
servants have found funny things in his room... like gold scattered about the place.
I know he's rich an' all, but its not like 'im to leave his money lying around the
floor. Also, they found a funny sort of map... or summink like dat... and when King
Roo saw 'em wif it, he snatched it away and got in a right old tantrum..."
"I wonder what's up with him?" Leroy asked, drinking his hot chocolate thoughtfully.
A few warm, peaceful hours passed. Leroy knew he loved his new life in Roo Island.
He never wanted to leave it, and he and Roghar had become very good friends.
"Well, perhaps I should order some more drinks? Me mug's gone dry an' empty...
you want some more chocolate, too?" Roghar
asked, getting to his feet.
"Yeah, sure. I've just finished mine. It was really delicious and-"
In the middle of Leroy's sentence, the cafe doors flung open. A young, breathless
looking Blumaroo burst in. He gasped for air, and then yelled out, "TERRIBLE NEWS!
"What's wrong?" the whole of the cafe rushed forward eagerly.
The Blumaroo took a deep breath. "THE KING!" he bellowed,
Author: silver_sky12232
Date: 24 June
At those words all the pets in the cafe started to panic!
Without our king, what ever shall we do?" a blue Blumaroo said in terror.
"I can't believe it... how could this have happened?" asked a red Blumaroo.
Roghar then gave a terrible yell, and the Blumaroos came to a stop.
"Now me fellow Blumaroos, ye King Roo can't be too far away. He might still
be in this island."
Turning to Leroy, Roghar said, "Please, me dear Blumaroo. Go to the Roo Castle
and ask Advisor Broo to organize a search party."
"Okay, I'll do my best," replied Leroy. With that, Leroy raced out of the cafe.
When Leroy arrived at the castle, he found nobody. Searching for anyone
that might be left, he wandered into the King's room without knowing.
"It's a total mess in here," Leroy muttered to himself. "My room is even
cleaner than this."
So then Leroy started to clean up the place. While cleaning the place up,
he accidentally stepped on a die. Looking at the die, Leroy noticed that he'd
never seen one like that before in his life.
The die was made out of pure gold; however, all the sides, except for one,
had been left blank.
That side had a very strange marking, which looked like a letter "R".
"That's strange," said Leroy, "I've never seen anything like that, not even in
Remembering that nobody was in the castle, and that the king was missing,
Leroy took the strange die away and headed out of the castle.
However, just as Leroy was about to exit the King's quarters, a paw came out
from behind him, covering his mouth and eyes...
Author: mimer32
Date: 24 June
..."Quiet!" said the owner of the paw. "We're not safe here."
"But... who are you?" asked Leroy.
"Not here," said the mysterious figure. "Come on."
Leroy felt himself being dragged down several flights of stairs, into what
smelled like a dungeon. His eyes were abruptly uncovered, and he found that
he was indeed in an old, apparently abandoned dungeon. He looked around and saw
that the owner of the paw (an Island Kougra) was lighting a torch. This done,
the Kougra came over and spoke to Leroy.
"Let's have a look at that die you picked up," he said.
"Who are you?" asked Leroy again.
"The name's Swifter," said the Kougra, "and "I've been investigating a
gang called the 'Golden Rarities.' They've been plotting to overthrow King Roo and take over the
Island for a while now."
"Are they behind this whole thing?" asked Leroy.
"Yes," answered Swifter. "And they left their trademark die, the one you're
holding, at the scene of the crime."
Examining the die in Leroy's hand, Swifter grinned.
"This is their symbol, all right. They must have taken the King to their hideout
in the jungle, in the southernmost part of the island."
"Well," said Swifter as he stood up, "I'm the only one who knows where they are,
and I'm going to find 'em. You wanna come along, kid?"
"You bet I do!" said Leroy. Grabbing a bottle of water as he left town, he
followed Swifter out of the castle and down the dirt path that lead to the jungle.
Along the way, Leroy thought about this group, and what they might be doing to the King...
Author: teddybeargirl3451
Date: 25 June
...Leroy shivered and continued following Swifter down the path.
"You cold, kid?" Swifter asked him.
Leroy blushed, embarrassed at being referred to as a child, and shook his head.
Swifter nodded and began walking faster.
"We're almost there, just a few more minutes." Swifter whispered, putting his
finger to his lips to keep Leroy from replying.
Leroy stopped for a second to take a drink of water and catch his breath.
Swifter reluctantly stopped with him.
"I can't believe we're doing this!" said a voice coming from further down the path.
"Giz's gone crazy, trying to sacrifice the King and all!"
Swifter grabbed Leroy's arm and dove into the nearest bush. It was all Leroy
could do to keep from crying out as the branches scraped his skin. Leroy's
stomach lurched as he thought of the King being sacrificed. As the two strangers
grew nearer, Leroy still couldn't make out what kind of pets they were.
"You're completely right, Rock," another voice said.
The two laughed. Leroy had no idea why, and the conversation stopped. They
walked down the path in silence. They weren't 5 feet past Swifter and Leroy
when Swifter jumped out and wrestled the two to the ground. He kept his paws
over their mouths to keep them quiet.
Leroy jumped out to help, and held one down while Swifter interrogated the
other. Leroy got a closer look.
"Roghar!" Leroy's eyes grew wide, and a thousand questions raced through his
mind. "Don't tell me you're in this!"
Leroy stared at Roghar with watery eyes, and removed his paw so his old friend
could reply.
"Sorry kid, I tried ta send ya 'way, but..." Roghar whispered.
Before Leroy could stop him, Roghar sunk his teeth deep into Leroy's leg.
Stunned by pain, Leroy jumped back. Roghar kicked Swifter and knocked him off
the other pet. It was Swifter and Leroy's turn to be wrestled to the ground.
Both their paws were bound, and Roghar led them back down the way they'd come
while the other minion ran ahead.
Swifter looked at Leroy with annoyance, but he didn't seem the least bit scared.
Leroy hung his head in shame. He had let his friend down, and he had been fooled
by another one at the same time. His leg still ached.
After a few minutes of walking, Leroy heard voices, and Roghar pushed them into
a clearing. There were Blumaroos everywhere! Most had masks on and were walking
around talking, but others were tied up and sitting down helpless. Leroy looked
around,and set his eyes upon a tree with a scraggly Blumaroo tied to it. Occasionally
he would shake his head, but other than that the pet looked lifeless.
Leroy narrowed his eyes to get a better look...
Author: ninaj26
Date: 25 June
...and saw with horror who it was. It was none other that King Roo, except
he looked like he had been beaten. Bruises covered his body, along with an occasional
cut, and he had a black eye that looked very bad. A torn and crumpled royal robe laid at
his feet, but the blue Blumaroo just kept laying there, listless and looking hurt.
"Swifter!" Leroy shouted. Roghar then kicked him roughly in the shins as they came
to a stop at a tree a few feet away from the King.
Swifter gave him a dangerous look - and Leroy saw that his island Kougra friend
had also seen the King, but he wanted to make it seem like they hadn't noticed
anything. Roghar shoved Leroy towards a tree, and soon was tying the small
Blumaroo to its bark. Leroy whimpered and tried to get away, but it was hopeless.
The ropes were too thick, and the knots too tight. Moaning, Leroy glanced at Swifter,
expecting to see his friend in a similar state of distress.
Instead, the island Kougra was rolling his eyes. In a flash of silver, Swifter
had used his sharp claws to easily cut through the ropes holding him to the tree.
When he saw Leroy staring in awe he smiled and chuckled quietly. Then he whispered,
"Them Blumaroos don't know how to deal with a Kougra."
Leroy smiled as Swifter's claws made easy work of his ropes, and soon Leroy was
free again. Swifter pulled him behind a clump of bushes, as two Blumaroos in masks
and black cloaks walked by, glancing around with beady black eyes.
"Come on, then. Let's free King Roo," mumbled Swifter, stalking through the bushes
and under the shadows towards the King of Roo Island.
As soon as Swifter approached the King he looked up, and his eyes grew wide with
fear. Swifter wasn't the most cuddly-looking of creatures, and the island Kougra
coming at him with claws released and ready was a bit much for King Roo. He opened
his mouth to scream, but Leroy was ready, clamping a paw over the King's mouth.
"Don't worry, King Roo, we're here to help!" he assured the startled looking Blumaroo.
Just as Swifter released the King, a gruff voice called out. "Hey! You three!
Halt!" a Blumaroo with a black mask on was running towards them, with many others following.
"RUN!" cried Swifter. Leroy and the King made no arguments. The three ran through
the jungle as fast as they could. Suddenly, Leroy felt someone grab his tail, and
he fell to the ground...
Author: aldenoroi
Date: 26 June
...Leroy turned over, and wasn't surprised to see that it was Roghar who had
grabbed his tail. Roghar bent over Leroy, his face full of shame.
"Sorry chap, but ah can't let ya 'scape from us. It's too bad ya got involved.
Ah really liked ya, ah did." He grabbed Leroy by his bad leg, and dragged him
towards what looked to be their leader, in a dark robe and mask. LLeroy struggled,
kicking and squirming like a snake, but he could do nothing. "'Tis too bad ah could only
catch this ickle rascal, but ah got Rock, Jack and Yowon on King Roo and that
Kougra. Wot da ya want me ta do wif the fella?" asked Roghar.
"Kill him," snarled their leader.
"Wha?!? Ya don't think ah'm gonna kill the ickle fella, do ya?" Roghar replied.
"I SAID KILL HIM!!!" the cloaked figure screamed in anger.
"But ah can't do that! He's a buddy..."
"He is an enemy!"
"I don't think..."
"Yes. You DON'T think... if you don't get rid of him, I'll find someone
else who will!"
"Alright, ah'll do it... but lemme take care of it in private... ah don't wanna
get our campground dirty.
"Just do it," the leader growled. Roghar reluctantly took Leroy into the
thick bushes. Now Leroy was really scared... he had come up against the
Snowager before, but
for him this was a hundred times worse. He closed his eyes and waited for his
death, but nothing happened.
He opened one eye, and found Roghar there weeping. "Go!" he cried.
"What? I don't get it?" Leroy said, trying to make sense of what was happening.
"'Go!' ah said... hurry it up, get outta here... and hurry... ah'll make it seem
like we fought an' you won, but hurry!"
"Right!" said Leroy, fleeing into the jungle...
Author: mordooraq
Date: 26 June
| he ran, he glanced over his shoulder to see Roghar cutting himself, so
that the story he was going to tell would seem more believable. Roghar's leader
would be enraged when he heard the news that Leroy had gotten away.
"I wonder what he risked for me?" Leroy mumbled under his breath as he ran, heart
beating quickly. He stopped short. "His life! He risked his life for me! When he
goes back to his leader with me still alive..." horrible thoughts raced into
Leroy's head as he thought about his friend.
Leroy ran on, looking for his companions on the way. All the while, he was thinking,
"I've got to save Roghar! I have to!" He knew that he still had time, for the leader
wouldn't know he was still alive for a few hours yet... in order to save his life,
Roghar would try to avoid the cloaked one for as long as possible.
Suddenly, wrapped up in his thoughts, Leroy ran smack into Swifter and King Roo,
who turned around. A look of great relief swept over Swifter's face, and he opened
his mouth to speak, but Leroy beat him to it. "Hurry! We have to go back to save
my friend! His life is in danger!" he said hurriedly, gazing eagerly into their faces.
"What are you talking about? We're free! We have to get the King back before we're
caught!" Swifter said impatiently. "Besides, why would you want to help them?
What have they ever done for you?"
The small Blumaroo sighed. "He saved my life... Roghar's all I've got left. He'll be put
to death if we don't help him!" Leroy waited eagerly for the Kougra's response...
Author: girlysoccerplayer
Date: 27 June
..."Fine, we'll get the kid and scram," mumbled Swifter.
Leroy smiled. "Alright, I knew you would help me, Swifter!"
The three pets raced their way back to the campground of the Golden Rarities.
"Any sign?" called out Swifter.
"No," both Leroy and the King responded. The King let a small gasp.
"I think I've found where they went," he yelled. Leroy and Swifter rushed to
his side, and saw a cave hidden in the bushes. A bloody knife had been
dropped near the entrance.
"That's Roghar's, alright!" whispered Leroy. The pets made their way inside the
cramped cave, which smelled distinctively like rotten omelette.
"You fool!" boomed a voice within the cave. Leroy, Swifter, and King Roo listened
intently. "How could you let those fools get away? We cannot perform the ritual
without having the King as a sacrifice!"
Swifter and Leroy stared at the King. "I suppose I should have told you this
earlier..." said King Roo. "The reason I was kidnapped was because that madman
wants to use me as a tribute for a ritual. He believes that by sacrificing me,
the ritual will grant him great power and fortune."
Leroy and Swifter exchanged glances. "You're telling me that guy believes that
mumbo-jumbo?" laughed Swifter. Leroy joined in.
"This powerful magic is not to be taken lightly!" yelled King Roo. Swifter put
his paw over the king's mouth.
"Pipe down!" whispered Swifter. Apparently, none of the minions in the cave heard
them. The three pets continued to listen.
"You worthless goon... I should start by doing the one thing that you failed to
accomplish!" yelled the leader. Roghar's whimpering could be heard.
"I can't take any more of this!" said Leroy, leaping from their hiding place.
He punched their leader in the face, knocking off his mask.
"What's going on?" cried Leroy. The being behind the mask was none other than
Advisor Broo!
"Ahh!!!" cried Leroy and Roghar. Swifter jumped in, running in front of the two
"Guards! Seize them!" shouted Advisor Broo. The minions immediately followed
his orders.
"Guys, follow me, I'll clear the way!" said Swifter. The three Blumaroos ran
behind the Kougra as he clawed his way through the army of minions. Eventually,
they made their way out of the cave.
"I think we can make it!" yelled Swifter, as they struggled to find a way
out of the jungle. Swifter was intercepted by a large spear. Leroy, being
at the back of the group, turned around.
"Did you think you could outrun me?" snarled Advisor Broo. The four pets backed
away. Swifter leaped onto the leader.
"Get off me!" Broo cried.
"I'll hold them off... just get the king and your friend to safety!" said Swifter.
Leroy hesitated, but then obeyed his Kougra friend.
* * * * *
"We're safe!" yelled King Roo in joy. Leroy had successfully guided his friends
back out of the jungle.
"Ya... but I wonder if ye bud is faring well," stated Roghar. Suddenly, a blurred
figure jumped in front of them.
"Did you honestly believe that guy would make short work of me?" asked Swifter.
"Swifter!" cried Leroy. "What happened to the Golden Rarities?"
"No time for that," replied Swifter. "The King needs some medical attention. I'll
catch up to you guys in a sec."
"O-Ok," said Leroy, suspiciously.
While the 3 pets walked away, Swifter turned his attention to a dark figure standing
behind a tree.
"Do you have the money?...."
Author: shoyrutamer_13
Date: 27 June
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