Sneerk sat on his on Tiger Couch petting his new Rainbow Evil Fuzzle. This is really great,
he thought, Just me an my brand new toy. What am I going to name you, huh? He sat there for a bit, thinking of a
good name for his new toy. "Fuzzy? Nah, that's too cutesy for an evil little thing like you. How about I name you after the infamous
and evil Ski Lodger, Maverick?" Just then, the Fuzzle blinked its eyes, stretched out its legs and said, "No, my new friend, that's
a terrible idea...
Author :Neopets Staff
Date : 29th May
...Sneerk was mortified. "What, what, but... no. I have to be imagining things. Fuzzles do NOT talk. I must be going crazy.
Maybe it was that fresh sea weed pie I had for a snack this afternoon... yeah, that's it. That is exactly what it was, the
sea weed pie," Sneerk told himself that was the only logical explanation. "Oh my, oh my. Dearest Sneerk, whatEVER gave you
that impression? No, no. I can talk. But may I suggest that you name me Valdersmoart? It has such an... EVIL ring to it,
don't you agree?" And, Sneerk quite befuddled, stammered a reply, "Oh, yeah, um Valdersmoart, yep that's great. Really evil."
The newly named Valdersmoart smirked an evil grin and said, "Hmm, hmm. Let the games begin!"...
Author :leiderhosen_lady
Date : 29th May
...and with that five other Fuzzles leapt out of his closet, all with wickedly smiling faces. "LINE UP!" hollered Valdersmoart,
and all of the black Fuzzles lined up, stiff to attention. "Hut..duh..." blinked Sneerk, quite confuzzled. "Drill 32! On your
marks...get set...GO!" screamed Valdersmoart, and the other Fuzzles took off. They raced around the room, ripping and tearing
to shreds whatever they could get their teeth on. "Holy heffers!" exclaimed Sneerk. He drew in a deep breath, "My Tiger Couch!
STOP IT!" he hollered at the top of his lungs, and let out an infamous Jubjub screech. "EEK!" all of the Fuzzles tittered and
lined back up. "What? Do you not like our game? Well, we must do something about that..." Valdersmoart began stalking dangerously
towards him with a snarling glare, while the other Fuzzles followed closely behind...
Author :womanofsteel42
Date : 29th May
...Sneerk started to back up against the wall. "Wait," he thought, "this is ridiculous, they're 3 inches tall!" And now he
advanced and using a Glass Coffee Table as a shield, he squashed the Fuzzles. One of the Fuzzles burst and filled the room
with swirling fur but the rest grew and grew until they filled most of the room. Sneerk's poor Tiger Couch was ripped to
shreds and Sneerk was pushed into his bedroom by the expanding Fuzzles. They pushed their way into his bedroom. "I wish I
hadn't made my Neohome out of jelly," Sneerk thought fervently. Valdersmoart walked through the bedroom wall. "Now who's the
small one?" he boomed. Sneerk was freaked out - they could read minds...
Author :oily106
Date : 30th May
...and Sneerk's mind had just wandered onto a most frightening thought: "What do Evil Giant Fuzzles want with me?" Sneerk
shuddered at the possiblities. Valdersmoart towered over Sneerk, glaring with those creepy Fuzzle eyes. "Now, since you
disliked our racing so much, we must find a new game." The large Rainbow Fuzzle's voice was drenched with an obvious tone of
evil as it spoke. A shiver ran down Sneerk's spine. The Fuzzle talked again in that malicious voice, "Don't worry, you can
play." Valdersmoart turned to his fellow Fuzzles, "My friends, what can we do with our very own Sneerk?" A snickering came
from the other Fuzzles before one answered...
Author :shadowedstorms
Date : 30th May
| Valdersmoart's ear. "Ah," said Valdersmoart, grinning evilly, "that is a very good idea." He turned to Sneerk,
who was huddled in a corner of his room. "We now know what you can play with us. Heehee - you'll never guess!" said
Valdersmoart, and him and the other Fuzzles shrunk to about three feet tall, just enough to dwarf Sneerk, yet not to cause
any alarm if seen. They marched him into the kitchen and put him on the counter. A Fuzzle then proceeded to take out a
can of uncooked Toenail Soup and force-feed it to Sneerk. Sneerk hated the stuff. His mother had bought it for "creative
eating" - Sneerk would have preferred fried Tentacle Sprouts and Kelp Samosa. Sneerk spluttered and gagged as the Fuzzle
spooned more soup into his mouth, and, when the can was empty, it went over to the cabinet and took out a bowl of Lice Rice
- again, "creative eating". Just as he was about to begin force-feeding Sneerk the rice...
Author :tigren_queen
Date : 31st May
...the Fuzzles cried in unison, "Ready! Aim! Fire!!!" Then, one by one, grains of lice rice leapt out of the bowl and
burrowed deep inside of the Fuzzles' fur. The Fuzzles cried out in discomfort and began rolling around on the floor, scratching
their itchy fur on the jelly floor. Sneerk took this opportunity to run into his library and get a book off his shelf. He blew off the dust straight
off the cover and read the title: "How to Get Rid of These... 200 Monster Weaknesses." He quickly sat down and flipped all the
way back to the index. "There it is! Fuzzles - pg. 126." As fast as he could he turned to page 126 and began to read...
Author :asias77
Date : 31st May
pg. 126
Evil Fuzzles
To Decapitate
"Yuck," said Sneerk, "forget it! That's pretty sicko!" He skipped to the next paragraph.
To Banish
"Perfect!" cried Sneerk, but the Fuzzles were finding a way to get rid of the rice--when they bit at their fur, it
turned purplish-gray and about 5 grains of rice each made patches of fur fly out and exploded in puffs of dust. He
had to hurry! "To banish..." Sneerk said, taking his eyes off of the Fuzzles to read.
To Banish an Evil Fuzzle
You need: 20 large cans of Lice Rice
"Thank you, Mom!" cried Sneerk, before reading on.
A Wooden Blocking Shield, lvl 2 Lightning Gun, & 3 Peach Snowballs.
"Ugh," said Sneerk, "Mom'll never have any of THOSE!!" As of a year before, Sneerk's mom had decided "no battle items"
as Sneerk's brother Sneeper had been seriously injured when Sneerk got mad at him and threw a Evil Snowball. Thus,
all battle items were removed from the house... but where had she put them? Where, oh where? "In the gardening shed!" cried Sneerk,
and grasping the book, he ran out the jelly door. He arrived, breathless at the shed, trying to open the door. "Why won't
it open?" said Sneerk angrily, realising the Fuzzles would be coming for him any minute. "$$##@!@%&!!!" he politely said.
"This saucy beast of a lock!" he said, fumbling with a padlock his mother had most likley placed there. "Oh, no..." broke
off Sneerk. He turned his head and watched as the Fuzzles, led by Valdersmoart, come parading across the lawn...
Author :sparky393
Date : 1st June
...Sneerk gulped. I'm in trouble now, he thought to himself. With
one last tug he pulled open the padlock. Inside the shed it was damp and
dusty and smelly. Sneerk looked around, and almost a second later found
the blocking shield and three Peach Snowballs. But Sneerk panicked when
he could not find the Lightning Gun. Valdersmoart marched closer,
leading the band of black Fuzzles closer... Sneerk was in trouble.
Suddenly, he tripped and saw it was the Lighting Gun. Running quickly
out of the shed he leapt over the Fuzzles and grabbed 20 cans of Lice
Rice in the kitchen. Sprinting back out he found the Fuzzles coming
straight for him. Throwing all the stuff into the batter of Lice Rice he
had made, Sneerk threw it all over them. Suddenly, purple puffs of smoke
bled through the air. One by one, they disappeared. Valdersmoart
shrieked in rage. "Bye, bye, my old friend," Sneerk said, sneering
sarcastically. When Valdersmoart finally disappeared, a huge thundering
noise boomed through the sky. Sneerk sighed. Now that the Fuzzles were
gone he would have to clean up the mess before his mom and Sneeper got
home. As he walked into his room he noticed his torn Tiger Couch. "I
liked that couch," Sneerk said sadly. The door opened and Sneeper came
into Sneerk's room. "We got you something," he said excitedly. Sneerk
laughed as Sneeper handed him an orange Fuzzle. Oh man, he
thought. Phew! Luckily it's not a Rainbow Fuzzle! But as Sneeper
left, the orange Fuzzle looked up and said, "Now what a fun time we'll
The End
Author :scarscub
Date : 2nd June