Storytelling Competition - (click for the map) | (printer friendly version)
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Every week we will be starting a new Story Telling competition - with great prizes! The current prize is 2000 NP, plus a rare item!!! This is how it works...
We start a story and you have to write the next few paragraphs. We will select the best submissions every day and put it on the site, and then you have to write the next one, all the way until the story finishes. Got it? Well, submit your paragraphs below!
Story Two - Ended December 1st, 2000
Slowly, Bob the white Blumaroo crawled out his window, down a rope made
of sheets and blankets. He brought all the essential items he would need
with him in his backpack: food, a compass, NP, mittens, flashlight, his
lucky scarf, Edmund (his pet Fungree), and a handful of stone snowballs
he found under his bed. Bob was trying to be as quiet as can be as he
slid down...
Author : Neopets Staff
Date : 27th Nov
...He landed on the soft snow and looked around. The coast was clear. Edmund handed him his walkie talkie.
"This is agent 102, do you read me agent 504? Over," Bob said as he crouched behind a bush. "Um, I'm right here.
Over." He quickly turned around and saw his friend Philip the Blue Lupe hiding behind the same bush. "Are you ready
to go?" Phillip asked. "Yep." Their original plan was to head out to the Happy Valley, but they were hired
to investigate the newly discovered Ice Caves for an illegal stash of yellow snowballs. It would be a cold journey
but they had their jackets on and they were both well armed and trained. "Compass," Bob said. Edmund handed
Bob the compass and...
Author : pallas45
Date : 27th Nov
| told them to head north, all the way to the North Pole! With the extremely cold weather in their minds,
they put on an extra layer of clothing. As they traveled further north, the snow storm was nothing like they
expected. Edmund was now trying to stay warm in Bob's pocket, and Phillip was staying close. They could barely
see anything through the vast, thick downpour of snow. Then suddenly, they heard a sound coming towards them.
"What was that?" asked Phillip. Bob gestured to Edmund, "Quick, give me some stone snowballs, I think that sound
might be..."
Author : bayleef117
Date : 27th Nov
...the abdominal snowman!"
"The abdominal snowman?" whispered Phillip.
"Rookie," Bob said under his breath. Bob had been with the NeoInvestigators
for years, but this was Phillip's first mission.
"The abdominal snowman is one of the monsters
that's rumored to live up here...this area is not very
explored, so nobody knows for sure, but there
are tales of this huge snowman with an enormous, take a snowball."
A shadow suddenly loomed before them in the storm.
It looked like a big snowman.
A big, BIG snowman.
"Um, Bob?" whispered Phillip.
"If he's a snowman, why are we throwing snowballs
at him? Won't they make him...well...bigger?"
Phillip asked. Bob's eyes widened in horror.
"Oh my gosh, you're right..."
Author : nerdymel
Date : 28th Nov
..."We'll need something else." The blistering cold wind was slapping Bob and Phillip right in the face. Edmund was
shivering inside Bob's pocket. "What should we do?" Phillip asked and continued, "We have no weapons. All we have is a
smoothie and a grilled cheese sandwich...I could of sworn I brought a tomato, too." Bob yelled, "That's not the point,
Phillip! We're going to be crushed by this snowman's belly and all that you can think of is a TOMATO?!"
Bob shouted. Edmund popped his head out and gave Phillip a mean look. "Well, I thought he might be hungry," Phillip said.
Suddenly, the fat snowman crumbled into small snowballs. "What the? How did that happen?" Phillip asked, holding up a tomato.
They heard a female voice from over the hill. "Are you guys okay? It sounded like a little girl was screaming," she shouted
as she ran over the hill. It was a blue Aisha named Sheridan. "Yeah, we're okay. The screaming you heard was my good friend here,
Phillip," Bob exclaimed sarcastically. They both looked over at Sheridan. She suddenly had a scared look on her face
and she was pointing behind Bob and Phillip...
Author : chaddums
Date : 28th Nov
..."Is it...another...ab-ab-dominable s-s-snowman?" Philip asked, stuttering from fear.
"No...that fire behind you just reminded me that I didn't leave wood for the stove in my cottage.
My poor grandmother..." she sobbed. "Well, phew. If you want to call her, I may be able to contact
her on my telepathic telephone. Does she have a private number?" Bob asked. "No, we couldn't afford
the psionic blocks after we lost our jobs...oh poor woman!! She's going to freeze and it's all my fault!!"
Bob walked over to Sheridan and put his arm around her. "It will be okay, it's not your fault, don't
worry about it. Thank you so much for saving us." Philip, who was standing uncomfortably off to the left
due to the public display of affection, spoke next. "Guys, guys, guys...did you ever think that campfires
do not occur naturally? Someone, or something, built it. And we know it couldn't have been the snowman.
Which means...we're not alone..."
Author : happyjedicat
Date : 29th Nov
..."Should we check it out?" asked Bob. "I don't could be d-d-d-dangerous..." answered Phillip.
"Big baby," Edmund said with his little voice. Bob pulled Edmund out of his pocket and set him in the snow.
"I say we go." "Whatever it is, it has a fire and that means it may have some food," Phillip said, licking
his chops. "What if it tries to eat you, Phillip?" Edmund asked. "W-w-w-h-h-a-a-t-t-t?"
"I know almost everyone around this area, and most of them are very nice. So I'm sure it's a friendly...uh...thing,
if there is one," Sheridan reassured Phillip. They went over to the fire to see if anything important was there. It
had stopped snowing by the time they reached the fire. Edmund found some sticks and fed a few to the fire, and a few
to rewarm some of the veggie sausages Bob brought. As the other two searched around, Phillip called them over. "Doesn't
this tree look funny?" Bob answered, " almost looks like the Neopian Money Tree...except smaller."
"That's what I thought, but what would a tree be doing all the way out here, near the Ice Caves?" Phillip said. Sheridan
walked up to the tree and knocked. She started laughing and said, "It's hollow. Wait a second...IT'S PLASTIC!!" Bob hit the
fake tree with his fist and it fell over and Phillip jumped back like a scaredy-cat. Underneath the tree there was...
Author : black_castle
Date : 29th Nov
...a gigantic hole that seemed to be endless. "I don't like the looks of this," Sheridan said. "I mean,
I know this area pretty well and I've never seen anything like that." "Well," Bob began, "we have some, erm, important
exploring to do, and this looks like as good of a place as any to start." Edmund nodded. "Exploring?" Sheridan asked
timidly, "well, I'm not much of an explorer, but I know everything there is to know about the creatures of this land.
If you need information I might be of some help." Bob, Edmund, and Phillip all looked at each other. "Okay," Phillip quickly said.
Bob took a long coil of rope out of his backpack and tied one end to a tree root. "I'll climb down first with Edmund in my pocket,
and then you guys follow." Bob scooped up Edmund, put him in his pocket and began climbing down. The walls were icy and slippery,
and Bob's hand were getting numb. He finally landed on a floor of solid ice. He looked all around him...everywhere was the
sparkle of icicles and ice-stalagmites and stalactites. When Phillip and Sheridan finally made it down with him, Bob said,
"You know, I THINK we found the Ice Caves!!" "All right!!!" Phillip said, "What we need to do is find the, um, well Sheridan, we're
looking for illegal snowballs. We are special agents." Sheridan nodded. "There's a fork in the entrance there," Phillip pointed, "we have to split up.
Me and Sheridan will go left...Bob, you and Edmund go to the right." Bob stopped for a second and gave Phillip a confused look.
"Wait a second, mister scaredy-cat...what's going on here. A second ago you were afraid to even come down here...what gives?" "You just
go to the right with Edmund and WE will go to the left." Bob glanced over to Sheridan, who was shivering slightly, and said, "Okay,
Casanova." So they went into their separate tunnels. Bob and Edmund had only gone about twenty feet or so...
Author : shplover
Date : 29th Nov
...When Edmund said out of the blue, "Ice is pretty cold, now that I think of it." Bob rolled his eyes, "Ya think so? 'Cause I haven't really
noticed,"he said sarcastically. They walked on and Edmund began to whistle. After he paused, they heard somebody or something whistle back.
"Okay, now, I know that wasn't you or me and it wasn't Phil or Sheridan, so who or what the heck was that?" Bob asked suspiciously. "Dunno,"
Edmund answered. Just then, a large black and white snowball flew through the air right at their heads. "Ahhh!!!" Bob screamed as he ducked.
The snowball landing against the icy wall. It jumped up and walked over to them. "Hey, it's not a snowball! It's Bruce, one of the Secret
Agents!" Bob yelled. Bruce walked over and said, "Sup, guys what brings you to 'da ice caves?" the penguin said while flipping his red
baseball cap backwards. "Searching for illegal snowballs," Edmund whispered. "Oooh, that's bad business, man. Might wunna go see 'Sleet.'
He could help ya out where those snowballs are hidin'...ya dig?" "Who's this Sleet?" Bob asked suspiciously. "Oh, Sleet's the Gelert of
'da North, long white fur and ice blue eyes. He protects everybody who lives here." "Thanks for the tip. See ya around." Bob and Bruce
gave each other the secret golden handshake of the Secret Agents and the little rad penguin waddled off, singing a song by the Killer
Kougras. "Weird dude, man," Edmund said after Bruce left. "So what???? We've got a lead n-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-ow!!!!" He screamed as
they fell through some thin ice and landed on the floor of a large cavern. They gaped wide-eyed at...
Author : clickachicka
Date : 30th Nov
...a huge frozen Ice Faerie! Then the ice surrounding the two began to shake! Pieces of ice started to fall, a few just
missing Bob's head. The ice below Bob and Edmund started to crack exposing yet another cave...a cave fill of
stalagmites just waiting to claim their next victim. Leery to move and worried they might fall through the floor Bob
stood perfectly still until the cave quake was over. Edmund jumped in Bob's pocket. There were cracks everywhere in the ice,
above Bob's head and under his feet. Moving in any direction could result in a deadly ending. "Hey Bob, I don't have a good
feeling about this. Maybe we should just stand right here till Philip and Sheridan come to look for us." Edmund suggested.
"Edmund my friend, I think you are right." The pair stood there for about ten minutes when the cold began to get the best
of them and they began to shiver, causing the cracks in the ice below them start to widen. "Okay Edmund, we are now going to ditch your
idea, and try to climb back out." Bob tried to grab hold of a few cracks in the wallk they began to shake again. "Just keep
trying Bob, don't look back!" Edmund exclaimed. "Philip! Sheridan! We need help!" Bob cried out. Just then Bob tripped over a
break in the ice. Worried he was about to plunge through another ice cave, he reached out to grab on to anything he find.
"Grab hold!!!!" Bob looked up to see Philip standing overhead holding on to the end of a rope. Sheridan was there standing with him. "You will have to
climb up, we can't pull, the ice is too thin!" hollered Philip. With a bit of a struggle Bob made it back up into the original
cave and the group now headed out to discuss the new developments of their journey. "What happened in there Bob?" Philip questioned.
"There was some sort of quake, didn't you feel it in your cave? Answered Bob. "No, nothing happened to us, the cave turned out to be
a dead end so we headed back out. That's when we heard you cry for help." "I don't understand," Bob began, "we were just walking
along when the shaking began, so violently, I thought I had played my last game of Schorchio Slots for sure. How could you have
not felt it?" Phillip shrugged. "Oh, but we did have a bit of luck, we ran into Bruce who told us about a Gelert named Sleet, then
there was something we saw just before the fall, something frozen in the ice, I think it might be a clue, too. Hey Edmund,
where did Bruce say we could find this Sleet guy...Edmund?" Bob searched his pocket but there was no sign of Edmund! "Philip,
we have to go back!!!"...
Author : femmfaerie
Date : 30th Nov
..."Come on!" yelled Bob, sobbing because he lost his best friend. "No, it's too risky. We can't go back down to that cave!"
Philip said. Sheridan looked sadly at Bob. "Hey!" she yelled, "What's that?" Sheridan pointed down through the hole that
had the frozen faerie in it. A little Fungree was climbing up the ice. "Edmund!" Bob ran and grabbed Edmund out of the hole.
"Oh, thank God you're okay." The whole group cheered and then just remembered what their quest was--to find Sleet the Gelert.
Bob took out his compass and found north. "Let's head up there!" Sheridan pointed. The whole group raced up to the north.
All of a sudden Philip stopped dead in his tracks. "Yo, wassup?" Bob asked Philip. "Anything wrong?" Philip replied with
great fear, "L-loo-look there!" He pointed up to a sign on the side of the road. It read, "ALL WHO PASSES SHALL NEVER RETURN!"
Under it, it had, "THE ROAD TO SLEET, THE GREAT GELERT (this way--->)". Sheridan looked horrified. "Outta all the times I've been
in this cave, I have never seen this sign before. But we Aisha's know how to sense bad things that are coming," Sheridan said.
"So what d'you sense?" Philip and Bob asked at the same time. "This ain't the real Sleet! I bet the robber who put the illegal
stash of snowballs just wrote that under the real message. See?" Sheridan walked over and rubbed her hand on the bottom of the sign.
The message that read, "THE ROAD TO SLEET, THE GREAT GELERT" vanished. Sheridan tried to rub off the top of the sign, but
nothing happened. "I say we go," Bob said triumphantly as a cold wind blew through his furry body. "Hey look over there!" Philip pointed
passed the sign...
Author : gogeta522
Date : 1st Dec
...and there was Sleet the Gelert. Standing in all his Glory, he started to take off in the other direction. Bob screamed
in anger as he took off after him. Phillp was hot on his heels, but he raced ahead suddenly and tackled Sleet. The white
Gelert growled in pure protest, but his growls were silenced by the cold stare of Phillp. Sheridan pushed Phillp off of
Sleet, and said, "I'm so sorry about what we had to do. We need your help finding the illegal yellow snowballs." Sleet stood
up, and brushed himself off, growling, "And you need it why?" Bob frowned as he said gritting his teeth, "Because I said so,
stupid. And the robber stashed them somewhere, now tell us where they are!" Sleet was taken back by the tone Bob was using with
him, he growled, "You want it so bad? Then find it yourself!" Phillp stammered quickly, "No no we tried that. Now please mister
sheet metal tell us where the yellow snowballs are!" Sleet smirked, "Sleet, it's sleet, not sheet. And they are over there," he said waving
his paws towards the frozen lake. "I saw some animal over there earlier hiding them over there. Have fun," he said walking off.
Edmund jumped out of Bob's pocket and started to run to the lake, jumping up and down shouting, "Come quick! I found them!"
Bob, Phillip, and Sheridan all started to run over there...
Author : grrrrpets
Date : 1st Dec
When they got there the illegal snowballs had disappeared. "Where did the illegal snowballs go?" asked Bob. "I don't know, but something
funny is going on," replied Phillip. Edmund said, "Over there. I see robbers running with them." Bob, Phillip, and Sheridan all started
running after the robbers. They zigzagged through tunnels and snow paths as they followed the robbers. Sheridan and Bob caught up to
the two robbers and jumped on them. Your under arrest for making illegal snowballs," said Phillip, who had caught up to Sheridan and Bob.
Edmund came panting behind and said "Yahoo. We've caught them." Bob, Pillip, Sheridan, and Edmund dragged the robbers to Sleet. "Can you
deal with them?" asked Bob. "We need to get back to bed." "Sure," replied Sleet. They started walking back to Sheridan's house, collecting
firewood on their way. When they got to Sheridan's house her grandma was lying in bed sleeping. Sheridan started a fire and the cottage began to
warm up. "We better get going. Our parents will get mad if they find us out of bed," said Bob. "Okay, bye," said Sheridan. Bob, Pillip, and
Edmund left and hurried home. It had been another great adventure.
Author : tessgregory
Date : 1st Dec
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