Storytelling Competition - (click for the map) | (printer friendly version)
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Every week we will be starting a new Story Telling competition - with great prizes! The current prize is 2000 NP, plus a rare item!!! This is how it works...
We start a story and you have to write the next few paragraphs. We will select the best submissions every day and put it on the site, and then you have to write the next one, all the way until the story finishes. Got it? Well, submit your paragraphs below!
Story Seven Hundred Fifty Four Ends Friday, January 13
The sun shone brightly overhead, beating its harsh rays upon the travelling Christmas Wocky’s coat. Sweat poured from his brow as he walked. Maybe this wasn’t such a good idea, Wally thought. Sand kept getting into his boots as he trekked through the sand, and he had to keep stopping to get it out. It would probably be smarter to just wait until he got deeper into the island and pour it all out then, but walking with sand in his boots just felt too weird. Now snow, he could live with, but sand was itchy against his skin and stayed there forever, digging into little corners!
As Wally carefully took off a boot and shook out sand for what seemed like the hundredth time in ten minutes, the Christmas Wocky considered just turning around and getting back into the boat that would take him back to Terror Mountain. But then, he remembered how crowded and noisy it was likely to still be, thanks to the Winter Starlight Celebration drawing Neopets from all of Neopia, and the Wocky shuddered. No, still better to be stuck in muggy Mystery Island with all its annoying sand then back there, he thought, shaking his head.
Besides, doing something new would be good for him. That was what they always said anyway, including a certain loudmouthed best friend of his, who was always trying to get him to do said new things.
The Wocky had lived all his life in Happy Valley, and he’d only ever travelled outside it once or twice before. This was the farthest he’d ever gone though, and he was feeling just a little nervous. Though he often complained about how annoying staying in Happy Valley could be this time of month, he never seriously considered just up and leaving! No, this was all his friend, Bronco’s idea. The Disco Bruce was always getting the craziest ideas and dragging him into it.
Two weeks ago, he had interrupted a nice breakfast, pounding wildly at his door and nearly knocking his head in when he’d gotten up to answer. Instead of issuing an apology for his interruption and near miss, Bronco only shoved a brochure in his face. One for a Mystery Island Vacation package. Before Wally could even ask, the Bruce had slipped a flipper into his pocket and shoved two tickets into his face next.
Needlessly to say, Wally had not understood, until Bronco had grinned and informed him that he had entered them in a competition without his permission, one that required them to send a letter explaining why they deserved a Mystery Island Vacation most of all. Apparently, the Bruce had been making notes on all of Wally’s annual complaints of woe and managed to make a convincing enough argument that they had won first place and a free trip to Mystery Island for two weeks! Though Wally had been more than annoyed at not being told any of this beforehand, it had been hard to refuse a free vacation, so he’d agreed.
Now, though, he was very much regretting such an easy response. Because, for some reason or another, Bronco had been unable to join him for the journey. He had promised he would catch up and meet with him on the island itself, but he’d waited on the sand for over two hours with no Disco Bruce in sight! Eventually, he’d decided to just give up and head further inland first.
Unfortunately, this decision was hampered by the fact that the very sands seemed intent on not letting him move further! As he once again had to stop to shake some sand out of his boot, Wally realized there was something buried in the sand near his feet.
Warily, started dusting off the top layer of sand, until he was able to see something that made him gasp... |
Author: kahlen369
Date: Jan 9th
It was a sandal, just like the one Bronco had bought right before the trip. Wally, though not particularly interested in fashion, could not help recognizing this particular style after having the footwear Bronco bought waved under his nose for the past two weeks.
Wally recollected himself. This could just be a coincidence. After all, sandals on an island were not unheard of, and it was not outside the realm of possibility that someone else bought the same sandals. But then...
Wally flipped it over. The name "BRONCO" was written in all caps. Bronco had a habit of labeling everything that belonged to him. Wally scanned the nearby vegetation, but without any expectation of seeing the missing Bruce. It was unlike Bronco to hide in such a manner. But then, it was also unlike Bronco to keep waddling after losing a recently acquired item. Perhaps he didn't notice or perhaps...
Wally felt a cold knot in the pit of his stomach. What if Bronco had been kidnapped? Why would anyone want to kidnap him? Wally looked down at the sandal again. He was pretty sure the sandal was pointing away from the beach when he found it. Should he try to go for help? Wally hadn't seen anyone for hours, not since leaving the boat.
Wally paused for a moment, undecided.
| Author: fireflower201 Date: Jan 10th |
He decided to go toward the direction which the sandal was pointing at before he picked it up. The decision wasn't a witty one since Wally really had no idea where to begin finding for his friend.
The Wocky trod fast across the sandy land, still ever so frequently stopping to remove the tiny grains of sand that accumulated in his boots. Coupled with the fact that Bronco hadn't met him two hours ago and that he'd been walking for some time already, he deduced that Bronco could have been kidnapped quite some time ago. The thought made him quicken his pace; he had no time to dawdle.
It wasn't for a while before he reached a part of the island that was bustling with activity. He could see Myncies tossing the ball to each other in a game of beach volleyball and other Neopets queuing up for their chance at the Tombola. Others were milling about, either sitting on the sandy beaches and grasses or heading somewhere else.
Wally approached the line of Neopets at the Tombola. Surely someone would notice if there was a distinct disco Bruce hanging about hours ago. As he was debating who to ask first, a Kiko caught his eye, so he walked up to her first.
"Excuse me miss," Wally began nervously, "did you by any chance see a Disco Bruce around the area a while ago?"
"Hmm, I did, actually," the Kiko replied thoughtfully. Wally's expression perked up. "He wore those huge sunglasses and was parading around like some insane Neopet who'd been under a curse."
"What?" Wally exclaimed, then covered his mouth when he realised he startled the Kiko. "I'm sorry. Anyway, thank you."
He hurried off, embarrassed. What had she meant by that? Bronco was outgoing and ... yes, a little crazy but not uncontrollable.
Not convinced by her words, Wally decided to ask a few others in line.
"Erm, he's just at the front of the line. See that? Yeah, I think that's the Neopet you're looking for."
"I think he went that way. He muttered something about the Mystic, if I'm not mistaken."
"Playing with the Myncies. He's still there, can't you see?"
The replies Wally got confused him greatly. He couldn't see Bronco at the Mystic's hut, the beaches nor anywhere in the queue. Even with his own keen sense of sight, he did not spot his best friend anywhere.
Wally pondered for a while as he suddenly realised something. None of the statements added up. Something very weird was going on ...
| Author: azusa_k Date: Jan 10th |
Wally decided to follow ahead into the village’s direction, according to the map of the Mystery Island he got at the Harbour when he arrived, to look for help or maybe found Bronco. A thousand of possibilities crossing his mind about what could happened to his friend. As he approaches the village, he sees a Coconut Jubjub grumbling.
“Excuse me, hi, did you see any Disco Bruce passing by here?”
The Jubjub doesn’t even look at him, he stammered a few incomprehensible words. Wally tried again:
“Erm... Can you understand me? Have you seen a Disco Bruce around here?”
The Jubjub looked into his eyes with a desperate look and ran away. Wally kept thinking “what a crazy people live here” and how big is his desire to come back to the Terror Mountain, but now he couldn’t, he had to find his friend. He moved on in the middle of the jungle, but couldn’t find anyone, it seems there is no one around there. Wally decided to stopping for a few minutes and drink a some water he brought into his backpack. The day was too hot, but he had to save some supplies because he didn’t know when he would find something to sale, he drank a few sips of the water and put the bottle back into the backpack, then, he moved on again.
When Wally arrived at the village, he noticed a few rustic little houses made of wood and banana leaves. He got so glad to get there and ran to the nearest house, he knocked the door but nobody answered back, knocked again… nothing. He moved on to the next house, knocked at the door again, nothing, nobody would answered him back neither, and the same happened with all the little houses of the village, nothing! Wally decided to open the door of a nerest house to see if there was someone inside, the door wasn’t locked so he came in. The house was all dusty as if there was nobody living there for a long time, he called for someone but no one answered back. Wally got scared. He went to the other houses, all in the same situation. Wally was alone. Scared, he screamed for help, but it was useless.
Wally thought to himself, freezed for a few minutes, thinking on what he could do and, then, he heard a noise coming from the other side of the village, when he looked, noticed a bush moving so he ran over there but found nothing. He kept thinking “What crazy place is here? What is going on? What a cursed moment when Bronco decides to submit us to that competition… Bronco! Where are you my friend?”... In that moment, something touched his shoulder and when he looked back…
| Author: dinha_reeves Date: Jan 11th |
..there were muddy looking footprints leading down a dusty path.
Wally decided to follow the footprints. The sun was slowly starting to set as Wally walked on and on. After what seemed like a few hours, the trail abruptly ended.
Wally found it odd that the trail ended, but he noticed a small hut up ahead with a light on inside.
Wally walked over to the hut and knocked on the door.
"Hang on!" Yelled a familiar sounding voice from inside the hut.
After a few minutes a small uni slowly opened the door.
"Hello," started Wally. But, before he could finish his sentence, something behind the uni caught his eye, was that Bronco...
| Author: she_chose_love Date: Jan 11th |
Bronco seem different, his eyes look empty and soulless. Maybe whats the Kiko said were true, he is under a curse.
"Bronco,whats happened to you" asked Wally silently.
"Can I help you?" Wally startled by the Uni's voice. Wally told the Uni that he's looking for his friend,Bronco and relieved to see he's here.
"Is he gonna be alright? What happened to him?" asked Wally to the Uni.
"Jhundora being playful and put a curse on him. We already met the Island Mystic, but he didn't know how to break the curse" said the Uni.
"Jhundora's curse?" asked Wally who's worried about his friend.
When the Uni about to answer Wally's question, they heard a loud chuckle of amusement outside the hut.
The Uni rush to the door and terrified with what he sees....
| Author: kiyoshi_black Date: Jan 12th |
...Jhudora herself loomed outside the hut's entrance, enveloped by wisps of sickly green smoke. Wally pushed past the Uni and found himself struck with a nervous mixture of awe and fear as he met the gaze of the powerful magic presence in front of him.
"'Playful', hm? Pranks are beneath me," Jhudora spat. "The Bruce had to pay for what he'd done."
Wally's eyebrows furrowed in thought. He had grown up hearing horror stories of Dark Faeries and their ill natures; throwing curses left and right for simply being in the wrong place at the wrong time. But Jhudora seemed less unpredictable, more open to cooperation than her dark sisters. After all, what other Dark Faerie offered an open questing service to Neopians, complete with a reward system?
He also knew that Bronco's eccentric nature could sometimes be... abrasive, especially to a Faerie with a notoriously low temper. Perhaps Bronco really had done something to wrong Jhudora; and perhaps there was a better way to atone for it.
Wally chose his words carefully before he spoke again. Jhudora tilted her head in mild curiosity, as if watching the gears turn in his head.
"I'm sorry for whatever Bronco did to upset you," he began, slowly and deliberately. "I understand whatever it was must have made you very angry. I'll do anything I can to make amends... but only if you lift the curse from him."
Jhudora's eyes narrowed, and the magical flames flickering at her sides grew brighter and louder. "Would you like to make a deal?"
"No!" The Uni cut in suddenly, stepping in front of Wally to look him in the eyes. "What are you doing?! Don't make a deal with her! You can't trust Dark Faeries!"
The air hung suspended in tense silence, save for the ambient crackling of Jhudora's magics. Jhudora stood calm and unblinking, while the wide-eyed Uni shifted his gaze between them, shaking with panic.
Wally took a deep breath before making a decision...
| Author: nebuloid Date: Jan 12th |
Wally stood squarely in front of Jhudora. He knew full well that he would do anything to save his friend Bronco. "What type of a deal?" His voice shook slightly as he stared up at the Dark Faerie.
The Uni turned towards Wally and gave him a look of extreme horror.
"Well, well, well," Jhudora smiled and cackled. "I have to say I'm a bit surprised. You didn't seem like a particularly brave Neopet."
Bronco stared down at his shoes, knowing that because of Bronco they were filled with sand instead of snow for the first time. That today was the first day he had been brave enough to actually leave the snowy mountains behind and go on this trip.
Wally shook his head as he replied to Jhudora. "No, you're right. I'm not a particularly brave Neopet. Bronco I-I-I... I'm terrified. But I would do anything to save him."
"NO!" The Uni cried out in terror. "You can't. You--"
The Uni didn't get to finish her sentence. Flames flickered around her, and she immediately went quiet. Her eyes looked glazed over, as if she was in a trace.
Flames flickered around Jhudora as she calmly and creepily floated closer to Wally. "Well, she was getting to be a bit annoying. But no matter. It seems we have an agreement, then. Good."
"What exactly is our agreement? What do you want from me?" Wally's voice stopped quivering. He felt overwhelmingly resigned to whatever fate was left before him.
Jhudora's lips curled up into a fearsome grin. "What I want from you, Wally, is..."
| Author: stargirl346 Date: Jan 13th |
... the other sandal that's missing from the Bruce's pathetic foot."
Wally was stupefied for a moment. He was relieved yet disappointed at the same time. Perhaps Jhudora thought it'd be a near-to-impossible task for him since it could be anywhere on the grounds of Mystery Island. Well, the situation turned out to be in his favor because he just had the very thing with him.
Wally ransacked his back packed and pulled out the sandal with the garish label.
"I believe this is what you want," he said confidently, holding out the sandal for the Dark Faerie.
The sight of the sandal left Jhudora speechless. Her shock was reflected in her magic; the flickering flames dwindled in intensity.
"I sincerely hope you will keep your promise," Wally piped up. "And free the Uni too," he hastily added.
This time, Wally watched Jhudora as she contemplated her choices. After a few tense moments, she clicked her tongue in annoyance.
Without a word, the flames drifted towards Wally and the Uni's faces and they were snapped out of their reverses. A second later, there was a loud crack in the air as Jhudora vanished, leaving behind clouds of thick green smoke.
"Heeey!" A boisterous voice rang in Wally's ears. Before he knew it, his friend Bronco had hooked an arm around his neck, causing him to choke. "You made it to Mystery Island!"
"Can't ... breathe ..."
"Oops." Bronco released his grip on Wally but his mouth continued to rattle on. "Soooo, I have no idea where we are right now, but where do you wanna visit first? I can take you aaanywhere you wanna go!"
Wally sighed. His friend never wavered in enthusiasm. "Maybe along the beaches and lie on the sand?"
"You got it!"
He shoved Wally out the door, leaving the Wocky with little time to thank the Uni for taking care of Bronco. They then travelled all the way to the shore.
By the time they reached the beach, it was already sunset. The orange and red hues of the sun reflecting against the clear blue waters calmed him down.
Wally relieved the days event's in his mind and made a mental note to himself to thank Bronco when they returned to Happy Valley. Even though he was met with unusual circumstances for a holiday, he was still extremely grateful for the gift all the same.
The End.
| Author: rurirawr Date: Jan 13th |
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