Influir the Gelert had always been the snobby, spoiled, and jealous type, with a true sense of entitlement. Anyone could tell just by looking at her---thrice painted, this Pastel Gelert demanded only the best, such as her Royal Girl and Desert paint brush clothes. So, when her sister Alshena, a Plushie Aisha, became a famous and admired rock star, Influir immediately strove to outperform her.
One day, Ally came home from a concert in a cheerful mood. "My fans were so happy to see me!" she gushed. "They all wanted my autograph."
"Oh, yeah?" smirked Influir. "Well, I can sing, too."
"Okay, then give me a listen."
As Influir opened her mouth, Ally tried not to drop her jaw in horror. She. can't. sing! thought Ally incredulously. What a horrible excuse for "singing." She sounds like a Meowclops being thrown to the Esophagor!
Influir grinned. "Well? Did you like it?"
"Ummm..." Ally didn't want to tell Influir what she really thought, since she didn't want to anger her or hurt her feelings, but at the same time, she didn't want to let it go, either, since her sister would undoubtedly embarrass herself until someone stopped her. Conflicted, Ally tried to decide what to say... |
Author: _brainchild_
Date: Feb 22nd
"It's great," she says trying to stop herself from making a face. Influir's nasty glare says otherwise, "You know that you aren't a good liar, right?"
With a long sigh, Ally takes out a small piece of parchment. Scratched onto it is an address for a spot in Altador.
"Maybe Fleck can help you, he's a potion maker. Other Neopets praise him to no end, maybe you should talk to that Shoyru," Ally says with a tin of worry.
"Well, maybe I will," Influir snarks.
After a small trek through the woods, Influir walks into a small tent. Fleck turns around, his purple robes flowing with his movements.
"Ah another customer, what may you be looking for? A spell to turn blades of grass into neopoints? Or maybe you want a spell to win all your mighty battles?"
"I want a spell that can give me a voice to make all see my true beauty. The perfect singing voice."
"A spell like that is hard to make, so that will be around fifty thousand neopoints."
"W-what, how can you expect that!?"
"Foraging for ingredients is no easy task."
With that Influir gives a small. "hmph," and walks out. "I guess I won't be starting my singing career after all."
| Author: cartman4861 Date: Feb 23rd |
Outside of the Shoyru’s tent Influir sat down, the feeling of failure heavy in her stomach. She burst into tears.
“Now don’t cry like that missy.”
She turned around and Fleck stood in the doorway with a worried expression. She tried to wipe her tears but only managed to cry herself into hiccups.
“B-b-but now I’ll never ever sing or become famous or anything!”
The old Shoyru twisted his paws. “Look, I’ll cut you a deal. If you collect the ingredients I'll only charge you the price of making the potion.”
“No way! really?!” Influir beamed, her sorrow lifted immediately and replaced with flying hope.
“Yeah, look, here is the list.” He took out a notepad. “One nine pound coconut, flour, a power up potion, a dozen neggs, and a smatter or butter.”
“Oh that doesn’t sound too bad!”
“And a plate of carrots.”
“And cupcake cups.”
“I see…”
“And a sprig of leaf.”
“And an operatic apple.”
“Geeze ok! Is that everything?
“Yeah, just bring me this list and we’ll whip you up a singing potion.”
“Consider it done!” She stood up and puffed with pride “I’ve got this! Quest time!”
| Author: silverstarai Date: Feb 24th |
Influir’s head hurt. She had been reciting, to varying levels of success, the erratic list of ingredients Fleck had requested. Her mind was racing, thinking of the best spots to get the items and how they would all fit together. The list sounded more like a recipe for an entrée at the Golden Dubloon than it did a magic potion.
The Gelert shrugged, the tent further in the distance as she marched towards home with gusto in each stride. She could recall that several ingredients were already in the refrigerator, and with a bit of finessing, hoped that no one would notice tonight’s dinner was carrot-less. No one had been baking recently, so who would notice some missing cupcake cups?
Influir quietly opened the front door, peeking in to see who was around. The first floor was deserted, and she beelined to the kitchen. Directly above, Ally could be heard practicing one of her more popular songs, which motivated the Gelert to move even faster. Nothing would stand in the way of making this potion and finding her own fame.
In a matter of minutes, she had already found half the list in the family pantry. She was beaming, even if the act didn’t require much work. Rather hastily, she wrapped each item and stuffed them into her satchel. Just as she finished packing the flour, Ally was bounding down the steps.
“What are you up to?” she inquired, peering at the now bulging bag.
Influir bit her lip, not wanting to expose her plan. “Just… grabbing a few things for… a picnic I have planned with friends,” she lied. “But, I’m short a few things, so need to head out.” She tried to push past the Aisha, but was stopped in her tracks.
“A picnic sounds great! Can I join? I’ll help chip in for the items you need,” Ally offered. Influir tried not to show emotion, but her eyes were already widening in fear.
“No, no, it’s just a quick thing. You should practice for your next concert, anyway,” the Gelert deflected.
“What’s still missing from your list?” Ally questioned, snatching the scribbled note from Fleck out of the Gelert’s hand. Before Influir could interject, the Aisha’s face contorted and she peered down the list. “A power up potion? An operatic apple? Where were you planning on getting that? What kind of picnic is this?”
Influir paused, thinking how to phrase the situation. “Well, you see Ally, I was planning….” How will this story end?
| Author: trubiekatie Date: Feb 25th |
"You just lied to me, didn't you?" pressed Ally darkly.
"Yeah, I guess I did, but..."
"I don't like liars."
"B-But you lied to me when you told me my song was good!" Influir bit her tongue in frustration.
Ally sighed. "I've been thinking about that. Listen. I love you regardless of whether or not you can sing. There are other things you can do with your life which you are good at. Don't you want your talent to be truly your own?"
"I guess..."
"You guess? Do you REALLY want to be a fraud who drank a magical "singing potion" instead of using her true voice? Is that what you want to be known for?"
"I...suppose you're right. I've made mistakes in my life, as has everyone, but I don't want this to be another."
"We can find something else for you to do. For example, you are very beautiful on your own, without any spells. Have you ever thought of being a model?"
"You're right. I'm gorgeous! I should be a model instead."
"I hear that Uni's Clothing is looking for models. You should apply there. You shouldn't have any trouble getting accepted!" Ally smiled.
"Okay! I'm hungry, so in the meantime, let's cook some dinner!"
The End,
| Author: _brainchild_ Date: Feb 26th |