She had read it in the Neopian Times a few weeks ago but laughed it off, saying to
herself, "Pah! I never ever get sick. I mean, I maintain a healthy diet of fruits and veggies, I exercise daily,
and I always make it a point to donate to the Money Tree. There's no way in Neopia I'm getting sick this holiday
season." But this was weeks ago... now poor, poor Tresden the Tuskaninny was sick in bed with the NeoFlu and
regretting every minute of it, especially because she could see all of her friends playing right outside of her
Author: Neopets Staff
Date: 26 Nov.
...snowflakes dropped slowly past her window. Frost circles formed on the glass and made intricate patterns. Tears
filled Tresden's eyes as her friends sipped on Slushies, got painted with Christmas paint brushes, had snowball fights,
and frolicked with Abominable Snowballs in honour of winter. Tresden's owner knocked on her door with a bowl of chicken
soup and some diet Neocola. "Did you find the cure yet, Mum?" she whimpered.
"I'm sorry Tresden," her Mum explained, "there has been such a big epidemic of Neoflu in Neopia that there aren't any
more jelly pills. I did find a few boxes but they were selling for way over 100,000 NP. I guess you will just have to
stick it out."
Tresden pushed her soup away and buried her head in the pillow. She had to find a cure.
"You could always read a book," her Mum yelled from the kitchen...
Author: tiana47
Date: 26 Nov.
...Tresden sighed, she would much rather be outside with her friends than read a book. However, having litte else to do,
she decided to read a book after all. She reached over to her nightstand and grabbed a pile of books. "Boring, boring, boring,"
Tresden said as she began to look through the stack. She soon came to the last book, the classic All About Water Faeries.
Tresden froze and a smile grew across her face as she stared at the Water Faerie's picture on the cover and an idea popped
in her head...
Author: dreamlady8
Date: 27 Nov.
...Didn't the Water Faerie have the ability to heal? Excited, Tresden jumped out of bed and quickly begin to put on a
warm coat and scarf.
"What's going on in here?" her Mum yelled, stepping into the room. "Oh, Tresden, you're not planning on going outside
are you?"
"Yes, but I just realised that the Wat-" Tresden began.
"You can't," her Mum interrupted, "You'll get worse if you go outside in the frigid air. Now, back into bed. You're
looking feverish again."
"But, but..."
"No buts," her Mum insisted, "Get back into bed and I'll even tuck you in. I'm going to back to the pharmacy to
see if there's something that can help you until I can get some Jelly Pills in your system."
Reluctantly, Tresden crawled back into bed and allowed herself to be tucked in. Her Mum kissed her forehead, and left.
She listened as the outside door closed. She looked out from her window as her Mum made her way into town. When her
Mum was out of sight, Tresden jumped out of bed.
"I'm tired of being sick!" she announced with a sneeze. "And I'm going to do something about it!" She put her scarf
back around her neck to prepare for the cold outside...
Author: saiyan_mistress
Date: 27 Nov.
...the frigid air cut through her coat and scarf like one of those Plastic Butter Knives. She looked back at her warm,
cozy house covered in a blanket of snow. "Maybe this isn't such a good idea after all," she muttered through frozen
lips. But the thought of getting better surged up within her. Tresden turned away from the house and faced the wind
and snow again. Slowly she plodded along. Moments later, Tresden fell through a puddle that had frozen over, soaking
her through her boot. "What next?!?!" she nearly yelled, but at that moment a dark figured came looming up out of the
darkness. Terrified, she shrunk down against the snowy ground, cuddling up in her coat. "I think I should have listened
to my Mummy..."
Author: thecuteone130
Date: 28 Nov.
...The figure came closer. Tresden tried to back away, but the slippery ice beneath her prevented that.
"Wh-What do you want?" she whimpered. The figure grinned.
"Why, only to help you get better," the figure replied in a raspy voice. It reached into it's cloak and pulled out
a potion of some sort.
"Here, my dear, this will make you all better"
Tresden looked reluctantly at the slimy brown concoction. It seemed to wriggle inside its jar.
"Are...are you sure?" she asked, her eyes still fixed on the slimy brown goo. The figure's smile
widened evilly.
"Of course my dear, go ahead."
Treseden took the vile with a shaking hand.
Well, bottom's up! she thought, and tipped the bottle to her lips. The brown goo immediately started to ooze
down her throat...
Author: petbumblebee
Date: 28 Nov.
..."Tastes like chocolate," said Tresden, licking her lips. "Erm, what's in this drin--" Before finishing her sentence, the
figure was gone. "Hey, where is he? Hello?"
"Uh oh, it's Mum! I'm in hot soup for sure!" whispered Tresden.
"Tresden, where have you been?"
"I met this dark figure, who gave me this brown liquid to drink--" Before she could even finish again, she suddenly felt
a bit strange. "Mum, I don't feel so good..."
"Let me see that bottle," said her Mother as she took the bottle from Tresden's hands. "Tresden, you just drank one whole
bottle of..."
Author: nighthood47
Date: 29 Nov.
..."Of WHAT??" Tresden was becoming rather panicky. "Of what, Mum? Tell me!"
Her Mother grew rather pale as she murmured, "Did a tall man in a cloak give this to you?"
Tresden nodded and replied, "Yes, he did, Mum! He told me it would make me all better, too..."
Mother gulped and turned away from Tresden, shaking her head. "Not again," she whispered. "Not
after poor Terred... I can't believe he did this...."
Tresden grabbed her Mother's hand and her voice wavered as she squealed, "Mum? Who's Terred? Is
there something I should know?"
Her Mother sighed and said, "Tresden, Terred was your brother..."
Dun dun dun!
Author: kyla27
Date: 29 Nov.
...Tresden was shocked. "My brother? How come you never told me about him?"
Her mother said sadly, "Many years ago Terred got sick with Neopox. While I was out looking for
Neopox Pizza a man in a cloak came to our house and gave Terred this same potion..."
Tresden gasped, "Just like what happened to me!"
Her mother nodded, "After he drank the potion, he started feeling dizzy. By the next day, I went to
wake him up and to my horror I found a Tuskaninny Plushie that looked just like Terred!"
Tresden's eyes grew wide. "You mean he turned into a plushie?!" Her eyes grew even wider. "Like
the Tuskaninny plushie in my collection?!"
Tears started falling down her Mother's face. "Yes, that's him. He was given a new type
Transmogrification Potion created by Dr. Sloth. I couldn't do anything about it."
Tresden's eyes became determined. "Well, I'm not going to sit around and let myself be turned
into a plushie! I have one day so I'll find a cure for myself... and for Terred too!"
With that, Tresden went looking for a cure...
Author: jinsusie
Date: 30 Nov.
...Out in the frigid snow again, with only her holiday sweater and her Tuskaninny plushie that had
been her brother, Tresden marched down Neopia Avenue. She was headed to the Pteri Police force, ready
to report the strange-cloaked figure and to get a plane to Faerieland. The police office was just a
few blocks ahead. She was shivering when she finally got in. "What? Hey, little girl, what are you
doing here? You look sick!" A Pteri behind the receptionist desk asked her.
Tresden looked up at him, sneezed, then said, "I'm here to report a man that has been giving Neopets
those bottles of--"
Interrupting her, the officer said, "Yep. Another one. Don't worry, we got some complaints about him a
few days ago. We've had all our officers searching the town. One of officers finally caught him a few
minutes ago! But you need the cure right? Well, the next plane to Faerieland is just leaving now! Go
to the airport! Hurry!"
Trusden raced out of the police station, calling back a quick "Thanks!" When she arrived at the
Lennyport, she was the last one onto the plain. It was only a 10-minute flight to Faerieland. When
she got off, she rushed to see the Water Faerie.
"Hello," said the Water Faerie, smiling sweetly at Trusden, "what would you like me to do?"
Trusden held out Terred the plushie. "I need you to fix him and cure me before this happens to me!"
she said excitedly. With a few magic words, the plushie exploded in a poof of purple smoke, and in
it's place stood Terred the Tuskaninny. "Oh, thank you, thank you, thank you! I'm so happy!" she
said to the faerie. The Water Faerie smiled, and turned to attend to other business. Then Terred
and Tresden returned home safe and sound. There, Tresden and Terred's mum met them, hugging them
both and crying. They were all so happy!
The End
Author: royal_man_now
Date: 30 Nov.