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Every week we will be starting a new Story Telling competition - with great prizes! The current prize is 2000 NP, plus a rare item!!! This is how it works...
We start a story and you have to write the next few paragraphs. We will select the best submissions every day and put it on the site, and then you have to write the next one, all the way until the story finishes. Got it? Well, submit your paragraphs below!
Story One-Hundred and Twenty-Five Ends April 25th
"This is the coolest place in Neopia," said Trystin the Ixi as she pushed open the
wrought iron gates of the Deserted Fairground. "I come here all the time. See? Over there is the Spooky Furniture Shop, and
there's the Wheel of Misfortune. I really can't believe you two have never come here. Oh, and over there is-"
"Okay, okay, you can stop boasting now," grumbled her Quiggle friend, Zachary. "We know you come here all the time, and aren't scared of it at all. We've heard it a thousand times. Isn't that right, Tad?" he said, looking towards a rather nervous looking Bruce.
"Huh? Oh! Yeah. We heard it a bunch of ti- what was that noise?!?" the Bruce squeaked as he hid behind Trystin.
"Ahaha! I knew it! You two ARE scared!" teased the Ixi.
"Well, I'M not!" announced the Quiggle, "Come on, show us around this spoooooky fairground," he laughed.
"That's the spirit!" the Ixi said, winking at them, "You coming, Tad?"
"U-uh y-yeah. I uh, g-guess so," stuttered the Bruce.
The three friends crept into the fairgrounds. "Wow, it sure is... quiet here," noted the Quiggle.
"Yeah, the wind stopped blowing soon as we came through the gates," added Tad.
The Ixi also came to a halt. "Yeah, there's not a sound to be heard. That IS a bit odd."
The trio stood still, barely breathing, listening for even the slightest sound...
"Ssidney sspies a cusstomer!!"
The friends jumped, and whirled around in shock, towards the sudden voice behind them.
Trystin made a conscious effort to stop her heart from pounding straight through her chest. "Geez, Sidney! Don't sneak up on pets like that! It's okay guys, this is Sidney, he sells scratchcards here." The Quiggle and Bruce breathed a sigh of relief.
"Ssidney is ssorry, he didn't mean to sscare the little petss. Would the little petss like to buy a sscratchcard? Only 1,200 neopointss. A very good deal. Yess, yess, very good deal..." he said, giggling to himself.
The Ixi eyed her companions. "Uh, okay. We'll buy one."
"Excellent, ssmart Neopetss." The friends pooled their money, and handed it to Sidney. "Here iss your sscratchcard."
The Ixi looked at it curiously. "A 'Terror Treasure' scratchcard? I haven't even heard of it."
Sidney broke into a smile that made the pets' blood run cold. "Oh, itss a VERY sspecial sscratchcard. VERY rare. Go on, sscratch it... sscratch it!"
"Oh, well if it's so rare, maybe we should sell it." suggested the Quiggle. Trystin and Tad nodded in agreement.
"SSCRACTCH IT!" Sidney screamed.
The three startled pets cowered in terror. "O-okay Sidney, w-we'll scratch it," the Ixi said, as she carefully scratched off the first circle. She had played a lot of cards here, but she didn't recognize the symbol she uncovered. She didn't dare stop, though, for the Nimmo's eyes shone with madness. With a shaky hoof, she began to scrape the next circle...
Author: Questions? Comments? Send them to 1-800... er,
Date: 21 April
| was a skull and crossbones.
"Erm, guys... this is getting really spooky," Tad said, "maybe we should stop."
"Oh Tad, you are such a chicken!" said Trystin.
"KEEP SSSCRATCHINGGG!!!" Sidney loudly screamed, startling the pets.
"Okay, okay already," said the Quiggle.
Trystin moved her hoof to the third space and started to scratch. It was the same mysterious symbol as before; she still didn't know what it was, and was starting to get a little scared.
"Okay g-guys, I r-really think w-we should s-stop," said Tad, obviously nervous.
"Come on, what is the worst that can happen? Let me just scratch one more space and see if we get anything," Trystin said in a calm but see-through voice. She was also starting to tremble.
"JUSST SSSCRATCH IT!!!" Sidney yelled, so loud that it made all three pets jump and scream.
Trystin moved her trembling hoof to the last circle and began to scratch. It was the same mysterious symbol as before... but as soon as they found that out, the ground began to shake. It grew more violent with every passing second, until a huge bright light came up out of the ground, blasting them all into the air and flat onto their backs. Then, as soon as it had began, the rumbling stopped. "H-hey," Zachary asked, still a little dazed from the explosion, "where did Sidney go?" That's when they realized he was gone, mysteriously vanishing sometime after the blast...
All was quiet for a few moments, but then as the pets got up, they noticed that something was not right with the old fairgrounds. They were no longer haunted... in fact, they were back to being good as new; fully operational, with rides and everything...
Author: roxiehart41688
Date: 21 April
...Trystin looked with wide eyes around the fairgrounds. She looked over at Zachary, who
was beginning to tremble. Then she looked to Tad. He was smiling and dancing around in circles.
"We fixed the fairgrounds!" Tad was singing. He smiled at the Ixi and Quiggle. "Can't you
guys see? That scratchcard must have fixed the fairgrounds up, and added rides and stuff.
Look, there's Neopets everywhere! Let's ask that roller coaster operator over there where we can buy
ride tickets." Tad seemed to be much happier.
Zachary started to follow Tad, but then Trystin stopped them both.
"You guys, how did all these pets just appear here?" Trystin's voice was quivering. "Even if
that card did fix the fairgrounds up, how would it bring hundreds of pets here within seconds?"
A voice then came from behind them. "Do you little pets need help?"
The three friends spun around. There stood two pets, a Pteri and a Kacheek, dressed as custodians.
"Are you lost?" the Kacheek asked, smiling sweetly.
"Uhh, we were wondering if, uhhh," Trystin didn't know how to put the question.
"Do you have a copy of the latest Neopian Times issue?" Zachary asked the Kacheek.
"Sorry," replied the Pteri. "I don't have one, but you can buy one from the stand over there. I can hardly
afford one anymore; newspapers are getting so expensive these days... five whole Neopoints apiece!"
"What?" Tad said in disbelief. "Only five Neopoints? That's amazing!" He looked over to
Zachary, who was staring at the paper he had just purchased.
"Oh no!" cried Zachary. "Trystin, I know what happened! That scratchcard sent us back in time, back
to when the Fairgrounds were newly built, and not haunted!"
Tad, who was on his way over to the newspaper stand, stopped dead in his tracks. "What?"
he asked. Shaking, he turned around.
"Haha, you kids sure have some imagination," the Kacheek laughed as they went back to work.
"Well, have fun and enjoy the fair!"
"This is nuts," Trystin said, shaking her head. "Tad, what else does the newspaper say?"
"Hey, it has an article about the fairgrounds! It says it just opened."
"Um, guys," asked a shaky Zachary, "Do any of you happen to know the past of the Fairgrounds?
I mean, what happened to it to make it Haunted, and more importantly, WHEN?"
His two companions shrugged their shoulders. "I hope we get out of here before we find out," said
Trystin quietly. "Maybe if we find Sidney in THIS time, he can lead us back to our own time.
Let's take a look around. Quickly. I have a bad feeling this fairground didn't go unhaunted
for very long..."
Author: bmxluver2
Date: 22 April
...Trystin beckoned for Zachary and Tad to follow her. They walked around a bit,
looking for Sidney, when Tad pointed at a tall Ferris wheel and asked, "Can I try that ride?"
"Not now," said Trystin hurriedly. "We have to find Sidney!" The Ixi turned and
began scanning the area.
"But we're back in time!" Tad moaned. "What if Sidney isn't even alive yet?"
Trystin screeched with horror and looked at Zachary, who had the same, awful
facial expression. "Zach," said Trystin, looking around hopefully, "you know about
Neopia pretty much... when does Sidney come about?"
"I don't know! I never went to the Deserted Fairground before!" Zachary snapped.
He was immediately sorry, for Trystin looked put down. "Aw, I'm sure we'll find
out! Now, why not let Tad go on the Ferris wheel for a little... it won't hurt."
Trystin bit her lip, then nodded. Tad jumped up and down with undiluted glee.
"Yeah! Yeah!" he shouted, running over to the Ferris wheel and forking over a
measly two Neopoints.
"Let's wait for Tad," murmured Trystin, apprehensive. "We can try to remember our
school studies and figure out when the disaster happened."
Okay," Zachary nodded. They sat quietly, desperately trying to recall their studies.
After several silent minutes between them, Zachary suddenly laughed. "I remember now!"
The Ixi jumped up and turned to him. "You remember when the disaster happened? When the Fairground
turned haunted?"
"Yeah," said Zachary. "About... I think it was the first year of Neopia,
during the month of Gathering."
Trystin grinned and hugged her friend. Then, going up to the nearest Neopet,
which was a Uni, she asked, "Err... what's the year? And... month?"
The Uni looked at Trystin oddly. "The month of Gathering... 1st year. Oh,
and if you want to know, it's the 16th!"
"Thank you!" Trystin said quickly, then rushed over to Zachary. "Err, Zach,
do you know the DATE the incident- whatever it was, happened?"
"Yeah!" Zachary said. "The sixteenth. Why?"
Trystin turned white in the face. "Get Tad. Now. I have a feeling that the Ferris
wheel won't be safe much longer..."
Zachary looked at Trystin... "You mean?" he began.
"Yes," answered the Ixi.
Then a howl rent the air. "It's starting!" Trystin yelled. "GET TAD!"...
Author: neosass
Date: 22 April
...Trystin began to run through the masses of confused people. Clouds covered the sky,
and darkness fell over the fairgrounds. A slice of lightning suddenly whipped through
the sky, looking for the tallest place to send its electricity. The Ferris wheel.
Screaming, Zachary and Trystin ran towards it as the Ferris wheel took in the
lightning and began to fall over. It hit the ground with a sickening crash, and mayhem broke out among the
Neopets. Popcorn was thrown on the ground and Neocola cans were crushed, as the crowd charged
towards the gates, which had suddenly closed with a screech.
Trystin ran towards the car that Tad had been in. Her heart leapt as she approached
it. Did she dare look inside? Peering down, she saw a small green Bruce huddled under
the seat; he burst out crying upon seeing Trystin. Hugging her, he scrambled out.
Howls and laughter swept over the fairgrounds as eight or nine dark forms jumped
off a rollercoaster. Their blood red eyes shone with anger and hunger, and they
snapped with pleasure at the Neopets that they passed.
Screaming, the crowd ducked as one being, then ran in every direction, splitting
apart. There were screams from little pets as they called out towards their
parents, who were panicking and dragging them under rides and buildings to
huddle and wait for the horrifying display to stop.
"There isn't any 'demon' paintbrush!" screamed Zachary, rushing to stand near
Trystin and Tad. Tad was sobbing loudly, hiding behind his Ixi friend's back.
"I know that!" snapped Trystin, then gave Zach an apologetic look. "But who are
they?" she asked, leaping under a picnic table as three demonic forms that resembled
pets whirled through the air chasing a pack of Neopians.
Suddenly they gasped. There, across the fairgrounds, they could make out a much younger
looking Sidney, standing and staring at the massacre, with an unreadable expression on his face.
"Hurry!" shouted Trystin, "we have to get to him!" The trio jumped up and worked their way towards
Sidney. It was no easy task, as they were running perpendicular to the stampeding crowd.
Finally, battered and bruised, they reached him. Zach's fear of the demon pets overshadowed
any that he might have had of the strange Nimmo, as he yanked on Sidney's sleeve...
Author: allinamorro
Date: 23 April
..."Who are you?!?" shouted the frightened young Nimmo, whipping his
body around. "Get off of me!!!"
"We're your friends! I'm Zach, she's Trystin," the exasperated Quiggle
said, pointing to the Ixi, "and he's Tad." Zach stated.
"You actually don't know us yet, but you will!" added Trystin.
"What's that supposed to mean?" the card seller demanded.
"You'll see, just come on! We have to get out of here!" Tad shouted hurriedly.
"What is going on?" asked Sidney.
"The fairgrounds are becoming haunted!" exclaimed Zachary.
"I'll explain later, or you'll figure it out for your-"
Suddenly, the foursome heard a demonic creature chant some magic words;
there was a blinding flash of white light, and a tornado of dust swirled around them...
When the debris subsided, Sidney spoke quietly, a terrified expression on
his face. "W-what hasss the evil demonsss done to S-ssidney?!"
The three friends looked at each other, all realizing what had happened.
It was Trystin who acted first. "Come on... now!" she yelled, and with
that she grabbed Sidney so that he couldn't escape, and started running as fast as she could,
making the youthful Nimmo come along. The others followed after.
Zachary looked back at the fairgrounds. He saw some creatures magically
writing the words "Wheel of Misfortune" on the fallen Ferris wheel.
Keeping this to himself, he continued running.
Tad, spying a mysterious scratchcard that had been dropped, went over and
picked it up. Being the fastest runner among his comrades, he easily caught up.
As Tad sped along parallel to his friends, he noticed something different
about the scratchcard...
Author: chessmaster1117
Date: 23 April
...He had never seen anything that looked quite as beautiful and pretty as this.
The scratchcard had "Faerie's Peace" written in gold letters that were over a beautiful
Faerie fighting a demon spirit down to nothing.
"Hey, guys... look at this!" Tad said, catching up to the group.
"Wow," Trystin said, taking the scratchcard from Tad and staring at the picture intently.
A thought suddenly rushed into her head. What if this scratchcard could restore the
future and make it peaceful again, as if the accident had never happened or anything?
But that's impossible, she thought to herself, nothing can repair the future.
"Guys, what if we scratch this and see what happens?" she said to the group.
"I d-don't know," Sidney replied, shaking as he looked at the scratchcard. "I wassn't
ssselling thesse, and I'm the only ssscratchcard vendor here."
Zachary, who had been quiet the last few minutes, suddenly spoke up.
"What if we scratch it, I mean... it looks like this scratchcard could help us."
"It's worth a try," Trystin mumbled.
So, the friends gathered around the card and began to pick and select which places
to scratch. There were 9, so they figured it was like any other scratchcard,
where you had to get 3 symbols to win or 3 identical neopoint amounts to win.
After plotting which 6 to scratch, Trystin slowly began to scratch off the first
spot they had picked.
It came up saying the number 10,000.
As Trystin scratched off the second one, she and her friends almost fainted at
what they saw... it was a skull and crossbones.
"NO!" Tad said loudly, sobbing. "We don't want to die!"
"Calm down Tad, it's only one." Zachary replied soothingly.
Trystin scratched off the 3rd spot. Everyone, again, gasped.
It was another skull and crossbones.
Now Zachary began to sob, and Trystin had Sidney settle them down, saying it
would be alright.
Trystin scratched the 4th spot on the scratchcard, and breathed a sigh of relief.
It showed a Faerie demolishing a demon.
The 5th spot showed the same picture.
Everybody held their breath as Trystin slowly began to scratch off the sixth one...
Author: superrat907240
Date: 24 April
...Trystin scratched the spot on the scratchcard at a very slow pace.
The same though raced through her mind as it did the others-
was it going to be a Faerie or DEATH?!
The whole fate of the Fairgrounds depended on the revelation of this one spot on
the scratchcard.
Unfortunately, everyone had forgotten about the demon Neopets flying around
the fairgrounds and demolishing the rides.
A large coaster ride crashed right behind the foursome as the demons pushed it
over. It smashed into a heap of more than thousand planks of wood, intermingled
with liberal dose of twisted metal.
Trystin managed to get out of the twisted wreckage, but still hadn't finished
scratching the scratchcard. "Is everybody okay?" she yelled out, hoping her
friends would still be alive.
Sidney, Zachary and Tad appeared from under a pile of wood. "That was close!"
Zachary said, "Maybe the demon Neopets here know that something bad will
happen to them if we finish scratching the scratchcard."
"Then you will jusst have to hurry up and ssscratch it," Sidney replied.
"But we'll have to hide somewhere away from the demons if we want to finish
scratching it," Trystin ordered.
The four of them ran around the fairgrounds, trying to dodge all the
pets who were trying to get away from the demons. It was very risky,
also trying to dodge the collapsing rides around them. But at last,
Trystin, Zachary, Sidney and Tad found the perfect hiding place away
from the pets, and away from the demons... under an overturned rollercoaster car.
"What does it look like it's going to be Trystin?" Tad asked, feeling very nervous.
"I don't know," Trystin answered, showing that she was puzzled and perplexed,
"I haven't scratched enough off to make a guess as to what the symbol
might be. But I know it's a symbol, and it will be either a skull or a Faerie."
Suddenly, the rollercoaster car was lifted into the air and turned
right way up. The group was terrified to find that the demons were carrying
the rollercoaster car into the sky... with them still inside it!
"Trystin!" Zachary shouted out, scared half to death, "You've got to
scratch the card now! Before it's too late!"
"I'm trying!" Trystin called back, hurriedly scratching away at the
spot, "But for some reason the spot isn't scratching off!"
Angrily, she swiped the card with her hoof, but before Trystin could
see what she had uncovered, another demon appeared
and knocked it out of her hooves.
The four of them watched helplessly as the scratchcard fell towards
the fairgrounds below...
Author: mindyfisher27
Date: 24 April
...Tyrstin screamed and desperately grasped for the card, nearly falling out.
Tad grabbed her, and shouted, "Wait! Don't!"
The Quiggle sniffed and said bitterly, "Isn't it stupid?"
Sidney, Trystin and Tad all answered in unison, "What's stupid?"
Zachary spoke again. "That our fate should depend on the outcome of a scratchcard!"
Tad spoke up, a confused expression on his face. "It had two..."
The others gathered 'round him, until Trystin spoke, gently yet urgently. "What had two?"
"The symbol. The scratchcard was messed up. It had the skull and a Faerie.
I saw it over your shoulder, Trystin."
They all went white- their future was still uncertain.
"A Faerie AND the ssskull? Why?!? Ssidney doesn't underssstand," said the Nimmo.
The others shook their heads. Suddenly, the rollercoaster car lurched, throwing them violently
in the car. Trystin was flung out, then fell with a scream. Cold wind rushed past her ears as
she plummeted down to almost
certain death. As she fell though, Trystin caught a glimpse of a strange light beneath her...
Author: ninkori
Date: 25 April
...and landed in something... soft?
"Wha--" Trystin raised her head and gazed around. There was lush grass all around,
and beyond that the rides were all up and running, crowded with pets. Trystin blinked,
shook her head, and blinked again. She stood shakily, and looked down at what had
saved her. It was a puddle of mud, just deep enough to cushion her landing.
The Ixi glanced up. There was a pearly white mist floating above her, through which
she could faintly see the outlines of her friends. "Jump!" she yelled. "Jump, it's safe!"
"No!" Zach yelled down at her. "Something's happening to the demons!"
Just then, a demon ran screaming into her line of sight. The thing was cloaked in
white mist. It poured out of his eyes and settled into his skin. Maybe,
Trystin thought, the crossbones meant the death of the demons- but
the light of the Faerie is what saved me, and set things right. Trystin could see
the fog lifting up the broken rides and fixing them with pale hazy tendrils. The mist
surrounded Sidney, straightening his limbs and easing down his throat. But the window
of fog Trystin had fallen through was getting smaller.
"Jump!" she screamed.
Zach obeyed her this time, leaping over the edge of the car and through the window.
He landed in the mud, splattering it all over Trystin. She pulled him out of the way
as Tad came hurtling through the fast-shrinking splotch of mist.
"Sidney!" the Ixi called to the fog-wreathed Nimmo, but as the card-seller jumped,
the window closed with a flash and bang of light.
The three stared up at the now-empty sky. Trystin felt sad and dull.
Footsteps crunched in the grass behind her and a faintly familiar voice said, "What
was that?"
She felt Zach and Tad turn around and heard them gasp, but only asked dully, "What
year is it?"
"Year Five, of course. Would you like to buy a scratchcard?"
Trystin turned around then. Her jaw dropped as she saw Sidney standing before them,
grinning. But not the hissing Sidney she remembered-- it was the Sidney of Year One;
happy and normal, if a bit older.
The Nimmo cocked his head in puzzlement and then his smile broadened. "I remember you!
"Sidney," she stuttered. "What happened to you?"
"The Faerie fog," he replied with a grin. "It healed me." He produced a scratchcard
from one of his pockets and waved it in front of her face. "Would you like it? I'll
give it to you free!"
"No thanks," Trystin said, glancing at Zach and Tad. They nodded agreement, heading
out across the fairground that was no longer haunted. Trystin gave a satisfied sigh.
"I told you this was the coolest place in Neopia."
The End
Author: dream_of_dragons
Date: 25 April
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