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Neopets Poems

To send in your Neopets related poems or to find out more about the poetry contest, click here! The best poems get put on the site and earn 1,000 Neopoints, a RARE ITEM, and a Trophy for the author's trophy cabinet.

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The Haunted Faire: Oh, What Fun!
by Tttxyv

The Haunted Faire is finally here
With all of the frights you've wished,
There'll always be something to fear,
But it just cannot be missed!

There's Apple Bobbing -- oh, what fun!
That is, if you want to get wet.
You might just get some Haunted Drums;
Or, in worse cases, you'll fall into debt!

Or if you have a knack for food,
The Spooky Food Contest is best;
But the winner turned out to be quite crude,
A monster, nonetheless!
This might sound so very scary,
But at least give it a shot, give it a try.
All of it's not bad, it's actually quite merry;
Everyone has loads of fun, I cannot deny.

But, if Halloween isn't your thing
I can't stop you, you just don't care;
So go prepare for winter and spring,
While everyone has fun 
At the ol' Haunted Faire.

Key Questing Catastrophes
by Limo8

I go to play that fun old game,
Yup! Key Quest is the name;
I roll the dice and see what it will show.
I lost my favorite house, oh no!

We start off fine, everything keen;
I roll my turn and everything is pristine.
I play my lint power-up, how sweet!
They stop on their turn... what a cheat!

I lose my patience and see what they do.
Next up, their turn, they stole my shoe.
Those fast little feet, boy do they run...
Cheaters and quitters know how to ruin fun!

I finally got a gummy dice, oh yay!
But gee, look who stole it 
And destroyed my day!
My opponent is cheating, that much is clear.
I won't take it much longer, you hear?

As soon as our game is through --
I know you cheated, guess how I knew?
I see that you left before I won:
You really do spoil all the fun!

As soon as I report for foul,
I get angry and sometimes I yowl;
"Don't you cheaters cheat! Geez!"
These are the Key Questing catastrophes!

The Dread Of Saskia
by Flufflepuff

A Cybunny, with glovéd paws,
A noble cause, a cunning gaze,
Lightish streaks in navy hair,
Fur teal and fair, stood in a daze.

Plans from six months in advance,
Left naught to chance, had gone to waste.
A raging silhouette attacked,
Held nothing back, left her the taste

Of bitter loss and trampled wood.
Misunderstood, she shook her head.
The irony too great to miss:
'Twas she, not masks 'twere filled with dread.

Her colored feathers, fabric, bones,
Carefully sewn, lay in a heap 
Of remnants from her wooden cart,
So torn apart, she would but weep

Had reputation not restrained 
And so contained her anguished cries.
Saskia knelt, unmoving, numb,
But her gaze shifted to masks by

Where the crowning glory would
Have proudly stood atop her cart.
Pieced the way they'd fallen, they
Could stay that way, declared her heart.

A smile flickered on her face
As she replaced the broken masks
By binding them, knowing, next year,
She would in greater glory bask.

Maraquan 'Pets
by Meganhilty

Maraquan 'pets are just the best,
I hope you all agree.
With flippers, gills, and swimming skills,
They frolic in the sea.

Some like to glide among the tide,
Like the Korbat and the Krawk.
Whereas others need the soft seaweed
To sit and have a talk.

Beneath the shore, to the sandy floor,
Hide the JubJubs underneath.
They're small in size, but don't be surprised,
That they look like coral reef.

The Grarrl's large fin and toothy grin
Make others scream in fright.
But they're not bad guys, despite their size,
Just be careful of their bite.

The slimy Usul cannot bustle
Because of his large shell,
But though he's slow, even with the flow,
He still moves about quite well.

Maraquan Skeiths have pointed teeth,
And as ugly as they seem,
They’re the 'pets to call for some Yooyuball:
Just look at Maraqua's team!

So, if you’d like a 'pet with spikes,
Or tentacles, or fins;
A Maraquan 'pet is a good bet,
Then the fun truly begins.

There’s no need to rush for the paint brush
(The prices are sky-high!),
But have no fear, don’t shed a tear,
You can save up if you try.

Wheel Of Misfortune
by Poison_yvie

With the turn of a wheel, 
great misfortune is brought.
For a chance at a prize,  
Neomonia is caught.

This illness is nasty,
leaving 'pets feeling sick,
so tired and grumpy
with only one cure to pick.

Neopian Pharmacy
provides you with the cure,
at a quite hefty price; 
does the work, that's for sure.

If ever you are down
and cannot afford it,
try your luck and pay the 
Healing Springs a visit.

Do not rush the faerie,
her magic has limits.
You may need to come back
for another visit.

Let this be a lesson
of what chances may cost.
Though sometimes you will win;
prepare, things may be lost.

Total Poetry Pages : 2745

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