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Neopets Poems

To send in your Neopets related poems or to find out more about the poetry contest, click here! The best poems get put on the site and earn 1,000 Neopoints, a RARE ITEM, and a Trophy for the author's trophy cabinet.

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Twas in my humble bed I lay... By enchantmentmage

Twas in my humble bed I lay
When the shadow came upon my day
The sun was swallowed up by night
And then began my growing fright.
My Shoyru sleeping on the floor
In a box right by my door.
And she says she loves me so
And this small truth I very well know.
However, on that haunted night
I witnessed a horrible sight
For at 3 AM, not quite at dawn,
A breeze, a shadow, my Shoyru was gone.
I went outside, I called her name
"Reveka! Reveka!" No answer. A pain
Of worry and fright came upon me
Where she was, I could not see.
An adventure, I thought, will take place
I have to laugh at the face
Of fear, and go looking for
My beloved Shoyru, who sleeps by my door.
So I went and looked, and saw, trust me,
Nothing, when a horrible thought struck me.
Has she run away? I wondered out loud
And not a word, no whisper, no sound.
And after 4, I tarried not
I went home, to bed I trot
And discovered Reveka, and she was upset
And for once, her anger I met.
She went, she saw
And she came back
Because all she got
Was a midnight snack.

Why Me? By kiko_brat

Why Me?
One simple question,
yet so many answers.
Why me?
Why did a person,
so careless,
who only thinks for themselves,
Choose me?
I only want to know that,
for all those good people out there,
there has to be bad ones.
But I found out the hard way.
Some one has taken my joy,
my sorrow,
my weakness,
Please help those people in need
stop hackers in their tracks,
before it happens to you.

Peace In Neopia By moonstargirl

Get rid of the monsters
That steal your points at night
The ghosts up in the money tree
That cannot stand daylight
Get Rid of Dr.Sloth
Who wants to take over all
Get rid of the stealing
That makes neopets bawl
So you have room for peace and love
Happiness in the air
So you can forget about the evil
That brought out a neopets fear
Peace In neopia
is all I ask of you
To let others know war is wrong
And let the kau freely moo
Let The JubJub sing it's wonderous song
Let the Uni's sing and play
Let the peophin's swim in the ocean deep
With Flotsam's and Jetsam's on with her way
Let Moehog's roll around in the mud
Let Neopets know that it is all ok!

My World By nagareboshi

Deep inside the depths of my mind,
Romantic emotions dwell
If you could see, then you would find,
My dreams clear as a bell
A sense of reality is left behind,
When I'm inside my shell
So please be gentle, true, and kind,
And pray that all goes well
Deep inside depths of my mind
Where these romantic notions dwell.

Total Poetry Pages : 2801

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