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Neopets Poems

To send in your Neopets related poems or to find out more about the poetry contest, click here! The best poems get put on the site and earn 1,000 Neopoints, a RARE ITEM, and a Trophy for the author's trophy cabinet.

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Halloween Aishas
By mellowyellosi

Aishas so spooky,
You don't know what to do,
Are going to invade
The Limited Too!

With their cute little horns,
And their devilish grin,
They will take over your mind,
And your heart they will win.

They will sit on the shelves,
As calm as can be,
While people like me
Rush in frantically.

We will grab them and hug them,
And love them so much,
As, they're cute to the eyes,
And soft to the touch.

But they're nothing like their cousins,
Painted Disco and Cloud.
They're spooky, and creepy,
And don't forget loud!

Their costumes scream "Devil"
But you know what I think?
They're misunderstood,
And quite loveable. *Wink*

Lenny Conundrum
By lebbek

I was at the news when it came out
I thought I'd have a chance
So I clicked on the conundrum link
To check it with a glance

I used my scroll to scroll down a lil
And just what did I see?
A whole bunch of paragraphs
And a shiny gold trophy

I calculated several times
Of the passengers, on 'n' off
I read through the 7 paragraphs
And ask myself, when will this driving stop??

I finish with a sigh of relief
I lean back in my chair
I get ready to answer the question
But it asks, what colour is the driver's HAIR?!"

By panbiscuit

I'm lost! Oh, no!
Whatever shall I do?
If I don't find some sack plant seeds,
I'll be through--boo hoo!

My Tentacompass leads the way,
The path is long, I'm sure.
The seeds are in the Haunted Woods,
Its maze I now endure.

My master seeks the seeds he needs
For his nefarious schemes,
But simply finding my way out
Will answer all my dreams!

The maze is long and winding--
I've got 60 health points now--
And if I don't find my way through,
I'll be gone, and how!

Do I go left? Do I go right?
Where is that little sack?
I wish I had a map with me,
But that, indeed, I lack!

At last, the seeds! My task is done!
Or, is it? Where's the end?
For here, I see no exit near--
Is this goodbye, my friend?

The exit must be here, I know!
And now I see it's true!
But I'm approaching zero health...
it's just too far--I'm doomed!

Stamp Madness!
By omega57

Collecting stamps was always seen
As something of a joke
The people who collected them
Were often quiet folk

They kept themselves to themselves
That's now a bit cliche
Because everyone on Neopets
Is after stamps today!

The craze is sweeping quickly
Everywhere you go
Who has the rarest ones?
Will we ever know?

Who wants to trade with me?
But I only have a few
Yes, stamp collecting these days
Is the trendy thing to do

It may seem a bit silly
After all, they're really small!
But tell that to a collector
And he won't agree at all

People will pay thousands
For stamps that are quite rare
And people will do anything
To call those rare stamps theirs!

So if you're feeling bored
With Neopoints to spend
Then why not buy a stamp or two?
You'll be grateful in the end

When you have the best album
Chock full of brilliant finds
Everyone will stare in awe
At all your different kinds

The Saga of Magax: Destroyer
By zammm2000

Evil, evil Hubrid Nox,
May you contract some Neopox.
Huddled deep in your dank cave,
Raising ghoulish pets from the grave,
Brewing while the vile smoke curled,
Raising armies to conquer the world.

His army came in scattered ranks,
Evil, foul, dark and dank.
The people trembled, shook in fear;
Nox floated close to grin and sneer.
"Give up, mortals! You are doomed!"
Cried Nox; behind, his army loomed.

Help us, Magax! Keep up the fight!
Blasting with your bolts of light!
Destroy for us these ghosts most vile!
Shoot them down in rank and file!
The people fled towards the hills,
Save one, who stood there, quiet, still.

The lone one cried, "You shall not win!"
He blasted Nox, flew up, and grinned.
"I shall defeat you!" Magax cried,
"And from my vengeance NONE can hide!"
Nox cried out in shock, fell back,
"Fine!" he cried, "Minions, attack!"

Aisha ghosts swooped quickly down,
Levitating 'bove the ground.
Chias with a caustic spit
Fired at him, but didn't hit.
Ghostly JubJubs multiplied,
Splitting open in the sky.

Hubrid flew on thunderheads,
Aiding, as he could, the dead.
His monsters grew to giant size,
Larger than if supersized.
Fiery auras burned Magax,
Ice orbs froze him in his tracks!

As of now, that's how it stands;
Victory is in your hands.
Beseiged Magax requires your aid,
So lend a hand, don't be afraid!
Take it slow, go ghost by ghost,
And soon you'll fell the entire host!

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