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Neopets Poems

To send in your Neopets related poems or to find out more about the poetry contest, click here! The best poems get put on the site and earn 1,000 Neopoints, a RARE ITEM, and a Trophy for the author's trophy cabinet.

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Ode To Kiko Lake
by Trubiekatie

It’s a road often less traveled,
Where the cabins hug the shores.
I find the atmosphere quiet,
With just a few smaller stores.

With their famous Glass Bottom Tours
And the shores lined with round trees,
It’s no wonder Kiko Lake’s so pretty,
Topped with a gentle summer breeze.

The first stop on my trip is to the shops,
To spend the change in my pocket.
It’s either the Treats or Carpentry,
Shopping was the first on the docket.

I’ve bought some delicious cookies
And then some furniture for my Neohome.
With nothing left for me to spend,
I finally have some time just to roam.

I know there is much more beneath the lake
And only visible by the glass bottomed boats.
I must do this! No matter the cost to me,
It’s even in my planning notes.

It does not disappoint, this famous water tour,
As the fish swim underneath my feet.
You can see all the coral and homes
Without moving from your assigned seat.

Kiko Lake, you might be small to some,
But you offer enough to do for me!
How can I resist just a bit of shopping
And a renowned boat tour for free?

My Little Helpful Cleaning Robot Kiko
by Sugarypixiestix2

I never have to worry about dust,
because of a machine that I trust.
My dishes stay sheen and unswayed
by all the pastas that I've made.

Along with my silver and glasses
that look smoother than molasses,
you can see yourself in my tiles,
which gives me a bounty of smiles.

Mildew is nonexistent in my bath;
it's as if dirt is on a new path.
Fresh scents linger in each room
as my robot grabs its tiny broom.

Despite its size it's very fast;
having it around is such a blast.
When I come home I am worry-free...
sometimes I just lounge in a tree.

All thanks to my mini robot Kiko,
whose presence is a welcomed glow.
I'm unsure I can live without it --
this device's housework is legit!

A Tourist At Kiko Lake
by Jellybeanott

With crystal clear water
And beautiful smiling homes,
There sits a cosy village
Where a happy tourist roams.

With many places to explore
Both above water and below,
Glass bottom tours
And a coral garden show.

Multicoloured houses
And edible Kiko treats,
You can dive the pure waters
And swim the spotless streets.

The residents smile happily
And pose for every photograph;
You relish the delightful shops
And the helpful sales staff.

At the end of a peaceful day,
Laying on the sandy beach,
You contemplate the future,
The next destination within reach.

Wherever you decide to go,
One thing is for sure,
Nowhere can be as peaceful
As the gleaming Kiko shore.

by Jo_eccentric

There is a new game.
The news, it does tell.
It has lots of bubbles
And Kikos as well.

Clearing up Kiko Lake
Is part of the game.
Getting rid of the bubbles
Is the ultimate aim.

Each bubble I hit,
I hear a small ping.
After a few levels,
My ears start to ring.

Oh, this game's addictive!
I must get a high score.
Through day and through night,
I must play some more!

Come try out this game,
It sure is great fun!
Pakiko, it's called -- 
The fun's just begun!

A Day At Kiko Lake
by Alicerosay

Early, before the sun has the chance to wake,
Kikos are up preparing their immaculate lake,
The bottoms of their boats 
Shine without a single smudge,
A Kiko baker prepares 
To create peanut butter kiko fudge,
The carpenter crafts furniture 
Modeled after himself,
His work has earned Kiko Lake 
Many prizes on their trophy shelf,
Everyone here at Kiko Lake 
Continues on with their duties,
Until the clock strikes ten signaling it’s time 
To show off their underwater beauties,
Finally, it's time for their 
World famous glass bottom boat tours,
The passengers pull out their cameras 
As the boat leaves the lake's shores,
As the tour guides point out the village 
Her steady flow of information never falters,
The Kiko houses shine like sequins 
From beneath the crystal waters,
Amusing the Kikos with how other Neopets 
Are dazzled by their everyday lives,
They think of themselves as 
Just average Neopets living beneath the tides.
After this stunning display, 
The visitors are filled with dismay,
Wishing they could float 
Above the Kikos all day,
The boat with a window for its bottom 
Takes it’s place at the pier.
The captain changing the boat 
Into a resting gear,
The passengers' tummies begin to sound 
Like a Grarrl whose been made angry,
So, these visiting Neopets 
Head over to the bakery 
Looking for something sweet or tangy.
Together, these Neopets race each other 
All the way from the dock,
They buy so much food that
The baker heads to the kitchen to restock.
After eating so much they become bloated,
The Neopets walk past 
The lake where they just boated.
Together, they charge into Kiko Lake Carpentry,
Absorbing all of the furniture’s diversity.
Around the store these Neopets roam,
A few making a purchase for their Neohome.
One buys a nice wardorbe 
Made with real ivory,
The others leave to color 
Some picture for the sake of memory,
Planning to take them home 
And post them on their refrigerator,
Each one believing themselves 
To be a masterpiece creator.
With a few hours left, 
Some Neopets decide to take a dive,
But sunset has come 
And it’s time to say goodbye.
The Kikos travel beneath 
The water’s depths to go to bed,
Because they all know tomorrow 
They have another big day ahead.

Pakiko Dos And Don'ts
by Phineas_and_ferb_104

Aim the bubble shooter
at the green spots --
If you hit enough
You can win lots!

This seems quite simple...
A cinch, indeed,
But still, some things are unclear,
So simply follow my lead.

Never aim when you know
You'll miss it by a lot,
And if you want to do that --
Please, please, PLEASE do not!

Use the bouncers to your aid...
You never know, they'll help you!
And if you can't score enough,
Sometimes the ball with turn into two!

Or three...

And that concludes our session of teaching,
Hope you enjoyed the show!
And since you guys enjoyed our stuff,
Go and play Pakiko!

Kavi's Summer Days
by Choquis

Summer days, beat the heat.
Orange Kiko's tubing meet!
Grabs her tube, red and white,
steps outside, in morning light.

Follows the trail to Kiko Lake.
Watches the wind, checks the wake.
Pushes her tube in muddy shore,
as she’s done so many times before.

Paddles down the tributary.
Summer breeze, so soft and airy.
Floats upon the river’s blue. 
Takes in perfect nature’s hue.

Dodges the natives' arrow aim.
Collects the items to win the game.
Suddenly, what’s in her path?
Will she escape the whirlpool’s wraith?

Down she sinks, spinning 'round.
Paddling as cool water surrounds.
Although she’s had some better dives,
she knows she still has two more lives.

by Vinnicbat

Take the ball,
take your aim,
and fire at will!

Hit the bubbles!
Just don't let it
hit the sandy floor.

Let it ricochet!
Hit the green
and clear the whole board!

Archie holds the clam
to get another ball.
Then, have it bounce off it.

Play, Shoot, Bounce, Catch!
The way of the game!
Make sure you thank
Mr. Squiddy when you play!

Kiko Lake Prophecy
by Botamius

A lake born from the old, forgotten flames --
The caldera -- cauldron -- 
Of a silent ghost volcano
Who now no longer burns.

How poetically nature crafts her change,
The alchemy of forging 
Pure and peaceful waves
Upon the death of a fiery rage.

The Kikos, in defiance of the burning 
And churning of the past, say,
"We will live here as the cutest creatures
Ever seen, and float and breathe within this Realm where no life could have lived before."

The Kikos, like the calm, clear waters 
In which they dwell, swim with the gentle flow
Of sunlight scattering in ripples --
But mistake this not as weakness,
For the prophecy says: 
"One day this place will burst again,
And spill itself and conquer all Neopia."

For now, though, this lake remains in dormancy,
The smallest of Neopian lands --
Yet the Kikos are proud, and rightfully so.
Because this is their home...
And it will flood us all.

A Day At Kiko Lake
by Exequy

Kiko Lake is a quiet place
Where Kikos swim and play.
There are others, too (Jetsams, of course),
That swim about the day.

At night, the banks stay comfy
And the lake still warms the feet.
To swim around the open lake
Is really quite a treat!

You can see the Kikos doing backstrokes,
Some are treading water --
It doesn’t get much colder here.
It doesn’t get much hotter.

Always mild, sweet, and light,
Every hour of every day.
So, if you visit Kiko Lake,
You’ll love your sunny stay!

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