Neopets Poems
To send in your Neopets related poems or to find out more about the poetry contest, click here!
The best poems get put on the site and earn 1,000 Neopoints, a RARE ITEM, and a Trophy for the author's trophy cabinet.
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The Spyder
By Daniellal
Don't be afraid,
Please stay calm,
I look, well, unsual,
But I mean no harm...
I wait in the PetPet shop,
Praying and wishing,
That someone will pick me,
But it never happens...
Neopets may be afraid,
But I am ashamed,
Of my horrible looks,
And my unfriendly name,
Spyder... how awful is that?
I just feel like a freak,
I've been in this shop all my life
When some PetPets stay only a week...
So please remember looks don't count,
'Cos people can be beautiful on the inside,
But right now I'm just waiting,
As I wonder why....
By Theodd
sitting with bad hand,
trying to keep my straight face,
why do frogs gamble?
silly earth faerie,
giving me her silly quests,
why pay for free food?
in the battledome,
fighting with my ice cannon,
dang, that frost bite stings
feel the water flow,
your pad moves, shoots golden light,
and defies newton
Return to the Snowager
By Dominique17
The icy wind blew hard and cold
But great riches have the stories told
And so these four they choose to seek
Climbing up towards the mountain peak
A Kougra, Scorchio, Mynci, and Kau
Finding their bravery, for the time was now
They stood here at the mouth of the cave
All of them, quite suddenly not feeling so brave
For these tales also told of the guard of the treasure
A fearful creature whose only pleasure
Was to chase after pets and gulp them down
So they may never return to their Neopian town
They can only go in at the time he's asleep
And across the cave floor they must quietly creep
They enter his lair and oh what a sight
Atop wondrous objects such a terrible fright
The creature he stirs and gives a slight moan
Chilling these poor pets to the very bone
They wait for a second, till they're sure he is done
Then quickly they move, his eyes open, they run
An icy blast does he let out
These four pets, they scream
And they holler and shout
And out of the cave and down the slope
To return to their owner is all that they hope
They reach their home and hug her and vow
That tomorrow they'll return with something somehow
The Battle of Sakhmet
By Lady_tsunami
That Sloth is a devil,
we know that is true.
We thought we defeated him,
but he came back, anew.
He brought with him Grundos,
stronger then ever.
He commanded them,
without lifting a feather.
He took the great staff,
it was made of pure evil.
The snake on its head,
with a big tongue, not little.
As the battle raged on,
in came Troopers, Commanders, and Clones.
It seemed that Sloth, was sensing defeat,
he sent in a Rock Beast, made from huge stones.
As Brucey saved the day,
all the people cheered.
Brucey was a hero,
isn't that weird??
To all the pets that battled,
and I'm sure you'll agree,
you're all very brave,
but to you, the three...
thank you for defeating,
that deadly beast.
Now let's have a party,
with a great feast!!
In the Beginning
By Lilqtaznpie
In the beginning...
The Faeries circled around the dry dusty land.
It was dirty, and uncomfortable.
Nobody thought that it would someday
Become beautiful Neopia.
They raised their wands,
Created green, lush forest trees,
And blooming colorful flowers.
The sweet aroma
Of the new creations of nature
Floated throughout.
Fresh breezing wind blew by.
It was gorgeous,
But only the beginning.
They raised their wands,
Created sparkling flowing rivers,
And shimmering blue seas.
The relaxing sounds of the waters
Floated throughout.
Fresh breezing wind blew by.
It was beautiful,
But there was more to come.
They raised their wands.
Created new life on this land.
Neopets laughed and giggled everywhere.
The happy sounds of the Neopets
Floated throughout.
It was delightful.
But something was missing.
They raised their wands.
And guided boys and girls like you to Neopia.
By now, everyone owned and cared for a Neopet.
The great feeling of love floated throughout.
It was a fantastic scene.
And Neopia stood in majesty.
As it still does today.
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