Neopets Poems
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Lupe Day Special
A Blue Lupe's Moonlit Lullaby
by symbolism
Into the night, I cry out. I am not mourning, but soon
those who hear will bow their heads and listen close.
So my friend, I will tell you: this is what the moon
looks like 'fore I howl it down from its midnight post:
a Korbat's keen echo in the dark, another's answer
a shallow cradle yellowed, spangled with splinters
a dimly lit music box missing its prim dancer
A snow globe still enough to forget its little winter.
a fisherman's lure caught in a bed of ocean rot
a weewoo's sea-swept feathers scorched in the sand
a bed of daffodils succumbed to morning's frost
a cold chalice of nectar smudged by tiny hands
Into the night, I raise my head, shadows heavy on me.
Those who look on stare awhile and then travel on.
And so my friend, I will tell you, this is what I see
in the stars as I sing them silver, from dusk to dawn:
a wisp of a net for catching a school of swift Koi
a hazy portrait its artist will never complete,
a glittering diamond ring, though just a child's toy
The Hunter's watchful eyes, the Dancer's joyous feet.
A faerie's quick penmanship, a somber verse
an arrangement of song no orchestra has played
a rumour of the aurora's fire, Edna's lost curse
a roving bard's chariot that has at last stayed.
Into the night, I sing to sleep those with weary minds,
although I stay awake and prowl the earth low and high.
And so my friend, once I fall silent, I will leave behind
a morning soft but sure, my last moonlit lullaby.
The Lupe and the Chia
by a_ramsell
Despite the long-standing animosity
Between the Chia and the Lupe,
There is hope for amity
Between these two feuding groups.
It might surprise you to hear
Back in the day, long long ago,
Lupes were known to hunt the Chias,
And the poor Chias lived in constant fear.
Though such behaviour is now frowned upon,
The underlying feelings remain;
This can put relations between Lupes and Chias
Under a challenging amount of strain.
Perhaps that doesn’t have to be the dace
In the present day.
Let’s all work together to resolve the hostility
Between predator and prey.
I humbly ask all Chias
To go up to a Lupe today
And give them a smile and wish them
A fantastic Lupe Day!
Honoring King Altador on Lupe day!
by table
Today we raise a glass to all Lupes across the land
Some even shaped by their hand
Today we honour Lupe like the king of Altador, the land of the joy
For all, pure of heart to enjoy!
A brave hero, nicknamed the hunter
It’s hard to find a ruler who is blunter
He found the rest simply too corrupt
So he did something that made everyone’s feelings erupt!
He started a happy land of his own
Just like that, he built himself a throne
A land where they honour hard work and labour
But where they equally enjoy delicious food with a strong flavour
The hunter might have been injured in a fight
The Werelupe king gave him a nasty bite!
Not all Lupes are pure of heart
So honouring the king of Altador is a good start!
Balthazar the Bounty Hunter Lupe
by lilcutedoglover
Around the darkness he prowls
Hunting faeries as his game
Baring sharp teeth as he growls
Balthazar is his name
In the shadows he waits for his prey
Little faeries unaware of their fates
“Ah, what fortune they’ll bring me today!”
Grinning about profits that awaits
Hunting and trapping faeries one by one
Revenge for the attacks when he was younger
Never forgetting what the faeries have done
Leading to his life as a bounty hunter
Ode to Tomos
by trubiekatie
He joined the Desert Scarabs at only three,
Such a young age to begin thievery.
He eventually met his partner in crime,
Together, they stole every nickel and dime.
Tomos the Lupe is known by many,
Not just known for stealing a penny.
First, we met him in the Lost Desert Plot,
When many braved Razul in the onslaught.
Tomos discovered the Ring of the Lost,
Which he wagered to hold to at all cost.
Helping his friend Nabile end the curse,
Never denying a chance to steal a purse.
In Legends and Letters, he battles with Aurrick,
The two fighters just seem to click.
And if that wasn’t enough, he’s in a game too!
The Great Desert Race – who knew?
Dear Tomos, I toast to you for Lupe Day,
Whether you’re gaming, or back in the fray.
Maybe if I’m nice, you won’t steal from me,
I’d be better off donating to the Money Tree!
The Song of Sylva the Ghost Lupe
by pleathers
"They were captured during the night,"
I have searched for you in the fauna;
This jungle, once so foreign,
Now a refuge--no, a puzzle,
I have howled to hear your echo
And I fear I cannot save you.
These shores welcome my footsteps
As the cobblestones of Neopia,
I wander as I search the waves;
Though I never sleep, I believe that I can dream,
Retracing your pawprints like codestones
And imagining you walk with me.
Jeran the Great
by wurmsrus
The untold story
Many don’t know
A wonderful story
Here to bestow
Jeran the Lupe
Who rallied the troops
Who took command
Defended the land
He towered above
Neopians loved
His brave attack
Where many fought back
He drew out his sword
He picked up his shield
Fought Darigan Lord
In Meridell field
Where others would cower
Jeran triumphed
With almighty power
Darigan slumped
Neopia cried
Neopia cheered
The happiest Neopets
They’d been in years
In halls of fame
Was written his name
Jeran the Great
Who made no mistake
His courage so treasured
Now and forever
Meridell saved
By Jeran the Brave
The Lupe Whose Gifts are Grandiose
by _brainchild_
Coltzan, Lupe of lots of lore,
Unfortunately is no more.
His ghost is in a desert shrine,
Exuding forces so divine.
A visit to the monolith
Has left some lucky winners with
Some prizes from the noble king.
Pure happiness they'll surely bring!
King's Lens reflects three types of magic.
Foes will find this surely tragic!
Coltzan's Sceptre may not be
The best, but it will bring some glee.
A Coltzan's Shrine Coin overjoys
With brilliant sparkle, never coy!
A Sutekh Plushie entertains,
Although it's common, so mundane.
So, if you seek an awesome gift,
Then maybe Coltzan will uplift
Your soul upon a visit to
The dwelling of the ghost so blue.
Lupe Day
by she_chose_love
Howl at the moon,
it’s the right thing to do today.
As we have a moonlit celebration,
to celebrate Lupes in a special way.
The celebrations take place after dark,
since Lupes love the night.
All of Neopia is aglow with candles,
to give us just enough light.
There are new Lupe themed items,
like wearables in various shades of blue.
There are games and contests,
and so many fun things to do.
Before the night ends,
there will be the announcement we have all been waiting for.
New Lupe colours will be announced,
I wonder what TNT has in store!
Happy Lupe Day!
The Werelupes of the Moon
by miraday
Predecessors' light, spirits of the night:
I speak now from the Tome of the Moon.
An old covenant was made in moonlight
Whereby dark faeries spoke their truths
And vowed to take on the grimmest plights
In exchange for messengers: Werelupes.
The Werelupes were borne. Nightshade,
Diamond teeth and moonlit flower petals
Into the faerie crucible were softly laid.
The concoction’s smell of sulfurous metal
Hung over the Haunted Woods’ domain.
The Lupes’ shapes twisted, then settled.
Werelupes were granted brute strength,
Elevated senses and magic of their own—
Dark magic. The gifts came in exchange
For duties that rose when the moon shone:
To conquer the night’s wicked and strange
As the Faeries grappled with the unknown.
Indeed, Werelupes were destined to become
An announcement of the faeries’ promise
To harness darkness and then overcome
Those who abuse the shadow of the forest.
Illuminated by the moon’s rising presence,
The Werelupes would be just and honest.
In the darkest of nights, chillest to bone,
The howling of a Werelupe marks the tune
Of the messenger fulfilling fates atoned.
The Dark Faeries cherish the opportune
Werelupe’s howl reverberating below,
A fabled song originating from the moon.
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