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Neopets Poems

To send in your Neopets related poems or to find out more about the poetry contest, click here! The best poems get put on the site and earn 1,000 Neopoints, a RARE ITEM, and a Trophy for the author's trophy cabinet.

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Treasure Keeper
By Minor_things

I wander through hedges, I roll the die,
To find you the cheapest slices of pie.
I stock all my shelves with swords and books,
And whenever I travel, for treasure I look.
I solve every puzzle, I beat every foe,
And I promise to always keep my prices low.
Motes, codestones, and even old boots,
I'll sell every last one to get me some loot.
I swear I'm not stingy, I'll strike you a deal,
But I need to get coins to pay for my meals.

They all think I'm magic,
Since prices get no steeper
But I say, "I'm just
A good Treasure Keeper."

Mel the Mootix
By Fleetingfame

Tiki Tickles my Taigar
Named his Mootix "Mel"
He found him in the grass one day,
And Tiki thinks he's SWELL!

Mel blessed us with an avatar
That only a Mootix can bring,
It looks nice when we chat on the Neoboards,
And that's a VERY special thing. ;)

Tiki hugs his Mootix everyday
And tucks him in at night,
I think Tiki credits Mel for helping him
Win his Petpet Arena fight!

We all know Neopia is a magical place
And has been right from the start,
So from Kitscheekoo, Tiki Tickles, Mel, and me,
We just wanted to say "Thank you!"
With all our hearts. :)

By Havittaa

I heard a whisper
O'er the mountains, down on the island:
Captain Bloodhook howled,
His fate unknown.

The Black Pawkeet winked in my eyes
and the mutinous crew grinned.
Oh, what horror they faced
But I hadn't known them then.

Captain toiled for life
and remained its sole victor.
But life had taken its toll --
His prize gone with the wind.

Now, we see his face on the island,
Hear the cackle as he calls
And the whispers for the treasures.
I fear it now more.

But, this has all passed,
Hannah hath delivered him from pity,
And I rejoice:
"Captain Bloodhook forever!"

P3 Party
By Kelexie

Sleepy snores flow soft and rhythmic,
Morning light beams through the glass.
A soldier shuffles to the clearing
And blurts a noisy song on brass.
Complaints and mumbles fast fall short --
"It's our day! No pests or nests!"
Put on shades and relax by the puddle;
You truly earned your day of rest!

Scrambling from their tiny homes
They meet the day with a smile and stretch.
The colony buzzes with an air of relief,
"No harvesting rock or eggs to hatch!"
Today they're free of fighting and fear;
Forecast is clear of all threats blue.
Though tomorrow work will surely rule --
All is aside for holiday overdue.

The Mootix hang with gentle care
Lights rich in color tree to tree.
Larnikin hum while gathering food,
A hearty banquet they guarantee.
The Pinchits issue each bug a hat,
A dazzling cone with pompom atop.
Confetti dances around them so bright,
Firecrackers burst with a noisy POP!

Now to feast on what was saved
Special for their holiday.
Doughnut crumbs and popcorn puffs,
A cookie, crisps, and chips buffet.
They nibble and nosh till afternoon,
Stuffing, burping, and falling down.
Before your tummies pop -- save room!
"Hot cocoa droplets all around!"

In soothing shade some lightly lounge
On luxury quilt of cotton ball fluff.
Whilst others splash in flower's dew,
For a few, the dew just isn't enough.
They scuttle to the puddle and dive straight in,
To the surface they dash for gulps of air.
Lying on their backs they glide so slow;
Spending their time without a care.

The sky is quickly growing dark,
The Petpetpet party is nearly done.
All know the importance of a good night's rest,
For hard work rises by the side of the sun.
Each sleepy bug hobbles to their home,
Into bed they gladly hop right in.
Heavy eyes close as dreams take flight-
What a beautiful day this day has been.

Release the Krawken
By Sleuthing

Seas groan to the moon
shining bright above.
Thrashing waves of white-capped
froth wrench at the beaches.
Sand is tossed and swallowed,
dragged into the once-still depths.
Ships have been ravaged.
Houses have been torn.
The clouds shriek as the wind
slices them like talons.
One Krawk stands alone, an arm
raised in a salute to his brow.
As the storm picks up, his coat whips
around him as a sail, fabric ripping.
Rocks and quarries sing their praise
as the beast creeps out of its den,
slithering along the ocean floor.
Fish desperately attempt to flee,
leaping into the air in futile escape,
but the creature has one target.
Swirling spray springs.
Gulls gawk.
Wood wobbles.
A single scream from the island itself
as great tentacles engulf it
in a choking embrace.
Then silence as it is rendered
unto the monster.
The lone sailor is frozen.
The Krawken had been released.

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