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Neopets Poems

To send in your Neopets related poems or to find out more about the poetry contest, click here! The best poems get put on the site and earn 1,000 Neopoints, a RARE ITEM, and a Trophy for the author's trophy cabinet.

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Prepare a Swipe to Change Your World
By Angeapple

Prepare a swipe to change your world
Across your life it slides
A brand new map it will unfurl
Before your very eyes

Dipped in the crystal pool of change
Drops clinging tight to bristles
Be still now, it will feel quite strange
A thousand piercing thistles.

Just close your eyes; it will not sting.
See, we're already nearly done.
Relax, picture what it will bring.
Advantages? Regrets none?

Does it feel cool? Like searing ice?
Hot, like churning fire?
The sounds of crashing oceans twice?
The skies that we aspire?

Can you feel the changes, dear?
You're done -- a brand new pet!
Your beauty now to others clear!
You look great -- do not fret.

Come to the edge of the sparkling pool
And peer, look, and share with me...
The ripples wind like strings on a spool
But, tell me... do you like what you see?

By Silver_spiderlilies

You stand as an army - a line of paints
Marred as if viewed with eyes of rain
Each glass-veiled jewel on peachy chain -
The shades of jade
O'er time ne'er fade
Pristine, perfect, polish's gain

And on your hips - full fabric blooms
In red and gold - a tailor's fumes
Silv'ry water from liquid looms
Each thread of red
Flows like lead
Spreading wings in whitewashed room

Plastic forms washed with cloth bright
Blazes of coloured silk pressed light
Quiet pris'ners in pretty plight
A heady dose
Of rose's pose
Every mark-ed eye with mirror's sight

Each fleshed fresh face alike, machined
All pearly limbs folded, thin -
Same blossomed curve on marbled knee
And on blue streets
Where feet are fleet
We're swathed in garb of the Usuki.

Diary of My Life
By Cats9723

Dear Diary,
I don't know what to say,
Shall I tell you about
All the things I did today?

Well first I'll start off
With my morning wake up call.
My brother drenched me in water...
But alas! That was not all!

I can't find my favorite ribbon,
My sister stole my teddy bear,
All my clothes were dirty today,
So I had nothing to wear.

My cocoa tasted bitter,
And my waffles were too sweet,
I tripped on the stairs while coming down
And now have a pain in my feet.

My owner is out shopping,
And my brother's with his band,
My sister's ripping my homework now!
I could sure use a helping hand...

I wish I lived in Faerieland,
Maybe then I'd be alright.
I can't have my paint brush yet,
Because the budget's a little tight.

My Miamouse is missing,
And my sister's flooded the bath,
My brother's brought home a pile of dung,
What do I do with THAT?

My owner will be furious,
I'm sure she'll scream and shout,
I'm positively terrified,
With how things will turn out!

Uh oh, there she is,
She's opening the door,
Where will I go? Should I hide in the closet?
I could crouch down on the floor!
Oh dear, she's found me,
I'm in for it now,
Wait, why is she smiling?
Isn't she supposed to frown?

What's that I see?
She's bringing out from her back,
A tiny wrapped-up parcel,
A package in a sack!

She hands it to me,
I'll open it, I guess,
Maybe it's a letter from my Miamouse,
Perhaps lost in the wilderness.

No! Look, there she is,
Just behind my owner's legs,
She's disappeared behind the coat
My owner's hung up on some pegs.

"Open it," my owner says,
What else do I have to do?
I follow her request,
Maybe it's a treat, yummy food!

No, it's a paint brush,
And a faerie one to count!
I love my owner, I knew,
She'd never let me down.

The Shadow Usul
By Yaoina

Neopia Central is quiet now,
the night has come a-calling,
the moon is lighting her thousand lamps
as darkness is a-falling.

Now all the shops have locked their doors,
the shopkeepers are sleeping,
and in these quiet hours comes
the shadow Usul creeping.

You'd think her any shadow
when she blends into the night,
but should you see her moving
she would give you quite the fright.

Her tiny feet are very fast,
it's almost like she's flying.
Her tiny paws like drifting smoke.
Her tiny voice is sighing.

What does the shadow Usul want?
What is her true intent?
What is the foul and evil deed
on which her heart is bent?

But is she really evil?
Who was the first to judge?
To what blind eyes and foolish soul
should she now hold a grudge?

Is she a lonely ghost perhaps,
in need of someone's love?
What kind of sunlight passion
is she really dreaming of?

The Mining Corp Guard
By Charity

Far away, among the stars,
There stands a silver, shining guard.
He stands forever to assure
the safety of the mining corp.

I'm looking at his glinting steel
Imagining the pain I'd feel
If ever I tried to take a stride
To see whatever's hid inside.

Staring at his yellow face,
I begin my terrible race
To try to beat the giant sentry
To a most impossible entry.

Almost there and I am caught.
Leaving now as I had ought,
I look back now from my wheel chair.
The guard, unmoved, is standing there.

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