Neopets Poems
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Buzz Day Special
My Buzz
by meco771
I have outside my neohome a Tigersquash tree, big and tall
I’ve watched it through each season but it’s never bared fruit at all
I just don’t understand it, I’ve pored over every book
But no matter how I’ve tried to solve it, I’ve never had any luck
My Buzz, he loves the garden – he would stay out there all day
Soaring, twirling, dancing and gliding until the sun’s last dying ray
My Buzz, he loves to dress up – dapper outfits for every occasion
But lately the buttons on his vest need a little extra persuasion
We went to Meri Acre’s farm one day, and there it finally clicked
The farmer cried, “No Buzz allowed!” and he sounded awful strict
I thought of the bare tree at home, and looked at my Buzz’s belly
While I hadn’t noticed it before, it was starting to wobble like jelly
I have outside my neohome a Tigersquash tree, big and tall
I’ve learnt it bears plenty of fruit but my greedy Buzz eats it all.
Crunchy Buzz Honey Delight
by geneames1
You need a hearty breakfast
To start the day off right
The yummiest thing that you could eat
Is some Crunchy Buzz Honey Delight
Made with oats and honey
Sugar packed into each bite
It will energize you all day long
And keep you awake all night
Laden with fat and calories
It's cloyingly sugary-sweet
Tasty if not good for you
It's a favourite Neopian treat
So start your day with a bowlful
A small glass of juice on the side
A sausage on toast to round out the meal
Then get up and go on outside!
The Beautiful Buzz
by czue
Iridescent, glistening wings
The Beautiful Buzz does fan
Zooming with a quiet hum
And traipsing through the land
Wreath of flowers round her head
And a single at her tail
Sweet and kind and gentle is she
Yet is not at all that frail
A beauty and a sight to see
With elegant repose
Landing with a gentle sigh
She finds home within a rose
Preening golden scales unto
Gleaming, shining state
Quietly enjoys her home
And settles in to wait
‘Oh they’re here!’ she exclaims
As the humming does rise
Buzzes flying here and there
For friends and family arrive
Each carries food or a little treat
To share with others dear
For ‘all for one and one for all’
Certainly applies right here
For all the beauty that she has
She wouldn’t find it hard to say
Beauty itself is uncommon
She’ll take true care over any day
With laughing and loved ones here
Enjoyment and the little things
She finds this is what matters most
And makes the heart truly sing
Buzz Celebration
by table
The sound of buzzing fills the morning air
So out of the window of your neohome you stare …
A whole swarm is in the air, but there is something very odd
They come nearer, waving with flags as if this is a weird movie plot
Oh yes, it is buzz day! And they are having a parade
You forgot to plan this celebration in your agenda, I’m afraid.
As the flags, banners and colourfully dressed buzz approach
All you can do is search for your “Buzz are the best” brooch
You wave as they fly by,
Their colourful parade fills the morning sky!
You take a moment to appreciate their kind
But then suddenly you got your buzz boss on your mind!
He surely has a day planned full of celebration
Which won’t include, so you’ll price tag all neohome furniture at your station!
But who knows, maybe he is in a particularly good mood
Maybe there is even free food?
Who would say no to a Blueberry Buzz Gateau?
It brings everyone in the right flow!
So take a slice and three cheers to buzz!
A day that definitely shouldn’t pass without a fuss!
Buzz Acrobatic Stunts
by xiaolin10413
The Buzz, a lithe Neopet,
with great wings to fly around and jet,
up and sideways and upside down,
their tricks are the best in town.
There is a little known book,
that with a gander and a look,
the Buzz stunts are listed,
the secrets there persisted.
First up, the wondrous dances,
Easy to do, no need to take chances,
Adagio, ballet, swing, and rock,
The eager crowd will come and flock.
Second in the categories is water,
The Buzz are confident, no need of a spotter,
They can surf, sail, board, and ski,
Skipping the surface of the ocean with glee.
Ground tricks are next in the list,
For Buzz, no problem, it's all in the wrist,
Gymnastics, tumbling, juggling, jump rope,
No acro-stunt is out of their scope.
And finally, the most impressive of all,
Their feats in the air cast a strong thrall,
The aerial hoop! The trapeze!
These Buzz here can do it with ease!
The teeterboard, skydiving!
Their skills are worth highlighting!
Let's not forget, the tightrope and web,
The excitement from watching cannot ebb.
Aerial silks, smooth rope, and balance bar,
These exhibitions leave Buzz the star,
And last but not least, acrobatics in pure,
Buzz wings and movements cast certain allure.
On this fine Buzz day, take a seat grab,
A book that spotlight's this species so fab,
Adore and delight in the tricks in array,
And wish a cool Buzz, Happy Buzz Day!
Fantastic Finds at Lampwyck's Lights
by marcthegr8est1
Are you in the dark?
Neohome looking grim and stark?
See your favourite Buzz in Moltara
Come to Lampwyck's Lights!
Sparkly lights shining in the night
The finds are a fantastic might
All of the illuminated sights
In Lampwyck's Lights
Sourced from the glow of worms,
To the heat of lava,
With a spark from Lightmites,
Chandeliers, lanterns, lamps, and candles, oh my!
Hanging from the ceiling,
Or standing tall and proud,
Sitting on a table,
In your Neohome or hand
Lampwyck's Lights has something for everyone
From gas, to mechanical, to electric, to incandescent
They are glowing and fluorescent
In the dark no more!
What's the Buzz?
by sk8zac
What is all the buzz about, I hear you ask
Well, you see, it's a very special day
A day to celebrate, a day to cheer
For the time to party is finally here
What are we celebrating, I hear you say
Well, let me explain, while I put on my buzz mask
Today is the day to celebrate the Buzz
A very small pet who can fly high above
A very beautiful day, their discovery was
Today is a day to spread joy and spread love
From Kep Bonnefie, to Lampwyck, to Sergeant Brexis
We celebrate every Buzz with love and presents
I have something for you, do you have any guesses
It's a gift to celebrate today's special events
For you, my dear friend, I give this Buzz toy
I hope that it brings you plenty of joy
A Buzz plushie as well, for when your friends play
I hope that you have a most marvellous Buzz day
The Buzz, the Flightning Bug & the Lightmite
by heidekiyota
In Brightvale fair, there lives a cheerful Buzz
Blue of colour with a head of fuzz
He spent his days by the fruit trees
Munching on the brightest berries
Searching, seeking, far and wide
For new pastures and flower-filled hillsides
He figures, though, he would not mind
A friend with whom to fly and find
One day, the Buzz happens upon
A Flightning Bug over the lawn
A round brown bug with voltaic wings
Approach too fast and it will sting!
He offers the petpet a juicy pear
From then on, they form a trusty pair
The Flightning Bug follows him everywhere
The Buzz is most happy to share
Together they soar over summer meadows
The Buzz with his fluttering petpet close
A staunch team they make, save at night
When darkness overcomes their sight
One evening, a flicker catches their eye
A strange hovering light beneath night sky
Exploring, the friends swiftly find
A petpetpet of the brightest kind
A Lightmite! Hovering above tall grass
Shining like a yellow bulb of glass
Delicate, beautiful and wary
The Lightmite flitters like a faerie
Its amber glow is hypnotic, entrancing
Helical movements like dancing
The stunned pair bask in golden warmth
They'd never be without henceforth
Buzz, Flightning Bug and Lightmite
A perfect synchronous trio in flight
Observe them in the fields and orchards
Bumbling, tasting, buzzing forwards!
Festival of Buzz!
by panda_baby150
Day eleven of the Month of Sleeping
Is the Buzziest day of the year.
Pets all over Neopia are abuzz,
eager to celebrate and cheer!
It’s finally here, the Festival of Buzz!
The day to celebrate our flying friends.
We’ll throw parades and sing Buzz songs
and find out all the new Buzz trends!
We’ll eat the favourite foods of Buzz
and dance their favourite dance.
We’ll read books like “All About Buzz”
and even give Buzz Dung Cones a chance!
So gather your friends and the tastiest fruits
and put on your dancing shoes, because
It’s here, the day we’ve been waiting for!
Happy Festival of Buzz!
Buzzes Abuzzin'
by aurorapearl
This gossip has us all abuzz
this very merry day;
Peel your eyes for up above
the wind has secrets to say.
There, you see, the wings aflutter
hanging in the sky;
And eyes aglitter, skin aglimmer,
watch these creatures fly!
At night, see bejewelled eyes aglow,
wings an iridescent sheen;
The wind has known since long ago
that their beauty is pristine.
Of all the beings of flight around
There is one above the rest:
And so now hear the wind say aloud
That Buzzes are the best!
So this gossip has us all abuzz;
Let us proceed with no delay!
Sing and dance and march astrut -
Tis a merry Buzz Day!
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