Neopets Poems
To send in your Neopets related poems or to find out more about the poetry contest, click here!
The best poems get put on the site and earn 1,000 Neopoints, a RARE ITEM, and a Trophy for the author's trophy cabinet.
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A Green Day
By Jjquil
When first I awoke, feeling refreshed and well,
I prepared a small breakfast, for hunger to quell.
A Green Pepper Omelette, parts one, two, three,
Followed by a sip from a Cup of Green Tea.
A Bitten Green Apple came next as a snack,
And a Gooey Green Shake soon followed that track.
But I couldn't fill up, because coming so soon
It would be lunchtime, the clock would strike noon!
My hunger, insatiable, rolled in like a fog,
So I chased it down with a Glowing Green Hot Dog.
I was so thirsty after the Green Bean Kimchee --
Lucky for me that the water came free!
Hungry, so hungry! I was craving some sweet!
Green Doughnutfruit and grapes were a treat.
My appetite, voracious! I could eat an Elephante!
A Green Kacheek Cupcake will be my equivalent.
It felt like mere moments before dinner was served,
Green Negg and Green Ham mere hors d'oeuvres.
Main course had promise -- Lemint Green Salad --
But I scarfed it down before finishing this ballad!
My gluttony drives me to eat only things green;
My cravings for colour are like none you've seen!
I eat with such zeal, you might think that I rush,
But I end each meal with trusty Green Toothbrush.
Free From Restraints
By Hawk_maniac
Meeting in the Deep Catacombs,
Letting loose a stream of steady speech,
Was a group of Neopets, gathered around,
Reciting to each other their poems.
Their rhythm was smooth and unwavering,
Their rhymes matched up too well,
But all of them sat quietly in their seats,
Expressionless and quavering.
One brave soul stood up and announced,
"These poems cannot be works of art!
They have no feeling; they have no soul!"
And these pieces she thus denounced,
"Poetry contains emotion that spills over the brim.
It shares those feelings with the rest of the world.
Do not cram these delicate trinkets
Into moulds of unobtainable perfection!
"Do not feel trapped by impossible rhymes,
Or rhythms that are one beat off.
Embrace the beauty of their imperfections,
Because it is the thought that counts."
The group of Neopets looked awestruck,
So the girl knew they had understood.
And on that note she spoke out again,
"Happy Month of Poetry to you all!"
By Illusen's Grace
By Lacieskywalker
Upon an eve I found myself
Outside fair Meridell's walls.
The night set in and I was lost,
Beyond my kinsmen's calls.
By the pallor of the moon,
Some movement caught my eye,
A spark of green gone black too soon:
An enemy or spy?
"Who's there?" I called. "I've drawn my blade!"
But shadow veiled my gaze,
And from the dark and wooded glade
Her answer pierced the haze:
"I am the forest, the wild land,
The green of newborn leaves.
I am the flowering ivy strand
That through the branches weaves."
Sweet Illusen! Could it be she,
The woodland faerie present?
Why would she worry over me,
A simple, frightened peasant!
Speechless now, I dropped my sword
To kneel upon the ground;
My throat felt knotted as with cord
And would not make a sound.
"Do not fear," her voice flowed,
Sweet and deep of berth,
"Dear Neopet, do you not know
The measure of your worth?"
My heart restored, she led me home
Where Meridell glowed bright;
Illusen found me when I roamed
And drew me from the night.
The Everlasting Apple
By Magicalcameron
Everlasting apple,
etched not by time.
Ethereal and filling,
replenishing forever,
caught in an eternal cycle.
Desire --
It calls to those around,
longing... you wish to eat it.
The perfect candy red alluring.
Bewitching, enticing,
faeries' finest work.
Sparkling in sunlight glow'd
the leaf and skin,
glossy -- perfect -- immortal.
Forever does it sit on a hidden shelf,
lost amongst relics, baubles, and literature.
It finds those willing to purchase it.
A frivolity?
Sweet as flowers' ambrosial scent,
brightening all who do partake:
pale complexions coloured,
dull eyes holding now a sparkle,
Hopelessness forgetten,
and pride reinvigorated.
Such is the power of the everlasting apple.
An Afternoon With Cog
By Rainbow_daydreamer
OK, there's nothing much to hear.
I think you can unblock your ears.
We'll sort this out before too long.
I think I know what I did wrong!
Unscrew the screws (well, if you can find them),
Unbolt the bolts (there should have been ten),
Unjam the gears (I'll have to re-wind them),
And start all over again!
Can you do masonry at all?
The Mayor won't like that shattered wall.
Come on, don't look at me like that.
You should've worn a fireproof hat.
Straighten the wires (those things cost a packet),
Calm down the Magmuts (this cave's their den),
Sort through the ash (oops, that was your jacket?)
And start all over again!
Cheer up! It's only rocks and such.
One little cave-in won't hurt. Much.
Sure, it blew up. I thought it might.
But only once! That's progress, right?
Pay off the neighbours (ten-kay should do it),
Cross out my notes (I'll find you a pen),
Pry out the springs (they've melted? I KNEW IT!)
And start all over again!
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