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Neopets Poems

To send in your Neopets related poems or to find out more about the poetry contest, click here! The best poems get put on the site and earn 1,000 Neopoints, a RARE ITEM, and a Trophy for the author's trophy cabinet.

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Wonder in the Haunted Woods
by malevolent_joker

When you come across the Haunted Woods
Be ready for some frightening goods,

You will feel a creeping down your spine
And see red eyes in the dark that shine,

The Brain Tree will send you on a quest
and the ghosts will never get any rest,

And Edna will try to cook you in a potion
or you'll freeze in fear and stop all motion,

So if your afraid to be scared out of your socks
never visit the castle Nox.

Test Your Strength
by chavo_guerrero

'Roll up!  Roll up!' You hear a cry,
'Come Test Your Strength today!
Let us see how hard you hit,
In a perfect strong display!'

You pick up the wooden hammer,
And take a mighty swing,
But according to the game gauge,
You a simply a 'Weakling'.

You take your Eyeball Custard,
And look on with despair,
As Arnold rounds another up,
To play a game unfair.

You wander through the carnival,
But very soon come back,
You're itching for another go -
To have another crack.

You grasp the mallet firmly,
As Arnold smiles and smirks,
You close your eyes and with a cry,
Hit the button 'til it works!

They gauge keeps steadily rising,
Until you hit the bell on top,
And Arnold moans as he give you,
You brand new Meowclops!

'I'm pretty sure it's broke,' he moans,
'Or did you cheat perhaps?
If people keep on winning,
My game will soon collapse!

'Just take your prize and leave,
And don't you dare return!
Don't tell folk where you won that from!'
He's shouts with real concern.

But Arnold shouldn't worry,
His game is loved by all,
Even if the chance of winning,
Is suspiciously small.

Food Club Fun
by alyndasgallery

Have you heard of Food Club,
It's becoming all the rage.
You read about the Pirates,
And you visit the betting page.

Will you bet on Gooblah,
Or perhaps on Old Sproggie?
Do you favour the Tailhook Kid,
Or Sir Edmund Ogletree? 

I've made all of my bets now,
In my pirates, I do trust.
It's time to check my winnings,
Oh NO... it seems I've bust. 

I'm sad I didn't win at all,
But I'll continue to play.
The fun is in the gamble,
And tomorrow's another day!

Celebrating The New Dyeworks
by painted_dreams87

The colorful Tonu, Loic,
is at it once more.
With seven new items to dye,
he ensures we won't bore.

Loic has brought a bit 
of everything for us all.
When he presented them,
we ran to get our potion haul.

With wings, an umbrella, garland,
a wig, foregrounds, and a dress,
we instantly fell in love,
and just had to say yes.

He even remembered to include
our dear little ones 
with new colors for a jumper.
He knows how we love them tons.

Each item is so fitting
for all this Spring.
We won't be happy until 
we collect each thing.

Journey to Battle
by pepper_imp

The air was cold the night you chose
to abandon your evenings of writing prose
to seek an illustrious and powerful sect
who could melt even the harshest of winter snows.

You had heard, from friends and passers-by,
of the outbreak of war under Tyrannian skies,
and hence you grew aware of a band of wizards,
you longed to join them: and so, you tried.

To shady inns you made your way,
to shady strangers small treasures you paid
in exchange for roots, herbs and spells,
that you hoped you could master and join the fray.

And so one night you did set off,
to join the Order, no matter what the cost.
For an audience with fair Rasala the Bright
you would journey through rain, sleet and frost.

And so to the top of Terror Mountain you climbed,
having lost all sense of place or time,
slept outside the Bori Caves for night on night,
with only the company of your own mind.

But finally one night you heard the sound
of weary feet on snowy ground,
fair Rasala had returned to harness her power
and outside her caves a new recruit she found.

A twinkle in her eye, she looked down and said
“I imagine you’ll need some rest for the battles ahead.”

Total Poetry Pages : 2754

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