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Neopets Poems

To send in your Neopets related poems or to find out more about the poetry contest, click here! The best poems get put on the site and earn 1,000 Neopoints, a RARE ITEM, and a Trophy for the author's trophy cabinet.

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The Perfect New Year's
By Tera_w

"I can't believe it's almost New Year!"
My Gelert shouted with glee.
"We're almost into the 6th year!"
I said as I agreed.

"We're going to have to get ready."
He grinned wide as he thought.
"We're going to need tons of things
Because boring is something
That New Year is not.

We'll need fireworks and missiles
To light and watch them shine,
Lots of snacks and dishes
To eat and pass the time!

Balloons and streamers we must have
And banners and color galore!
We will make sure that nobody thinks
Of New Year as a bore.

Rare drinks and games of course we'll have
We couldn't be without!
Songs and prizes to be won
So none will be left out.

Everyone will be invited
If they care to come
To celebrate the 6th year with us!
It will be such fun!"

As my Gelert talked about
How perfect the New Year should be
I smiled and hugged him around his neck.
"All I need for New Year's is my family."

By Dhw_secret_account

"How I wish I were a pirate pet,"
I heard my Aisha sigh.
"I could travel all over the sea!
Giving out a piratey cry!"

"Oh, how I want to be painted fire,"
My Lupe muttered sickenly sweet,
"My body would be almost pure black,
With flames on my head, tail, and feet!"

"I wish I could be made starry,"
I heard my dear Kyrii utter.
"With blue fur and yellow stars,
I'd make all the females stutter!"

"I wish I could make my pets happy."
I muttered to myself that day.
As I looked up the pb's in the Shop Wiz,
And saw that for each it was 100k.

I wouldn't be able to afford them,
Much to my pet's dismay,
But they still had joyous expressions,
When they unwrapped gifts on Christmas day.

Hidden in the boxes,
Wrapped up nice and neat,
Were three plushies, four books, and candy,
Plus a Petpet for being so sweet.

And as we headed outside,
We saw the snow fall,
We filled our lungs and shouted,
"Merry Christmas, one and all!"

Stand By My Side
By Child_dragon

Wings popped in the cold mountain air,
As the wild wind forced our flight to veer:
Into realms we would not normally dare
And succumb to the ground
In a last token of defeat.

I was there with my brother, a flight we did take.
He an Eyrie white; I a Shoyru shadowed.
Four wings straining hard
For a goal we could not make;
Not with the steady stream
Of storm-brought gusts.

Terror Mountain was our goal, a faerie to see.
Taelia was our quest, for a quest to gain.
"I can fly no further," said the Eyrie.
"Nor can I," was my solemn reply.

So we two turned our backs and went our way,
Back down from that lofty mountain top.
The storm was building and now held sway,
Upon this mountainside that we no longer dared.

"It seems wrong to quit, having flown so hard."
I turned my head at his words,
Fearful of his intent.
"Is failure to be our reward?"
And at those words my heart fair froze
As he leaped into the sky.

I watched him go, fighting the storm,
The snow rained down
And I was rooted to the ground,
Fear wrenching my heart
And leaving my wings broken and torn,
For I could not bear to bring myself to follow.

And here now is the end of my tale.
The two of us together again
With the faerie's reward,
He ascended the mountain; declined to fail--
And I hang my head, for I was not by his side.

The First Battle
By Celeblanthirien

The Battledome, its arenas
Send chills all down my spine.
The pets are here to test their strength,
I hope I can find mine.

As I stand with people watching,
My knees start to get weak.
The battle starts, I try to shout,
But I could not speak.

I am but a mere Shoyru,
This is my first time here.
I hope that this big Techo
Cannot sense my fear.

I'm holding my stone snowball
As the enemy closes in.
I hope that it will be of use
And maybe help me win.

I close my eyes and throw it.
Oh, I hope I do not miss!
I close my eyes still tighter
And I hear the Techo hiss.

My eyes shoot open,
I start to grin.
I hit it, it's down!
I think I might just win!

My confidence was boosted,
I summoned all my might,
I made that Techo so scared
That it couldn't even fight.

We continued on with battle
For just a minute more
And then I sent that Techo
Running out the door.

I stretched a smile across my face.
I had won, I faced my fear!
Now the noise that fills my head
Is the applause that I can hear.

Neopets New Year's Feast
By Legolas_loves_tasha

Just before the New Year shines,
The aquatic, the feathered, and the beast
They come together, together as friends
And contribute food for a feast
And alas, there's variety in each pet's taste
On the table lays a selection for all
Some organics, some rare,
A chocolate coated pear
Junk, and a pickled eyeball
But each pet craves differently
Or wants different grub

To bite and swallow and chew
And all pets like
To eat the same old food
And never try anything new
For on New Year's Eve, it's turkeys galore
With cranberry sauce to spare
And milkshakes, doughnuts, cheeseburgers
And coated cookies to share
Plus potato and leek pizza
And a steamy faerie pie
Including cheesy baguettes
Which make The Breadmaster sigh

The Smoothie Tuskaninny
Gave a dozen mega splimes
While the Esophagor coughed up
A few measly cup-o-slimes
The Soup Faerie brought a cauldron
Full of the year's leftover meals
And the Shop Wizard brought forward
His more fortunate deals
The Ye Olde Coffee Shoppe Shoyru
Brought a hundred tigersquash cakes
The thought of how fresh and hot they were
Proves how fast she bakes

The Snow Food Lenny brought Chia Pops aplenty
And the Garage Sale Chias brought gruels
And the weary Poogle Racers
Didn't bring anything
They were running...
Those athletic fools!
The Health Food Quiggle,
Brought mushrooms and beans
And bottles of vitamin C
And several toffee brussel sprouts
Including a single pea
The Food Shop Chia contributed a lot
Bringing milk and an almost gummy rat
And a whole selection of olive omelettes
Which made the Bruces fat

And piles of cheese, with a side of ham
And a lemon sweetie or two
Plus a faerie toast at the most
With flaming crisps of BBQ
As each placed something on the table
The more pets licked their lips
As they settled down, none wore a frown
But fished for conversation tips
The glee which fills each creature
Is now at its peak
As Neopets look amongst the towering loads
For the special foods they seek.

And soon the year is over
With Neopets all eating as one
Laughing, waiting, singing
For the New Year's rising sun

Total Poetry Pages : 2793

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