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Neopets Poems

To send in your Neopets related poems or to find out more about the poetry contest, click here! The best poems get put on the site and earn 1,000 Neopoints, a RARE ITEM, and a Trophy for the author's trophy cabinet.

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Nimmo Day Special

The Nimmo Who Sells Most Splendid Scrolls
by _brainchild_

Through the Lost Desert I stroll
In search of most amazing scrolls.
All are most inspiring reads—
They're just what many bookworms need.

These grand, although dusty tomes
Shall have a small shop to call home.
They are purveyed by a frog
Who sports a desert hue of awe.

This Nimmo welcomes me into
The store. "Hi, customer anew.
May I help you find something?
Happiness these scrolls will bring!"

"No, I'll find a read myself.
I don't think I need your help."
I search each and every nook
Until I find a Glowing Book.

This tome is perfect for my pet!
She'll be most enthralled, I'll bet!
I pay for my precious read.
Its knowledge my pet will heed.

This cool Nimmo will always be
The seller of scrolls that are neat.
If a book is what you seek,
Traverse this desert oh so bleak.

Dark Nimmo Wig
by indulgences

I thought the Nimmo was a pet
Gregarious and kind.
Its face was trusting, smiling wide,
So pleasant by design.

But then I saw this Nimmo wig
And gasped with thrill and awe.
It was so dark and passionate.
It made me "oooh" and "ahhh."

A wig that features raven locks
Adorned with purple streak,
This wig is meant for soulful pets,
And not the frail or weak.

It's brilliant and emotional.
It's meant to make one stare.
The wearer is a fervent soul
Who lives her life with flair.

It's Nimmo Day… Perhaps your pet
Will want this inky wig!
The wig will surely complement
A character so big!

Sidney The Nimmo
by she_chose_love

Nimmo day has come around,
once again it is here.
I feel its best we talk about,
a special Nimmo on this day of the year.

Out of all the famous Nimmo's,
in Neopia and beyond.
There is one who stands out to many,
and not because they've been conned.

He likes to hiss words such as,
"Ssshall we sssstart?"
Before you play his game of chance,
where winning is a rare art.

If you lose,
which you mostly do.
He will laugh and tell you to practice more,
as you walk away feeling blue.

This Nimmo I speak of,
wears a hat and no shoes.
He lets you scratch any scratchcard,
as long as he is the one to choose.

The owner of the Fairgrounds Kiosk,
is one of a kind.
So think of Sidney today,
when Nimmo's cross your mind.

Happy Nimmo Day Neopia!

A Nimmo's Day
by deboratibi

Upon a glistening lily pad
sits a Nimmo, undisturbed
He smiles at the sun
as it gently warms his face
The water beckons him
so he gracefully dives in
The water welcomes him
with an invigorating embrace
Below the surface
the Nimmo glides through
He greets the gleaming pebbles
that live at the bottom
Towards the bank he swims
and into the forest he strolls
He sits down and breathes in
the scent of a place forgotten
The Nimmo meditates,
he clears his mind of worries
Mind, body and soul
come together like clay
As the sun begins to set,
the Nimmo bids farewell
He is grateful for all he witnessed
on this very resplendent day

Lovely Nimmo
by rrhymenoceros

A Nimmo, as light as could be,
sat on a tree, staring down at me.
This little creature was a strange color,
which made it look much smaller!

One, two, three toes.
Only two arms, though.
I stared as it slept,
It looked forever contempt.

Oh, Lovely Nimmo
I only wish you would know
how much I adore you
and will miss you too.

Your eyes are shut now
and I must go, anyhow.
When you wake, I hope you will say,
"I wish everyone a Happy Nimmo Day!"

Ryshu the Nimmo
by dr_tomoe

In the jungles of Mystery Island
rests the Training School of yore
A place that can be visited
or seen on an Island Tour.

You don't need a Totem
to get in here
Codestones are the price
for studying there.

Once there, with the Techo Master
one can study under Ryshu
A Nimmo who has risen
to a level far beyond you.

For thirty years he has trained
with codestones galore
And when he thinks he's done
Ryshu trains some more.

It is this dedication
to mastering his skills
that makes Ryshu the Nimmo
a master of his wills.

So train hard and long
and perhaps one day you reach
a status as great as Ryshu has
and learn all he can teach.

Nimmo Day Hooray!
by cmdrjane

It's Nimmo Day, hip hip hooray! Do you know how long we've waited?

Why it feels like it's been a year since last we celebrated!

So grab your bib and fork, my friends, we've got no time to wait,

Soon they'll be out serving some chocolate Nimmo cake!

And if you're looking for some entertainment of that you're fond,

Head on over to the games room and play at Nimmo's pond!

Nimmo Day comes once a year, so enjoy it while you can,

For once it's gone it's back to waiting...

Ah, man!

What Nimmos Do
by lil_reef

Nimmos play by puddles and ponds,
Laughing and croaking and smiling.
They sleep beneath shady palm fronds,
Snoring and dreaming and hiding.
They hop across small lily pads,
Skipping and sliding and diving.
They play games, some big and some small,
Laughing and grinning and thriving.

I have never known of such fun,
As the Nimmos have in the sun,
I only wish to one day know,
How the Nimmos set hearts aglow,
With happiness and joy each day!

Happy Nimmo Day!
by 9boogirl9

As the coolest Nimmo
hopped around town,
he saw not a single Neopet
with a frown!

'Why could this be?' he thought to himself,
As he knew he was smiling like everyone else.

So the Nimmo, as happy as could be, hopped into the town. 
He said 'Hi' to the salesman,
and the Chia Clown.

For today he was a Nimmo, hopping into town.
And that was the way he liked it, to be happy every day. He was happy, so he shouted,
"Hooray! Hooray for Nimmo Day!"

After all, it was a new day. And this Nimmo knew that an adventure was on its way.
(Which may or may have not involved Asparagus.)
Happy Nimmo Day!

The Nimmo Athlete Statue
by puhapaev

The other day, I went shopping,
To find an ornament. 
I bought a marvellous statue:
It was money well spent.

It is a Nimmo in a race,
And holding a big torch.
To be such a great athlete…
I tremble at the thought.

The Nimmo looks very lifelike -
The craftsman had great skill.
The statue is of quality;
It gives me a big thrill.

The pure determination,
Is present on its face.
In any competition, it would;
Aim to win first place.

To see the Nimmo try so much…
It hardens my resolve.
The statue motivates me,
To finish any goal!

Nimmos Pond
by _interrupted_

Sitting upon a lily pad, 
Floating on the pond. 
A Nimmo can be found, 
Trying to get to water beyond. 
This Nimmo is in great danger,  
Of meeting a watery grave, 
As kill lily pads move quickly, 
And unpredictably behave. 
Shooting thousands of tiny bullets, 
Is the only way. 
To ensure the Nimmo survives, 
And keep the lily pads at bay. 
Zooming across the water, 
The Nimmo has great skills. 
Picking up extra health, 
The meter quickly fills. 
And picking up different power ups, 
To help him surly win. 
He choses his favorite one, 
And then gets ready to begin. 
Why would a Nimmo want to do this, 
Many  have asked. 
For the shiny avatar of course, 
Awarded once he's passed.

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