Neopets Poems
To send in your Neopets related poems or to find out more about the poetry contest, click here!
The best poems get put on the site and earn 1,000 Neopoints, a RARE ITEM, and a Trophy for the author's trophy cabinet.
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Buzz Day Special
Buzz Honey Collecting Outfit
by indulgences
For me, the paint brush clothes are best.
They're dazzling to my eye.
It isn't often that I like
The clothes that one can buy.
But then I saw this sweet Buzz suit,
And had to get a Buzz.
I dressed it in this honey suit,
And sighed with awe and love.
Its face was sweetly netted in
A hat of white and gold.
The boots were made of yellow silk,
So lovely to behold.
The suit itself was beautiful,
Extravagant and soft.
The Buzz wings peeked out through the back,
And held my Buzz aloft.
And finally, the background was
So unctuous and sweet.
It dripped with fragrant honey, and
My Buzz was now complete.
I love my Buzz's special look.
She's lovely, smiling, bright.
She loves her brand new wardrobe, and
She's such a gorgeous sight!
My Wonderful Friend
by o_babypet4me_o
There has never been a more perfect day,
Just sitting and remembering the past.
Thinking of the good and the bad,
Knowing that it won't all last.
Appreciating everyday,
With my perfect pet as my friend.
He floats around going where he does please
But always finds me with ease.
My wonderful Buzz,
My best friend.
He changes his colour, his mood and clothes,
Never the same but his love for me grows.
As I was just a child when I started,
Now an adult I am now.
I do not love him any less,
Nor does he, I need not guess.
My wonderful buzz,
Happy Birthday to you.
I was 12 when you were created,
And I still love you at 22.
Beautiful Faerie Buzz
by kahlen369
With wings like autumn leaves
They soar high upon the breeze
Feeling the wind rush against
Their purple scaled outer defense
With lovely pink looping swirls
On their thighs, they twist and twirl
Matching pink eyes see and stare
As their wings take them everywhere
They loop-de-loop around the skies
Against a backdrop of blue they rise
Until they reach the great city above
Where Faeries live, work and come
Here, the Faerie Buzz flies at home
Whether in a group or all alone
A colourful cascade of pink and purple
Whose wings beat out the rhythm of fall
Buzz Buzz
by she_chose_love
Buzz Buzz
that is the sound of a bee,
the sound of an alarm going off,
but that word means something different to me.
When I hear the word "Buzz",
My mind goes to a cute little guy.
A neopet with bug eyes,
one of the few that can actually fly.
Buzzes are a favorite of many Neopians,
a very popular neopet.
There are so many things about buzzes to love,
that I haven't even thought of yet.
Today is the day we celebrate,
every buzz that is here.
Buzz Day is great,
what a shame it only comes once a year.
Happy Buzz Day Neopia,
I hope your day is full of fun.
Now lets take a moment to celebrate,
with every buzz under the sun!
Not a Pest!
by tsuki_the_noodle
Whoa there pal, that’s not a pest!
You see this pet? They are the best!
I don’t know what you think it was
But my friend it’s just a Buzz!
What makes them the best? So many things!
Look at these translucent wings!
See how he hovers here and there
And flies about without a care?
Buzzes don’t care what you think.
To your jeers they’ll only wink.
And if a Buzz you ever meet,
I think you’d find them rather sweet!
Because they don’t care, a Buzz won’t judge,
They hardly ever hold a grudge.
While some would find them rather scary
I will say, "no!" quite contrary.
A buzz is as loving as you get -
They make a lovely Neopet!
The Festival of Buzz
by snowstorms
“Buzz, Buzz!”
Is all that we hear.
Why might this be?
Well, don’t you fear.
It’s Buzz Day of course,
And don’t you fret -
Because the wonderful Buzz
Is by far the best pet.
With their sharp eyesight
And their swift, light wings;
During the Festival of Buzz,
Every Buzz in Neopia sings!
But Farmers, beware!
For there is one small catch -
These smart little Buzz
Might enjoy some fruit from your patch!
Despite this fact,
No Neopian should worry.
The Festival of Buzz is here,
And it will be over in a hurry!
A Buzz's Flight
by butteredwings
High in the sky amongst the clouds
Where faeries dance and play.
A gentle buzzing can be heard
Echoing through the day.
A nimble form above the mist
That clouds the land below.
The Buzz darts above treetops high,
And o'er rivers that flow.
His agile form is quite a sight!
As swift as he can be.
With the grace and pose of dancers
And the charm of lil' Pteris.
The cheerful buzz flies through the sky,
Going wherever he wished to be.
For he is one that's blessed with wings,
And is thus unchained by gravity.
The Festival is all Abuzz!
by stargirl346
On the Festival of Buzz,
everyone is all abuzz
for a day of fun and leisure,
full of moments to treasure.
Although Buzz are very small pets,
this festival is as big as it gets,
full of carnival games, toys, and rides,
the whole day is full of happy vibes.
The festival is a merry delight
as buzzes take to the sky in flight,
and celebrate their special day
by putting sky-high feats on display.
Many will go to the Rainbow Pool
and come out looking very cool
in shades of colors newly released
before partaking in the delicious feast.
This day will certainly make you chubby,
full of tigersquash and Buzz brand honey,
and more sticky, delicious, sugary treats
than any Buzz could even think to eat.
Oh the Festival of Buzz is fun!
Many never want the day to be done.
So celebrate to your hearts content
and enjoy as the parade begins to ascent.
Battling Buzzin' Barry The Buzz
by jetaketa
Barry the Buzz was buzzin' around
Busy buzzin' through the town
While he was buzzin' he looked to the ground
A honey potion was there to be found
Barry buzzed and buzzed further along
To the battledome he buzzed, buzzing his song
He had trained at the academy, as a young sprog
But while he was there, something was wrong
He buzzed and battled a Jetsam Ace
He threw the honey potion in his face
But Barry's buzz was weak and so was his pace
The ferocious Jetsam beat him with haste
Poor Barry, weak with defeat
Sat in the Healing Springs, dipping his feet
"When will I be strong enough to compete?"
Barry the Buzz pondered in his seat
"You'll find strength soon" he heard a voice say
A strong soldier approached from the pathway
"Come join my team, we'll train night and day,
I want you to be a part of my group, the Sway"
Celebrating Buzz Day
by painted_dreams87
The day comes but once a year.
Gather one, gather all, gather near.
The Festival of Buzz is today.
Let's celebrate in our own way.
Today, let all Buzz be the star.
They're more than just for the avatar.
Sure, they may come across as scary
but given a chance, you won't be wary.
Did you know that Buzz can be anything?
They have such unique clothes to bring.
Your Buzz could be a diver in the sea.
They'll quickly advance from a trainee.
Ironically, your Buzz can be a beekeeper
or even a librarian as a bookkeeper.
Perhaps they dabble with a spell?
Then the mage clothes will suit them well.
Your Buzz can even be a brave muskateer.
As he passes through a crowd, they'll cheer.
If they fall on the other side of the law,
the robber attire will help them be an outlaw.
I could go on and on about them all,
but by now it's completely your call.
Will you go out and adopt a Buzz today?
Go quickly, and don't delay!
The Colours of the Buzz
by dinha_reeves
The Buzz is a very interesting neopet
The Darigan one you'll never forget
There is a lot types
It's so cute with all those stripes
Here comes the Robot
The Baby one can be our mascot
The Zombie buzz is very scary
But you can paint it of faerie
The Halloween one is too spooky
But the Biscuit one, looks like a cookie
The Desert Buzz you can find in Sakhmet
The most beautiful I've ever met
Another nice colour is the Plushie one
The best colour TNT has ever done
Glowing, Eletric, Ghost and Ice
All these colors are so nice
The Eventide looks like the sky
But the Maraquan one cannot fly
The Grey Buzz seems so sad
And if you hug it, it'll be glad
There's so many colours still to say
Pick your favorite and enjoy the day
And the Rainbow Fountain is the best part
You can get an avatar if you're smart
Just paint a Buzz over there
Your favorite so you can take care!
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