Neopets Poems
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Gadgadsbogen Special
The Gadgadsbogen Festival
by roseroots
The music is loud in the streets
Dancers are caught in a frenzy
Many are blinded by what they see
Charmed by the colors of the eats
The fruits are born again today
And this is why we celebrate
The fruits we last year ate
Now forever away
But there is no reason for grief
Surrounded by the joyful parade
And the many costumes, handmade
Enjoy the moment for it is brief
The tensions are left behind
All again are united with success
Revel in natures fruitfulness
Let your body and mind unwind
Another savorous year awaits
Palate enthralled by untried flavors
This new fruit crop is a favour
And so are the new meals it dictates
Gadgadsbogen Festival
by stargirl346
The Gadgadsbogen festival is finally here,
It’s the most fun-filled celebration of the year.
Gadgadsbogen is celebrated on sandy shores
on Mystery Island so it’s never a bore.
Gadgadsbogen is during the month of Running
and all the events are incredibly stunning.
Watch as the island fruit seeds begin to grow,
and the bushes full of berries start to show.
It’s the delicious festival of fantastic fruits,
pets enjoy eating Azzles and Grondik Roots.
It’s a tiki-style party where everyone celebrates
and every pet completely stuff their plates.
The festival lasts through all month long,
full of merriment, dancing, and Island songs.
Rufus organizes all of the Gadgadsbogen fun
and even cleans up when all is said and done.
Make sure and get to Mystery Island before it ends,
and bring all your pets and Neopian friends.
Stay up late and watch the sun set on the beach
and enjoy the delicious Gadgadsbogen treats!
by she_chose_love
Guess what today is,
it's a very special day.
Today is the start of Gadgadsbogen,
For those of who who are not familiar,
for those who do not know.
Gadgadsbogen is a very special celebration,
you really have to go!
Gadgadsbogen is colorful,
Gadgadsbogen is so fun.
It is The Mystery Island Festival of Fruit,
the islands biggest celebration under the sun!
So head on down to Mystery Island,
and celebrate Gadgadsbogen with joy!
There is even souvenirs,
like key chains, necklaces and maybe a toy.
So Happy Gadgadsbogen Festival to all,
Enjoy this special time of year.
I hope you have an amazing time,
filled with love and cheer!
Time for the Gadgadsbogen!
by andromedric
Come, celebrate in the land of the tikis
The grand festival of splendid mystery
Where fruits of past year make way
For new sweetness this very day
Last year's were tangy, covered with spots
That when eaten fresh was sugary yet hot
Maybe this year we'll get something tart
Or shaped differently, like a moon or a heart
And while we're waiting for the fruit to come out
We'll dance and we'll sing in an island-wide blowout
From day until night, the music rings true
Of not only good spirits, but calming peace too
But before Gadgadsbogen closes every year
Everyone in the island to the center comes near
All in a shunned silence, just for them to hear
The Cinto Pango's announcement of the fruit names this year
For even though the fest is spent with uproar
Nobody forgets what the celebration is for:
To wish for good harvest all year long
And to wish for lives plentiful, healthy and strong
by topaasjeuh
Berries, Juppies, roots galore!
See what this day has in store
Visit every single shop
buying fruit until you drop
Fill your bag with goods today
Haggle down the price and pay
Take a tour around the isle
Buy some gifts and dress in style
Looking to do something cool
Then go to the training school
Visit master techo there
Learn to fight with grace and flair
If you are beyond its reach
If he has nothing more to teach
Visit then the cooking pot
Make the codestones red and hot
Ninjas are awaiting you
There is still a lot to do
They will train you to be great
all you have to do is wait
Lots of stuff are to be found
Take some time to look around
Get your haiku on the way
This will be a good, good day!
Neopia's Celebration of Fruit
by fullonparanoid
The Mystery Island Festival of Fruit!
Gather round and join the fun
It's sure to be a hoot!
Fruit galore
Both whole and cut
Jams and Cakes and Pies and more
Enough to burst any gut!
Tart and sweet
Bright colored and juicy
Sticky hands and sticky smiles
You'll eat so much that you will be woozy!
Today is the day
Grab a fork and grab a friend
Dig into the beautiful bountiful feast
You'll wish it would never
Bon Appetit!
The Story of the Gadsgadsbogen
by lady_elemental
Skies of orange and red
Put a thought into a Mynci’s head
Llugh laughed and said for fun
“I bet I could run and beat the Sun.”
His friend Mizuko said “No Way”
“It can’t be done – Not in a day!”
Llugh grinned and said, “I want to try”
“No one has tried to race the sun across the sky!”
So the next morning he stuffed a sack,
Full of veggies and fruit – the perfect snack,
He waited for the sun to rise
The first golden ray to cross the skies
Like a shot he was off and running,
But the sun saw his efforts and just kept sunning.
It always seemed just a bit ahead,
So Llugh paused and scratched his head.
He opened his sack and to his dismay,
Almost all his fruits had been mislaid.
There was a hole in is sack!
And only three juppies left for a snack!
“I am hungry, but I can make it last,”
“One Juppie now, One at half the afternoon past,”
“And the final one, I intend,”
“Will get me through until the end.”
Llugh started running again, though his body was tired,
He felt so heavy and like is legs were on fire.
With a bit more effort he seemed to catch the light,
He grabbed the last juppie and was about to take a bite
He heard a voice, quivering and small
“Please sir, could I have that juppie, I haven’t eaten at all.”
Llugh looked and saw a figure in a cloak
Frail, thin, and pale, he knew it wasn’t a joke.
With a smile he handed over the berry,
“You need this more, eat and be merry.”
The figure threw off the cloak,
The Earth Faerie Tyleine, smiled and spoke
“Thank you, little Mynci, now run,”
“Take my blessing and beat the Sun!”
All his weariness melted away
And Llugh sprinted forward without delay.
He reached the sea, just as the last rays appeared
With a cry he jumped in the water and cheered
Had he beaten the Sun? He wasn’t sure,
But he knew the attempt he made was pure.
Tyleine appeared on the shore.
Holding out the juppie, she spoke once more,
“Eat this fruit and enjoy it like you planned,
And when you are done spread the seeds across the land.”
Llugh grinned and wandered home,
Dropping seeds and letting his thoughts roam.
Now each year, as the spring sun rises
A new fruit appears to much joy and surprises.
Gadgadsbogen the time is called in its glory,
Though not many now remember the story
Of how it happened, but the few that do,
Will sit and tell the tale of Llugh.
Gadgadsbogen Day
by lb_wonderland
Celebrate Mystery Island!
We have no time to waste
The Gadgadsbogen festival
Brings new fruit to taste
We mourn the loss
Of the fruit of the past
And bring with joy
The future to pass
Collect what is leaving
So we never forget
And welcome what’s coming
We have no regret
We wait for the moment
When Cinto Pango arrives
To tell us the future
Fruits that will thrive
On our beautiful island
On this beautiful day
We put away the crime
For Gadgadsbogen day!
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