Neopets Poems
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The best poems get put on the site and earn 1,000 Neopoints, a RARE ITEM, and a Trophy for the author's trophy cabinet.
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Zafara Day Special
Edna the Zafara
by flustre
A mysterious witch resides in the woods,
And all day long she is looking for goods
So she can brew some special potions,
Which may just require ‘Chokato Lotion’
Many Neopians do not dare to visit,
As they are frightened of her tough spirit
So they just stare at her tower from afar,
Not knowing that she gives out an avatar
However it is a rare avatar to receive,
So some Neopians give up and leave
The trick is that she needs items of three,
For the avatar to be achieved successfully
It occurs randomly so you must keep trying,
But the reward she gives out is satisfying
She brews glowing amulets and wands too,
And she may award you with Scary Soup
This mysterious witch is not all that bad,
If you pay her a visit I’m sure she’ll be glad
I hope my words have made your heart thaw,
As I reveal the one and only, Edna the Zafara
Double Agent
by dragonsfriend1021
Mysterious and shady,
Some may call me flaky.
I am one tricky Zafara,
I follow my own law.
My allegiances keep changing
Back and forth from side to side
From Meridell to Darigan
Convincing each side to confide.
Their secrets I collect,
After I earn their respect.
Then each offer I consider
And sell to the highest bidder.
First I get close to the commander,
Become someone they can count on.
Neither Skarl nor Kass will realize
This is truly a masterful con.
Then once I know classified information,
It's time to start my exploitation.
I offer my services to their enemy
And soon collect my hefty fee.
When the leaders finally understand,
It's entirely too late.
I've already disappeared into Neopia,
Enjoying my new estate.
But that all happened long ago!
You, I would never betray.
Let's enter an arrangement
For I'm the Zafara Double Agent.
Zafara Day
by she_chose_love
Zafara Day has arrived once again,
it is finally here.
So Celebrate all things Zafara,
and give a little cheer.
Let's celebrate today,
with tons of laughter and fun.
Lets celebrate about every Zafara,
underneath the Neopian Sun.
I hope some cool new items,
get released to celebrate today.
A new paint brush color,
would be so amazing, hooray!
Maybe some new wearables,
a nice shirt or some shoes.
Or a Zafara themed Avatar,
in pretty shades of blues.
Whatever today brings,
it is sure to be great.
How is there anything about Zafara Day,
that any Neopian could hate?
So to all Zafaras out there,
the ones that are near and far.
I hope you enjoy your special day,
and feel like a shining star!
The Halloween Zafara Gnome
by hazytea
The Halloween Zafara Gnome
Is undoubtedly malevolent
If you put it in your garden
You better prepare for torment
With it's small metal shovel
It will dig up a healthy plant
And for the absolute worse
The soil it will enchant
Placed in your front yard
It'll bring you a bad fate
Near a strong tall tree
From everyone you'll get hate
It's cute red hat is a trap
All it wants is your sorrow
If you look at it too long
You might even feel mellow
If you ever come accross of it
In a small neopian shop
The only advice I will give
Is, please, leave it to rot
Zafara's Have It All!
by kahlen369
Every neopet is awesome and unique
From the fuzzy little Jubjubs to the cute Kacheeks
But out of all these wonderful species,
The Zafara has them all beat!
What other neopet, has such a combination?
All the little details that pop out on examination?
Look at the three spot on each floppy ear!
Doesn't such a sight bring you good cheer?
Look at the tiny spikes jutting out of their tails!
Watch the way the feathery end flicks and flails!
Don't you just want to poke that pink button nose?
Or ruffle the little tuft of hair that's so exposed?
See the way the fur on their chests puff up?
Has any other neopet looked so up to snuff?
Is it any wonder Zafara's have me in their thrall?
How can you say different, when Zafara's have it all?
Do you know any famous Zafaras?
by xsugarush
Do you know any famous Zafaras?
I can sure say I do,
There's Ace, Chadley, and Edna,
And so many others to share with you!
You can find Ace Zafara in the Advert Attack game,
You don't have that avatar?
Oh what a shame!
Don't know what I'm talking about?
Let me tell you now,
It's one game I like to talk about, scream and shout!
Ace is a part of the Super Race,
A game designed by Virtupets Studios,
Yes, that one in space.
He races against his rival,
Race Robot is his name,
Beating him is the aim of the game.
There's one thing that gets in his way,
They are called adverts,
And we don't want them to stay!
Do you know any famous Zafaras?
I can sure say I do,
There's Ace, Chadley, and Kayla,
And so many others to share with you!
You can find Chadrick Woolsworth Tuffington IV in Daily Dare,
We also known him as Chadley,
His gaming skills give us quite the scare!
That's okay, that's alright,
His charming smile does not give us a fright.
Do you know any famous Zafaras?
I can sure say I do,
There's Ace, Chadley, and Kayla,
And so many others to share with you!
Both Edna and Kayla like to dabble with magic,
Where Edna likes to play with spells,
And Kayla with potions,
Don't worry, it's not tragic!
Edna is another one who likes to give away an avatar,
One thing for sure,
It's not easy for this character.
She asks for items,
And in return you get a reward,
Give her the items quick,
Before she gets ill-tempered or worse... bored!
Kayla on the other hand likes to sell potions,
Be careful though,
They could cause commotion,
I'm just kidding,
She's a wonderful Neopet,
Buy her remedies,
There's no need to fret.
With that being said,
I should stop here,
This is not a novel,
But a poem for you, my dear.
Zafara Jumping Championships (Zafara Day)
by dortho
Imagine being a Zafara with those powerful looking legs,
With those big bright eyes all hopeful that beg,
They have a special day coming right up,
Maybe if we watch, we can see them jump!
Pteris have a flying championship on their special day,
So why not have one we watch Zafaras jump away!
Over Terror Mountain and into Kiko lake to splash.
Then launching back up to get an aerieal view of Ugga Smash!
A little farther South, there were places to stop,
Krawk and Mystery Islands, each with ONE HOP!
Lutari Island, still covered with mist,
So obviously, they couldn't land, but missed!
That would have been the landing spot,
If TNT had finished working on that lot.
So, now Zafaras hop around here and there. They'll hop around just about EVERYWHERE!
Even if some spots couldn't be visited on that run,
That doesn't mean they cannot hop around and have some fun!
The Lovely Christmas Zafara
by indulgences
Her eyes are sparkling sapphires.
Her nose is coy and small.
Her mouth is open in a smile,
So welcoming to all.
A love golden diadem
Encircles her fine head.
The golden halo sparkles bright.
The golden light beams spread.
Her body's covered with the best
Of softest, whitest fur.
Her hands and feet are tiny things,
So precious, you concur.
I love the Christmas Zafara.
She's such a special pet.
She's white and golden, bright and pure,
A holiday palette.
Please celebrate the Zafara!
Today's their special day!
Perhaps a Christmas Zafara
Would make you blithe and gay!
The Dapper Zafara
by fullonparanoid
There once was a dapper Zafara
Who wanted to enhance his own aura
So he went into town
And he searched all around
And he purchased a purple fedora
The purple fedora was quite dashing
Expensive but well worth the check cashing
He wore it with flair
He looked quite debonair
It accented his fur without clashing
He wore it all over town
He was the snazziest Neopet around
No matter the weather
Adorned with a feather
He'd not trade it even for a crown
The Wish of the Lost Zafara
by butteredwings
I stumbled where I never should,
Lost games with destiny.
I dreamed dreams of better worlds,
But it was not to be.
They say things change overtime,
Yet none as much as I.
The times long past have sealed my fate
As time ticks slowly by.
Exiled to this labyrinth
To future desolate, bleak.
A single wish upon my lips:
Freedom is all I seek.
To taste the glorious skies of blue,
And run the fields once more.
To revel in the springtime's grace,
And dance upon the moors.
Time is the calling voice here,
Where sun has never shone.
Where I lurk in dark abyss -
Gloomy, cold, alone.
Though here I am where no one knows,
Where dim is freedom's light.
I still grasp to hopes and dreams,
Whose candles still burn bright.
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