Neopets Poems
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Lenny Day Special
Slim, the Lenny Smuggler
by tyuio_k50
(It was a dark, stormy night,
At the Golden Dubloon;
Only far off, in the sky,
Shown one ray of the moon
For a captain, unknown,
Was to unveil a plot,
And just a few gathered to listen...
No—it was the whole lot)
I tell ye, once,
The Lenny Smuggler's gloomy tale.
How he traveled the world,
On the sea's stormy gale.
Gather 'round, gather 'round,
As I give you this spiel,
And what I ask for, in return,
Is a nice, warm meal.
The Lenny Smuggler, 'Slim', Rowed the raft to the lagoon—
It was evident, then, The Smugglers' sale began soon.
'Yar, move ye stick legs!' the captain roared,
(By this time, ye see, it was time to jump board)
Slim pushed, and pushed, the raft up shore,
But the tide worked against him! Oh! He soon wore.
His legs wobbled thinly, As the boat met the coast,
And at last, rest on the shore!... Well, almost.
He fell flat on the sand, As the crew sold their prizes,
But all around, old Slim, The water rises!
And in the crash of one wave, He rolled out to sea,
But no one noticed—[Squints eyes, in hushed tone] Not even Bug Eye McGee.
-restaurant gasps-
He clawed for the sand, (But you can't do that with feather!)
And then, out at sea, Soon turned the WEATHER!
-a scream appears from the audience-
-Gooblah the Grarrl passes out-
Arr, but he woke up on the sands... Of the Lost Desert Dunes!
There, a young pirate, in the land of dubloons!
Ye won't believe what happens next! A bag of gold! His treasure! And it's still hidden, too.
...You know what? I'll tell ye the rest, if ye'll buy me some stew.
So they all chipped in, to buy him some stew,
What would happen next? Only he knew!
But then entered Slim, with a hole in his shoe:
"Hey everybody, what's all the hullabaloo?"
Lenny Day
by she_chose_love
Today is the day we celebrate,
one of the coolest neopets around.
A special neopet with feathers,
the tallest in town.
I am talking about Lenny's,
today is all about them.
Having a Lenny's friendship,
is better than finding a rare gem.
Lenny's are smart,
and very loyal creatures.
With the warmest of smiles,
and bird like features.
So lets celebrate all Lenny's today,
the ones near and the ones far.
Lets hope new items are released,
both cute and bizarre.
Happy Lenny Day Neopia,
I hope today is full of cheer.
Lets celebrate this special day,
that only comes around once a year!
Fancy Lenny Dress
by indulgences
This dress is simply darling, and
I'm quite obsessed with it!
It features blackest silk that shines.
Its waist is cinched to fit.
It's graced with strands of silver threads
That sparkle, gleam and shine.
Your Lenny will adore this dress.
She'll look so chic and fine.
It's long, and simply sweeps the floor.
It's an impressive look.
It's so superb and breathtaking.
My love cannot be shook.
It's Lenny Day! Go buy your pet
This Fancy Lenny Dress!
She'll twirl in it, she'll smile and dance.
She'll flaunt it with finesse!
The Duchess Stubbed Her Toe! ( Lenny Day )
by dortho
The Duchess of the Sway is a leader,
As by now, we all should know.
With her stubborn beak up so high,
It's hard for her to see where to go.
Lurking in the shadows, and behind the trees,
With a long black dress that hides her knees,
She encountered a Manjeer, covered with fleas!
Not knowing what to do, she decided to freeze!
Staying in place, not knowing what to do,
Along came a strong wind that blew,
Then The Duchess ran, and what do you know?
She tripped, she fell, and stubbed her big, fat toe!
Flailing about and holding her toe with her wing,
The Space Faerie dropped upon her a Kitchen Sink!
The Manjeer followed her, bringing some sticks,
And even attended to her with a finger splint!
Bandaging up The Duchess, and for being such a good help,
She offered him some of her leftovers from Kelp!
Not wanting to be late to the meeting of The Sway,
She hurried along in a rather hasty way,
And will never forget the Mangeer who saved the day!
The Stylish Stealthy Lenny
by kahlen369
In the darkened dead of the night
They slink through streets just out of sight
Their ink black clothes and dark blue feathers
Allow them to sneak around and do whatever
This is the great power of the Stealthy Lenny
That allows them to trick and trap any enemy
But more just some practical wearables
This look's style is simply incomparable!
Pay attention to this slick and sleek physique
Highlighted tastefully by formfitting cloth so chic!
Do you see all the beautiful bronze details?
These will make you look elegant without fail!
Staring into those bright blue eyes glinting at night
Well, there's never been a more arresting sight!
If you ever manage to catch a glimpse of this Stealthy pet
Don't fret because it's a sight you'll never forget!
Creepy Lennies
by chavo_guerrero
The Lenny is a pretty bird -
This is almost always true,
But I'd like to introduce,
The more creepy ones to you.
First we have the Darigan,
With his wicked bright red eyes,
His dark purple feathers,
Look a terror when he flies,
His feet have long black claws,
And his beak has nasty teeth,
But for all that he looks evil,
He's really sweet beneath.
Next we have the ghost colour,
With its baleful sad-faced stare,
It floats about quite silently,
And then might disappear!
Bring on the Halloween Lenny,
With her costume like a witch,
Her purple and green striped stocking,
Can make a fashion designer twitch!
She has buckles on her shoes,
And a cloak upon her back,
And her yellow eyes seem to say,
That she really could attack.
Mutant is another,
With a creepy overtone,
It looks just like a vulture,
That should be chewing on a bone!
Last upon this list of beasts,
The transparent Lenny lies,
You can see his insides,
And his empty hollow eyes.
His heart is plainly visible,
Inside his see-through chest,
And I must admit when I see him,
I feel quite distressed.
So here's my list of Lennies,
With a difference, you could say,
Now I've one last thing to mention,
And that's - Happy Lenny Day!
What A Conundrum!
by furryfeathers
You step into the tent with wonder in your eyes
Curiosity struck when you heard all the cries
That a very peculiar Lenny had a problem
And that he was looking for Neopians to solve them
As you spot said Lenny he begins to smile
He invites you over while messing with a dial
"Welcome welcome take a seat over yonder!"
"Let me stretch your mind; make you ponder."
"I'll ask you a riddle and you take a guess."
"I want you to think as if this was a test."
"Guess correctly and you'll get a prize!"
"What is it? Don't worry, it's a surprise."
That's it? Nothing else? What a piece of cake!
You await his question with your mind awake
The Lenny stands disregarding his work
He starts to think then stops with a smirk
He states his question all with ease
Then looks at you with eyes of tease
Maybe this isn't as easy as I thought...
But I can't let this all go to naught
You think and think, but you just don't get it!
Instead you break it down bit by bit
Put this piece here and carry the two...
Suddenly you find an answer and you're through
"My answer is this!" You state with glee
The lenny starts laughing, slapping his knee
"Such a wrong answer." he says with a smug
"Though it was a conundrum." he says with a shrug.
The Lonely Baby Lenny: An Unlucky Duckling
by _brainchild_
In Meridell, I saw a baby
Duckling cross the road.
The cutest soul I'd seen this age,
I wished to bring him home.
A carriage dashed in front of him,
Completely unaware.
The Lenny faced a fate so grim.
How could I fail to care?
In front of rushing wheels I hopped,
Releasing desperate pleas.
The carriage halted. Wheels stopped.
The hazard came to cease.
I took the duckling home with me.
Amidst the cozy fire,
He shedded tears. I came to see
That life for him was dire.
Alas, his pain of missing kin
Had made him feel alone.
I gladly took the duckling in—
Compassion I have shown.
The Lenny lives a joyful life—
He's pleased by love of mine.
Once plagued by such a vicious strife,
His days are so divine.
Lenny Conundrum Lament
by fullonparanoid
Lenny Conundrum, Oh how I miss thee
Why you had to leave us is still a mystery
Your riddles and puzzles were always a delight
All the moreso if we got them right!
Awaiting each week for a new Conundrum
Hoping to solve it and prove we're not dumb
When you were canceled Neopians were dismayed
So many left yearning for a trophy upgrade
A new Lenny Conundrum would thrill us completely
Perhaps if we all asked so very sweetly?
Your return would be a sight to behold
(and maybe I could then upgrade to Gold!)
I know I'm not alone, there's no telling how many
Please bring us back our dear brainy Lenny!
A regular purple Lenny
by dr_tomoe
There's a regular purple Lenny
nothing more to see
and any attempts to investigate
will only turn up badly.
There's no need to dig
no how, no way.
It's not like she is
the leader of the Sway.
She doesn't stand out at all
in her velveteen dress
and inquiring further
will just lead to distress.
She's just a regular Neopet
really, that's all, see?
No, it's just a coincidence
that Meepit is trying to flee.
Don't concern yourself with her
you don't need to worry
She hasn't been behind every event
to occur in Neopian History.
She's just a regular purple Lenny
don't make such a fuss
she's nobody special
surely not The Duchess.
You want to keep going
well, now I must fear
we in the Sway
will make you disappear.
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