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Neopets Poems

To send in your Neopets related poems or to find out more about the poetry contest, click here! The best poems get put on the site and earn 1,000 Neopoints, a RARE ITEM, and a Trophy for the author's trophy cabinet.

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Gelert Day Special

All The Gelerts In Neopia
by kahlen369

Though the Gelert is quite a pet
It's even better painted, I bet
But there are so many pretty colours!
It's hard to tell which to favour!

Perhaps you like your Gelert dark
If so, there's both Shadow and Skunk
Perhaps you like it a lighter shade
If so, you can choose Relic or Grey

Maybe you want the other end of the spectrum
Then, you have White, Snow, Sketch and then some!
Maybe you want it so light you can't see at all
Then, Invisible is the best paint for y'all!

Maybe clothes are where your heart lies
Instead of all these colourful dyes
If that's so then you've got more to go!
Lets line up our choices all in a row

If you like things frilly and fancy,
We've got Royalboy and Royalgirl handy!
Or if you prefer thing s little more gruff,
We've got a Pirate look that's super tough!

Choices here and choices there,
There are colours everywhere!
Which one of these do you like best?
Go to the Rainbow Pool--put 'em to the test!

Celebrating Gelert Day
by she_chose_love

Gelert's are happy,
Gelert's are fun.
When it comes to loyalty,
Gelert's are number one.

With their curly tails,
and their long ears.
The loyalty of a Gelert,
will last over one thousand years.

If you are a Gelert,
today is your special day.
Today is when all of Neopia shows you,
we love you in every way.

Happy Gelert Day Neopia,
Happy Gelert Day one and all.
Let's go celebrate,
and have a ball!

The visit of a gelert
by iop_cristi

I met him on a fall day,
I heard it coming through dry leaves,
See him looked like one of those scenes,
From a dream where you want to stay.

He approached me cautiously,
The most beautiful gelert I have ever seen,
He didn't need to get his hair preen,
The sun made it shine solemnly.

A short distance away he was looking,
Sniffing the air and moving his long tail,
From his throat came a wail,
If he stayed or left he was thinking.

Finally the gelert advanced to me,
And I could caress his head,
But then he raised his ears,
Listening to something farther than he could see.

And he ran away like the rain,
Raising leaves behind their paws,
And while I watched him run without pause,
I knew I would never see that gelert again.

Every Day Is Gelert Day
by fullonparanoid

If ever in search of a Neofriend
One loyal and brave to the very end
Look no further than the gallant Gelert
Their loyalty and love is always overt

They're happy to help and quick with a smile
They can be counted upon down to the last mile
If you are so lucky to enter their pack
Love and affection you will never lack

While they wear their hearts upon their sleeve
They can be more fierce than you'd ever believe
Their courage is renown, they are loyal to a fault
Any rumor of cowardice should be taken with a grain of salt

My pack is brave and friendly and happy and tough
To imagine losing one is really quite rough
I'd not trade a one for any Neo-wealth
They make me happy and are good for my health

While today is their day and they deserve a great cheer
I celebrate Gelerts EVERY day of the year
I admire them greatly, through and through
I love them all dearly (and I'm loyal too)

Gelert Day is Here!
by stargirl346

Today’s my favorite day of the year,
because Gelert day is finally here!
Today we celebrate Neopia’s best,
they’re as loyal and brave as it gets!

Gelerts value friendship the most,
and they never selfishly boast.
If you don’t have a Gelert as a pet,
it’s not to late, you can make one yet!

Create or maybe even morph one,
with your new Gelert you’ll have fun.
And paint your new pet a cool color,
like Royal or Cloud, with matching collars!

Or maybe new colors will be released,
marble or candy Gelerts would be a treat!
You can buy your Gelert something neat,
like Gelert Day Cereal or a Gelert Treat.

Neopia Central will have lots of celebrations,
with visitors coming from all Neopian nations.
So why not take your pets and Gelerts out,
and show them what Gelert day is all about!

Gilbert the Gelert's Farm
by axioms

Gilbert the Gelert runs the Meri Acre Farm
Located in Meridell, this place has its own charm
If you give Gilbert 400 NP, you can "Pick Your Own"
from all the berry bushes that he has grown

Jumbleberry and Pusberry, there will be
Or maybe an Eyeballberry you will see
Aquaberry and Fishberry are delightfully blue,
Breenut, Burrito, and Dorkle are yummy flavors too!

In all of Meridell, Gilbert's farm is the greenest
However, it is definitely not the cleanest
Instead of berries, you might alternately pull
A Pile of Dung, an Old Boot, or a Piece of Wool

So if you're craving some berries and don't mind the dirt,
come and visit ol' Gilbert the Gelert!

The Royalgirl Gelert: Lavish Lass of Luxury
by _brainchild_

The Royalgirl Gelert, so sweet, 
Is someone you'll be thrilled to meet. 
Her laugh so cute and gorgeous charm 
Will do the opposite of harm. 
Her outfit's beauty, sure to stun, 
Boasts hues that are a lot of fun. 
The brightest rose and lavender 
Shades shall look so great on her! 
Her necklace, bearing hues of gold, 
Is genuine, from which I'm told. 
This lavish piece of luxury 
Is typical of royalty. 
Go meet the princess, if you can. 
A member of the regal clan, 
Her wealth and cuteness will delight. 
You'll love her attitude so bright.

Do you see that Wandering Gelert
by miu1109

Do you see that wandering Gelert?
Don't meet his gaze; be alert
Do you see that wild Gelert?
Don't catch his eye; you'll be hurt

Untamed, undomesticated, sly is he
Kind is his eyes, soft is his pelt
He is a vicious, cruel, savage beast
He'll wag, he'll whine, at your feet he'll knelt

Make a pet out of him not
He is not one, never meant to be
Trust him with your heart not
In his jaws, he'll grip, you see

Do you see that lingering Gelert?
Don't walk over, don't give him your soul
Do you see that lost Gelert?
Come closer, and he'll swallow you whole

The spooky chef
by dr_tomoe

For while many delights
are delicious to taste
The spookiest food is
often sent to waste.

But each item there is
baked and crafted
with the finest spooky ingredients
to make it flavor blasted.

And the foremost chef
of these scary delights
is a Gelert named Julien
who loves preparing these frights

Since he was a puppy, he cooked up scares
enough to keep discerning palates on their toes
like Gummi Worms and Festering Coffee
to the delicious sounding Gorerito.

It might seem disturbing
but for those at eternal rest
like to spooky residents of the woods
it's better than the best.

So to Chef Julien, on Gelert Day
we celebrate your culinary skills
at making the most spooktacular meals
that bring forth bone-rattling chills.

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