Neopets Poems
To send in your Neopets related poems or to find out more about the poetry contest, click here!
The best poems get put on the site and earn 1,000 Neopoints, a RARE ITEM, and a Trophy for the author's trophy cabinet.
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Together after all these years
by _general_rain
Back in the day,
Near an abandoned bay,
A Kacheek entered the quay,
He travelled for years,
Looking for his peers,
He looks around and hears,
A very familiar sound,
Kacheek is immediately astound,
Is this the Deserted Fairground?
A Halloween Bruce appears,
Kacheek points his ears,
Together after all these years…
Welcome to Neovia
by spukl1
Welcome to Neovia, come on in,
Right past the mountains, you’ll hear our din.
It may be a little spooky, but it’s pretty great
A once deserted land, now we’re open late!
Our Victorian charm is very pleasing,
But don’t forget a coat. It may be freezing!
Try our crumpets, bob for apples and more,
Even buy some antique furniture at the store!
Tour a wonderful place, the Grand Neovian Mine,
Bring your lamp, and be sure it shines
Feel all the magic at this place,
It may seem dark, but that’s not the case.
See the catacombs, all those mysterious graves,
Bring your petpet along, we know they’re brave!
Mr. Mayor Thumburt may happen to show up,
Lucky if you see him, he’s never a grump!
Maybe if you are special you’ll get a surprise,
The ghost in the attic could possibly rise!
You’ll find goods and treasures all about,
But don’t be greedy or we’ll kick you out.
Welcome to Neovia, come on in,
Right past the mountains you’ll hear our din.
It may be a little spooky, but it’s pretty great
A once deserted land, now we’re open late!
Lost in the Haunted Woods
by rated_arr
In the Haunted Woods, you've lost your way.
You'd gone to the fairgrounds just for the day.
It'll soon be night; you can't find your way back.
You suddenly stumble upon a small shack.
The windows are barred and it's quite run-down.
But, you're getting exhausted from walking around.
You gather all courage that you have in stock,
Creep up to the door and muster a knock.
You wait for a moment, but nobody's there.
You turn to depart, thinking that life's unfair.
Until, from inside, you hear soft steps and clinks.
The door slowly opens, and your heart quickly sinks.
A Cybunny with grayish hair,
a jet-black mane and gauntly stare.
With dark red eyes and fangs of yellow,
Says to you, "Hello."
Her voice is guttural and low.
Her movements cautious, heedful, slow.
The hairs on your neck stand up from her voice.
It's getting dark. You have no other choice.
"Come in," she says, and holds open the door,
"Just wipe your feet on the mat on the floor."
You oblige, and carefully make your way in.
The Cybunny giggles and says, with a grin...
"Neopets are always getting lost out here.
Oh, don't worry dear. You have nothing to fear.
I've already eaten a big meal today."
Maybe it's not such a great plan to stay.
You stumble a moment and turn to flee.
The Cybunny's eyes are alight with glee.
"Oh, I'm only joking," she says to you dryly.
She opens a cabinet and winks at you slyly.
She hands you... What is this? Could it be a map?
It's crudely drawn onto some old piece of scrap.
"Here, take this and go make your way home.
The Haunted Woods is no place for Neopets to roam."
You stutter a thank you, still shaking with fright.
"Take this too," she hands you an old flashlight.
She sees you off and you make your way back.
It's easy enough now with this tattered map.
Finally, you reach a familiar road.
At last, you've returned to your cozy abode.
With your heartbeat slowed and thoughts collected,
You think to yourself, "Everything went better than expected."
Dazzling Dyeworks: The Magic of Snowy Recolors
by _brainchild_
The dress of Ruby Caroling
Has always been sublime,
Yet hues anew are sure to please—
The dress can now be dyed!
The color will be random,
Its sheer grace a mystery.
Pure, snowy white or sugar plum?
You’ll have to wait and see!
Or it could bear greenish hues
Resembling those of pines.
Wow, no result can be refused—
I’d love to make them mine!
Oh, also! Other gems abound,
Like wigs of silver hues.
Those frosty, wintry backgrounds please
Myself as well as you!
Regardless of your stunning style,
Don’t make a grave delay.
The choices cease after a while,
Creating pure dismay.
by potatotatopotato
A young Xweetok walked up to the pound,
In it were abandoned Neopets he found.
He pondered the minds of the owners,
Why would they desert their pets like loaners?
He walked up to a cage with a sad, lonely Kacheek,
The cage had a terrible smell and reeked.
The Kacheek, here for 5 years, was still hoping.
The Xweetok sad to see it coping.
The Xweetok made friends with the Kacheek, who was kind.
An owner that would own it, the young Xweetok would find.
He sought the land, looking for clues,
But he'd always end the day, he'd lose.
Then one day, a break in the case,
and the young Xweetok went on a chase.
He found an abandoned, deteriorating NeoHome,
Its decay and age like a catacomb.
"This account is frozen," said a sign on the front,
And that day, the young Xweetok finished his hunt.
He returned to the pound, defeated and down,
His face was painted with a frown.
Then he found his owner holding the Kacheek,
The Kacheek was no longer bleak.
It looked at the Xweetok, happy and excited,
with the Xweetok himself found very delighted.
The Kacheek came home with the Xweetok today.
And this story closes with a happy ending, wouldn't you say?
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