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Neopets Poems

To send in your Neopets related poems or to find out more about the poetry contest, click here! The best poems get put on the site and earn 1,000 Neopoints, a RARE ITEM, and a Trophy for the author's trophy cabinet.

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A Wish to Chiazilla
By Laurelinden

In quiet wood the Chia walked
And heard the high leaves trembling,
But then, new sound! The Chia balked
And stood as stone, just listening:
Ah, footsteps! He knew that he was stalked
And jumped in panic, scurrying...

"You cannot run!" growled a deep roar
As the Chia sped, retreating,
Alas! A root on forest floor
Sent the Chia headlong sprawling;
He knew that soon he'd be no more
As slow he paused, round turning...

Each second seemed to last a day
As he saw the Lupe advancing.
He knew he could not run away,
For his fate he sat, just waiting;
"Hello, delicious, better pray!"
The Lupe grinned, salivating...

The Chia sent a desperate wish
Up to the sky, just hoping,
That the Lupe could be vanquished,
That a savior could be coming;
The Lupe did lunge, his grin ghoulish,
And the Chia cried out, wincing...

A tremendous sound split through the air;
The Chia looked up, wondering,
And gasped at what he did see there:
A giant Chia, towering!
The Lupe gaped and paused midair,
And to darkness he went scurrying...

The Chia blinked; he was alone,
He slowly stood, just marveling
As miles away, the wind did moan
And set the leaves to trembling.
On onlooker would not have known
What just had been occurring...

The Chia knew, though, as he turned
And tried to stop his shaking,
That a miracle had just occurred
In the woods fast darkening
And he, the Chia, had just learned
Naught can be lost by wishing.

Henddrie, the Highland Chia
By Anjie

Far yonder roll the hazy hills,
The land Henddrie calls home.
Across the highlands misty peaks,
This warrior doth roam.
Tartan cloth shall drape his form,
His hammer firm in hand.
War cry in an accent, thick,
That few can understand.

He wanders from his highland home,
And journeys to and fro.
Willing to defend his land,
Cross swords with any foe.
In midst of battle, figures seen,
With honor shall he fight!
War paint smeared upon his face,
Enraged, a dreadful sight!

Aye, he fights with Chia strength!
And wrath from which foes hide.
This fellow in the tartan wrap,
Alive with highland pride!
Wooden shield is made to last,
With craftsmanship, so fine.
Wood he harvested himself,
With metal doth entwine.

This Chia towers at great height,
His wild hair does sprout!
It's honor in that accent, deep,
And heard in battle shout.
Few can meet his hammer's wrath,
Or dare to face his skills.
And yet he dreams of highland home,
Far in the misty hills.

The Chia Poet
By Reggieman721

There lies within the marketplace,
A statue made of stone.
Through day and night, twixt busy shops,
This beacon stands alone.

The Chia poet reaches out,
Lips parted, eyes aglow,
His hat askew, his feather curled,
As pets pass to and fro.

The Chia statue represents
The pinnacle of art.
The words of poets 'round the world
Do touch and warm the heart.

The Chia figure doth proclaim
The poetry of time.
Its verses carry through the years,
A never-ending rhyme.

The Chia statue holds a sheet.
He reads each ageless line.
The words part of a timeless tale
That no one can define.

The Failure of a Chia Clown
By Mithril_mithrandir

My nose is red, my eyes are blue,
Pinstriped trousers do I wear --
My hair as orange as a pumpkin pie
Just waiting to be shared.

My jokes are lame, my tricks are dull,
All juggling acts have failed --
The audience boos, loud and strong
Then roll me down a hill to wail.

Yet through this indignity I survive,
Through this suffering I stand strong,
Until that glorious day arrives
To turn right my past wrongs.

But that day has not yet come,
And so impatient I have grown
That I have set out to solve
My problems on my own.

At first I tried a new approach,
Some fresh jokes, a vanishing trick --
I thought maybe that would turn the tide,
Maybe would make the scales tip.

When that failed with great aplomb,
I turned to a dark life of crime.
I'm not proud of things I did then,
Things I did in that evil time.

But Meridell was thrust into a war,
And as Maraqua was in a great stew;
They made great targets for looters
Who were looking to start life anew.

Then on my travels, on a dark gloomy day
I came across a carnival fair.
Hidden deep within the woods,
No one had ever been there.

With much cleaning and scrubbing
The carnival was ready to run.
I donned big shoes and went on stage
Crying, "Let's have some fun!"

To my surprise, the crowds all cheered;
I guessed I had really improved,
Until some kid threw a pie at my face
And then the dogs broke loose.

I was pelted with tomatoes,
Dirty garbage at least three days old --
Then came the rocks and moldy cheese,
And a Floud that was labeled as "SOLD."

No matter what I did, however hard I tried,
I guess I'd be that whining hound,
The stinking failure that people knew as a Chia,
A failure of a Chia Clown.

The Jolly Gelatinous Jiggle
By Voldemorts_evil_spy

Jello is a famous food,
The jiggliest you have met.
But you never would consider,
That it'd be a color of a pet!

Yet it is a goodly color,
And our friend is often merry.
Why not when you are made of
The flavour Boisenberry?

Ironic, his name is Jiggles.
And he's of the Chia kind.
He bounces down the sidewalks,
He's the jolliest you will find.

His hobbies include cooking,
With every sort of fruit.
Jello cocktails in the morning,
Jello omelettes, what a hoot!

He's also on the running team,
It's a sport that he adores.
But he doesnt run in races,
He outruns the jellovores!

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