Neopets Poems
To send in your Neopets related poems or to find out more about the poetry contest, click here!
The best poems get put on the site and earn 1,000 Neopoints, a RARE ITEM, and a Trophy for the author's trophy cabinet.
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Ode to a Fire Uni
By Angelstearfall
Oh mythic creature proud and vain
Who flies the skies so bold and free.
You boast of beauty's sweet refrain
As you coast the gentle breeze.
On darkest night and full moonrise
You prowl above the plain.
With fearless heart you soar the skies
And sing of faeries' reign.
So dark and sleek with eyes of blue,
Your hoofbeats all aflame,
The beauty of your graceful moves
Brings myth to live again.
The Spirit Guardian
By Pyrosquirrelx
When the breezes grow soft
And the air grows light
And stars come out to twinkle
O'er the land as day turns night
And the blazing sun no more
Beat down upon her alabaster skin
Does the guardian Uni appear upon the wind.
A spirit with a sigh of air, a breath long gone
No footsteps left to mar
The grass she treads upon
Her airy wings they flutter, flitter, in the gray
Of the twilight that befalls the land 'fore day.
Upon her last bed, she had given her swear
To forever drift upon the dawning air
And keep her wings spread, like a blanket of sky
To guard those slumbering from evil passing by
With her pelt like the shimmer upon the sun's rays
Her mane and her tail dark, her azure eyes ablaze
Her hooves like the silver sand
Upon a desert shore
Her heart the sweetest one that e'er a Uni bore
Her eyes a' shine with kindness and love
For the herds that she watches
Always from above
The Uni herds that, as they, unknowing, sleep
O'er them, she dost her tranquil vigil keep.
The Uni Who Couldn't Fly
By Geneames1
One day a handsome young Uni was born
With beautiful wings and the requisite horn
But to his chagrin though he'd try and he'd try
The elegant creature just couldn't fly!
He'd try taking off when no one was around
Flapping with gusto, his hooves on the ground
Leaping and twisting he'd jump off the floor
And find still that he was unable to soar
Finally in a morass of despair
Sure that he never would take to the air
He traveled to Mystery Isle for advice
From someone who could
Give him guidance precise
"Master," he said to the Techo advisor
"I need you to tell me
What course would be wiser
Give up my dreams,
Though it cause me heartache
Or find me an alternate path I can take?"
The Master sat thinking in silence profound
Then opened his eyes and looked all around
Said to the Uni, in words soft and wise
"There are other ways you can take to the skies."
The Uni took lessons at one special school
And soon had a license to use his new tool
He'd take to the air, his species' domain
Behind the controls of his brand new airplane!
The lesson the Master had thought to bestow
"There's more than one way
Through the Forest, you know
If one path is blocked take another, my friend
And soon you will find
Your way through to the end."
Unis of the Morning
By Laurelinden
They trumpet out into the morning,
Great ringing neighs, like birds in song,
And gallop, fly, across the grasses,
As clouds dapple the bright blue sky.
This morning run, it is their dance
And free, they are the lords of day.
From the dawn they burst into the day,
Noble heralds of the morning.
Their prancing gallop, their welcome dance,
First sound of daylight is their song.
With hooves as swift as wind in the sky,
They gallop, sprint, across the grasses.
Their near approach ripples the grasses,
Still wet with dew at start of day.
A colored swirl paints pale the sky,
The first tender light of the morning.
Around the Unis birds twitter in song
And hop branch to branch in flapping dances.
The breaking of dawn is a dance
As fresh and new as upsprung grasses,
Singing the first morning song.
The Uni path brings on the day,
Born from pale brightness of the morning,
Warming gold across the sky.
Faerie blessed is new born sky;
They smile and watch the Unis dance
In silken dresses light as morning
And bracelets made of woven grasses,
They greet the coming of the day
With laughter sweet and clear as song.
The music of the Uni's song
Bursts out into the wind, the sky;
Their neighing call announces day.
Their gait is like a magic dance
As they race, free, upon the grasses,
Trumpeting out into the morning.
Vision of the Nightsteed
By Anjie
Like nightmare born of vision bleak,
A creature of whom few will speak.
No beast as vile can one find,
Than he who bandages do bind.
They trail as hooves mark the sand,
On rings of flame, doth Nightsteed stand.
The arid wind brings shadowed form,
With footfalls thundering, a storm.
His fate foretold, with no reverse,
But to defeat an ancient curse.
Loyalty to one, alone,
Who for the past must soon atone.
The pallid moonlight fades to grey,
Like hope, the gleam is torn away.
As Nightsteed's hooves, alight with red,
Reveal the beast that all shall dread.
A sight that only night reveals,
The sunlight hides him, and conceals.
Coat shall seem but cobalt blue,
A mere mirage, it's far from true.
With dusk so falls that dreaded sight,
A horrid glimpse in dulling light.
Slow cantering moves bandaged frame,
Upon a path of vicious flame.
Sheer terror vision brings to all,
"Beware the Nightsteed!" comes the call.
Around him does inferno blaze,
Matched by the crimson in his gaze.
Two matching orbs of burning red,
Spellbinding, and bringing dread.
A nightmare, until he's released,
Remains the vision of a beast.
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