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Neopets Poems

To send in your Neopets related poems or to find out more about the poetry contest, click here! The best poems get put on the site and earn 1,000 Neopoints, a RARE ITEM, and a Trophy for the author's trophy cabinet.

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My Shoyru Dreams of Starlight
By Firea72

There on a Meridell hilltop
We were sitting side by side
It is a dream we like to dream
On days with clear blue skies.

"I'll fly one day into that bowl
Of clearest, sapphire blue
Beyond the clouds and Kreludor Moon
To where the stars shine bright and true."

He tells me this with big black eyes
Shining like the stars he seeks
I laugh and pull him close to me
For he's yet to reach Terror Mountain's peaks.

"Yes, you will," I say to him,
"And it will be a sight to see
I'll be right there to cheer you on
What a legend you will be!

"And think of all those mysteries
The sights that no one's ever seen
An adventure must await you there
A thrill beyond your wildest dreams.

"But for now you're only two feet tall
And I'd worry that you'd lose your way
So stay a while, 'til we go together
And in the stars we'll play."

The Shoyru Scout's Magic
By Tamia_silverwing

Upon the veiled mist of a Meridell night,
A breeze carries a whisper far out of sight.
It need not roam far though
For someone to hear,
When the Meridell night has both eyes and ears.

A glimmer of emerald,
A flit of a wing,
Are all that betrays him
And the justice he brings.

The Shoyru who shadows dark alleys of crime
Asks for nothing in return
But to be erased from time.
Only he can trail villains
With such mastery and grace,
Only he can stop treachery,
For other pets' sakes.

A creak of a branch
And you know that he's there,
A gust of a sigh
And a spell in the air.

A chink of teal crystal,
A glacial flame,
But he's gone in a heartbeat,
A mystery unnamed.

Upon the veiled mist of a Meridell night,
The ghost of a lone Shoyru now makes its flight.
He won't be gone long though,
He always stays near,
Whenever fair Meridell requires eyes and ears.

The Twisted-Fiddle Shoyru Dance
By Party_hobbit

The mist that clung to foot and wall
By day; now swiftly departed
As lights adorn each room and hall
The Shoyru Festival has started!

Garbed in gowns of diamond sheen
They go sweeping up the steps
Waving, imperious, just to glean
The whole crowd's gasping breaths.

With sparkling eyes and tapping feet
Each pair takes to the floor
Bowing low, cheeks flush with heat
All await the familiar score.

A single musician rises up
And with a starting cry
Begins the Twisted-Fiddle tune
Just as the moon soars high.

Whirling, spinning, go the dancers
Laughing all with glee
Forgotten are their pretences
They're just like you and me.

Now the fiddle waxes stronger
More complex with each strain
Some cannot hold out much longer
Others use this to their gain.

Amid the roaring, mirthful joy
The fiddle is unforgiving
Those still left suspect some ploy
As if the music itself is living.

With a flourish, they twist their last
And fall, laughing, in a heap
They might be dancers, light and fast
But now, their boon is sleep.

Shenkuu Shoyru
By Peanut02395

Moonlight glitters on a tree,
A curling leaf falls down,
A cloud drifts over Moon's dear face,
And shadow shrouds the ground.

The eyes of creatures in the wood,
Light up: a glittering wall,
And then you see the side of Tree,
Isn't Tree at all.

Snake-like eyes flash in the night,
Armor flashes new,
A sword sheathed brightly at his side,
A sword like oh so few.

His wings adorned in blackest thread,
His claws sharpened with glass,
All warriors of Shenkuu fear,
That Sanin there might pass.

A Shoyru's cunning smile he holds,
His eyes are lined with blue,
His tongue flickers in the air,
To taste the scent of you.

A snapping twig, he's gone as if,
He never had been there,
He'll appear again far and away,
When we're all caught unaware.

The Shoyru warriors in the night,
Far scattered they may be,
But even one alone and small,
You never want to see.

Shoyru in the Sea
By Voldemorts_evil_spy

The sun was shining brightly,
On the sands around the lake.
All was warmth and laughter,
As we dined on ice cream cake.

The night came and we partied on,
Through stars and moonlit night.
The shadows on the ocean
Were mystical in sight.

When all had gone away to sleep,
I stayed and watched the sea.
Alone I pondered simple things,
Of what it was to "be."

And in my watching drear and soft,
A creature came to me.
I blinked and there before my eyes
Was a Shoyru in the sea.

Her scales were shimmering in the stars,
And shone of green and blue.
Her eyes were large and curious,
I sensed her innocence new.

Her wings were made of satin gauze,
Her fins of coral glass.
Floating in the waves she watched,
As I stood upon dune grass.

And then she vanished like a dream,
Leaving me to be.
Alone I watched the water foam,
For the Shoyru in the sea.

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