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Neopets Poems

To send in your Neopets related poems or to find out more about the poetry contest, click here! The best poems get put on the site and earn 1,000 Neopoints, a RARE ITEM, and a Trophy for the author's trophy cabinet.

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Heart of Caylis
By Assyla952

Dark and tattered twirling 'round,
Long wavy hair a swirl,
Deepest, darkest, hole of hate,
Ocean deep, no pearl.

Burning fear and hate so long,
All her hope, lost,
Full of sorrow and regret,
Her heart colder than frost.

Once long ago in Maraqua,
Now her whole life has been changed.

A heart so beaten, impossible to melt,
Evil beauty luring those about.
Dark cave of worries and fears,
Hatred, and coldness to all,
Especially her sister dear.

Banished for all eternity,
Cold burning eyes,
The darkest of all blacks,
Enchanting smirk of despair.
A soul so a tear.

Still in tatters,
Frozen heart,
Eyes cold and burning,
Worries and fears,
Hate, sorrow, regret,
All hope is lost,

Full Moon Transformation
By Idreamt

Winds howl in winter gale,
Clouds part in cold night air,
Eyes roam his surroundings,
But nobody is there.

Eyes glint and senses blur,
Teeth gleam and claws sharpen,
Midnight tonight is ever near,
Clouds cover, the sky darkens.

He feels his bones crack and morph,
And sweat gathers at his brow,
Muscles ripple and blood boils,
The peace shattered with one long howl.

The night is at its darkest hour,
There's no one coming, right?
His sanity is long gone now,
And still nary a soul in sight.

Then suddenly the pain is gone,
Transformation is complete,
The moonlight smiles upon him,
Ever subtle, so discreet.

There's no one here but them tonight,
All alone in a darkness wild,
They'll spend tonight out on the hunt,
The Full Moon and her child.

Shadow Hissi
By Tenderdragonwings

The thing that lurks inside your heart
The shadow that will never part
And you don't want the world to see
What darkness lies coiled inside of thee

Because no one will understand
The forboding look, the scared lands
That lie without and forever within
No one dares look, not even kin

To be the thing that lurks inside
The shadow that never dies
The crawling, writhing, mass of bones
In that land you call your home

Torture it is, everyday
To be glared at in such a way
So hide you do, in shadow of course
In yourself, forever remorse

And as dark and desolate as home may be
Forever you live there, shadow Hissi
There no one looks, no one dares
(Unfortunately for you, no one cares)

Shadow within, shadow without
Your shadow grows with you no doubt
You are the thing that lurks inside
The shadow that never dies
So wherever or whatever your home may be
You are still a shadow Hissi

Valient, Aethia's Steed
By Thewhitedragonrider

I am called Valient, I am the steed,
I hold back the weak, and let only brave proceed.
I am the true steed of Aethia the brave,
I am filled with knowledge,
And the earth did I save.

I stand for bravery, and I stand for fear,
I can heal the sick, with a single golden tear.
I stand for coolness, and I stand for heat,
Running away are all those whom I've beat.

I stand for life, and I also stand for death,
I can freeze you with my ice-cold breath,
With a flick of my tail, and a stamp of my heel,
I stiffen my muscles and attack with great zeal.

I stand for Chaos, and I stand for peace,
I fight and I crush with a snap of my teeth,
I stand for battle, and I stand for war,
I can part armies, and still yearn for more.

I have a horn that is golden,
And eyes that are black,
With light to surround me, with roars I attack.
With flames of crimson, running up my black hide,
I stare with my dark eyes, at the falling tide.

My wings are much bigger, to use them in battle,
My faerie is strong, she has no need of a saddle,
The creature she rides into battle is me,
I fly over battle, myself truly free.

So gentle little Neopets,
The next time you're in need,
Call upon in battle faerie, Aethia with creed,
I strong enough to beat you,
With very little strife,
For I am the bane, and I am the life.

The Lupe
By Starr_crystal

Creeping softly through the night,
Eyes like fire, burning bright,
Teeth malicious in delight,
Tail thumping lightly.

Nose pointing up to the sky,
Watching owls go flapping by,
Letting out a lonely cry,
Dark enclosing tightly.

Runs through forest, hill and lake,
Every step the ground will shake,
Moonlit fur, it stands opaque,
At the stroke of midnight.

Darkish fur, it stands on end,
Gleaming slightly round the bend,
All its sins it will now mend,
In the shining moonlight.

Creeping softly through the night,
Eyes like fire, burning bright,
Teeth malicious in delight,
Tail thumping lightly.

Total Poetry Pages : 2745

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