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Neopets Poems

To send in your Neopets related poems or to find out more about the poetry contest, click here! The best poems get put on the site and earn 1,000 Neopoints, a RARE ITEM, and a Trophy for the author's trophy cabinet.

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A Lost Soul
By Sedahren

An eerie howl wails through the wood
Near old Neovia Town
Two gleaming eyes, a lonely soul
Lost and feeling down

It's a long, long time since he trod those streets
He used to know so well
Now the place lies empty, no voices heard
Save the toll of a rusted bell

But on Hallow's eve the city wakes
With ghosts of futures past
But he won't approach - he does not dare
For too long he's been outcast

So he watches, waits, from afar
On the peak of a distant hill
'Till Neovia Town is free again
Poor Bruno waits there still.

Nereid of the Ocean Tide
By Anjie

A beauty on the ocean's tide,
A soul alive and free.
Solitary, does she sit,
In midst of tumbling sea.

Crashing surf doth call her name,
'Sweet Nereid!' it cries.
Her laughter lost in ocean waves,
Snatched to the sprawling skies.

Golden hair cascades like silk,
Awash in sunlit glow.
Scales gleam like crystal light,
Matched by the fish below.

Fair Nereid, the ocean queen,
Small Faerie of the deep.
For her the sunlight hits the waves,
And through the blue shall seep.

A flicker of her tail's fin,
Translucent, in the sun.
A thousand colors in each scale,
The shimmer matched by none.

She's the sentry of the sea,
Fyora's trusted friend.
To ocean beds and coral plants,
Sweet Nereid does tend.

The waves shall meet the golden shore,
And up the sand, they'll creep.
Rushing back to her they go,
The Faerie of the deep.

Maraquan Lullaby
By Bluecloud300

An Aisha, Princess fair, embarked
Upon her wondrous ship one day
Gliding amongst the waters blue
No care at all was in her way.

Then tragic struck, a sudden storm
Billowing clouds of dark portent
And Princess fair, as wave crashed down
Into the sea was downward sent.

Beneath the tumult of the sea
Sinking farther into the depths
The Princess, so full of despair
Prepared to breathe her one last breath.

Then, a Maraquan Aisha lad
Against King's will went from the gate
The Princess fair safe in his arms
Had saved her from that horrid fate.

Safely left at water's edge
She waved goodbye upon that shore
He disappeared beneath the waves
For the two would meet nevermore.

He gave to her his coral shell
Her locket for him to always keep
For him she waited by those sands
Staring always towards that ocean deep.

So hush my dearie, don't you fret
Hold tight your Meepit, dry your eye
And I shall sing my tale for you:
This sad Maraquan Lullaby.

The Water Faerie
By Blackribbonrose

Dancing in the ocean waves
Face tilted to the sky
She wallows in nature's greatest gift
With a twinkle in her eye

Diving to the sandy deep
With a swift flick of her mighty tail
Her gold hair flowers 'round her face
Her movements strong and true

Perhaps you'll hear her sweet song
As she spirals through the sea
No lyrics or words will fill your ears
Just a sweet and distant melody

Or perhaps you'll hear her tinkling laugh
As she plays with her underwater friends
Or her blissful cheers of bubbling joy
As she rides the highest waves

The loveliest sight you'll swear to see
As the sun sets 'pon the restless waters
She sits upon a rock,
Her tail skimming the sapphire waves
Her scales reflecting every shade of the rainbow

She'll toss her golden hair
Lift her face to the stars
Before she dives in once again
Into the deep abyss.

Happy Valley
By Brilliance109p

Happy Valley is the sweetest dessert
Sprinkled with honeydew snow
Cradled in sugar-soft candyfloss clouds
Spinning in and out as they go.

Happy Valley is the brightest sea
Smothered in blueberry blue
Covered in caramel starfish sprinkles
And by this we know that it's true.

Happy Valley is the happiest day
Dipped in blue of the sky
Indulge this beautiful delicacy
And watch the hours go by.

Happy Valley is the deepest dream
Filled with rainbow delight
A perfected peppermint pudding of ice
Casting an echo of white.

Total Poetry Pages : 2793

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