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Neopets Poems

To send in your Neopets related poems or to find out more about the poetry contest, click here! The best poems get put on the site and earn 1,000 Neopoints, a RARE ITEM, and a Trophy for the author's trophy cabinet.

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O Zafara Double Agent
By Mittening

Looking down on kitchen midden,
Lurking for one careless tongue.
Contracts make her yet beholden
To both lords; yet slave to none.

Traitor to all who hire her,
Causer and ender of strife.
An earnest oath of loyalty,
In her hand, a hidden knife.

O Zafara Double Agent.
Double-crossed ones name her so.
Ever present in the darkness,
A whispered name, a murmur.

Her smile, like the edge of a sword,
Two-bladed; a friend or foe?
Keep her close, yet defend your hoard,
Her cunning and guile knows no bounds.

A kingdom's secret sold for gold,
High and mighty queens laid low,
A double agent in your midst,
Once an ally; now, a foe.

O Zafara Double Agent.
Strike first, strike fast, is her creed.
Servant and general of lords,
Yet manipulating all.

The Great Whiteness
By Party_hobbit

The snow, still lingering in the air
Shrouded the town in white
Naught could be seen, evil nor fair
But whiteness, day and night.

In their houses the Zafaras huddled
Grouped around a fire
Telling tales that soon got muddled
Singing to lift spirits higher.

For two hundred days the whiteness prevailed
And no hope was in sight
One by one the Zafaras failed
And froze, so cold was their plight.

One windy morn, there came a stranger
Swathed in hood and cloak
Seeing the town in such grave danger
With his tongue dealt the weather a stroke

"Begone, oh winds, that bring the sleet
And clouds that bring the snow
No more this town be as white as a sheet
To Terror Mountain, GO!"

And the wind and snow heeded his call
And left the stricken town
Since then, the snow will ever fall
On Terror Mountain is found.

The heroic Zafara helped the people
Rebuild their snowswept town
And after, you'd hear from earth to steeple
Praise to the stranger found.

From the Shadows
By Peanut02395

She slinks along the shadow,
She slips through light and dark,
You never know that she is there,
She leaves no single mark.

She is as happy as a fish,
In all manner of back street,
With coins from pockets subtly slipped,
She feeds on fruit and meat.

Her darting blade and cruel eye,
No mercy to entice,
She has no alliances to keep,
They change with each new price.

Hers is a sad sort of story,
A music box played false,
Her life is a disjointed tune,
A little unstepped waltse.

What is it like to kill for food,
To take life for coin and home?
Perhaps one day she will tell us,
Along with hidden name.

Keep your paw beside your ears,
Never look on straight,
Keep your friends close as you can,
Do not stay out late.

Perhaps she'll hunt for you one day,
Perhaps she'll obey your whim,
But for now be cautious and aware
Of the Zafara Assassin.

Zafara Camouflage!
By Anjie

Chestnut are the autumn boughs,
The crimson leaves do fall.
Idle breeze shall whisper through,
And to the foliage, call.
A rustle in the russet woods,
A glimpse of mirthful grin.
Tail long and multi-hued,
To autumn scene, blends in.

Lazy giggle, idle hop,
The ambling footfalls sound.
Massive feet that won't be seen,
Yet thud on solid ground.
Zafara of a fine disguise,
So hidden, few have seen!
His tone of camouflage works well,
He blends into the scene.

Seldom is a glance so caught,
Of shining, onyx gaze.
Now and then a giggle heard,
As in the grass, he plays.
A clumsy skip, the feet do thump,
The dust around shall rise.
Hidden from each prying gaze,
Secure, in disguise.

Some may have their flashy wings,
Or tones of pink, or green.
Yet the rarest type of all,
Zafara, never seen.
A part of nature, all around,
He dwells amongst the trees.
Adorned in tones of tan and brown,
A beauty no one sees.

Zafara Double Agent
By Plumgrove

Spy for Citadel's rulers, she
Who slips beneath red Darigan skies
Her knowledge is domination's key
Lords seek out her services

Secrets dwell in her dark eyes
And all fall victim to her spell
But she cloaks her allegiance in disguise
She dares them to trust her

Her fur is blue, her voice a bell
Skillfully she weaves her lies
The destiny of the Citadel
May rest upon her slim shoulders

Devious spy until strife dies
The rulers covet what she will tell
She sells her knowledge, for she is wise
But extends loyalty to none

Zafara servant of feuding lords
Sneakily she schemes and spies
Betrays her masters for rewards
Beware, she will also betray you

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