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Neopets Poems

To send in your Neopets related poems or to find out more about the poetry contest, click here! The best poems get put on the site and earn 1,000 Neopoints, a RARE ITEM, and a Trophy for the author's trophy cabinet.

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The Empty Jar in Geraptiku
By Anjie

Humid air in tropic lands,
The jungle, lush and green.
Canopy that shields the earth,
No sunlight to be seen.
In the depths of Jungle warm,
Just where, none can be sure.
A small thatched hut does stand alone,
A tiny Petpet store.

Mystery it doth so remain,
For no one seems to care.
Petpets wander, wild and free,
A shopkeep dwells not there.
Battered jar upon a bench,
For points you need to pay.
Fill the jar, and take your pet,
With haste, be on your way.

In the shop the jungle rules,
There is no law in here.
Tapiras cause horrid mess,
And Mimbis run in fear.
Vacanas remain uncaged,
And Tuceets doth run free.
But who it is who owns that jar,
Is someone you can't see.

A Shadowy Pest
By Melina719

Dusk did paint the land
In the darkness of this night,
A moon with an embrace of cold arms,
Stars; eyes to blink faint light.
Then darkness progresses even more,
A veil to cast fear upon all,
A shadow rearing forth with fate--
A figure ominous and tall.

To run or hide--
You have not a one single choice.
He comes to haunt every mind,
To scare you with his clever voice,
And afflict all with eerie dreams.
To cast that stare off eyes of fire--
Only triumph he will redeem.

And when the first rays of dawn appear,
He'll lapse into own long rest.
Unfortunately, we will meet the next night
That dastardly shadowy pest.

Blackened Faerie
By Dr_jordan_cavanaugh

She sits, alone upon her cloud
Of evil, jealous creed
Around her head, a fading shroud
Of hate, deceit and greed

Her mind, so many worlds away
Can only think of pain
And all these thoughts are here to stay
Whilst her heart has deep black stains

She tilts her head, a fire faerie
Gently passes by
She hisses, something very daring
Her burning hate is nigh

Fire, so perfect, so beautiful, so true
Why couldn't she be like her?
Fire, she stops to say something
But is quickly deterred...

She whispers her own true name
She realizes the one to blame:

The First Quest of Brucey B.
By Mithril_mithrandir

The sand is soft, the sun is set,
The winds are blowing to and fro,
The sky is dark, the stars do rise;
Brucey B. searches high and low.

A Bruce from lands of wintry winds,
A Bruce from north, from ice, from snow,
A Bruce searching for one lone thing;
Poor Brucey B. has long far to go.

And then -- alas! -- a storm does strike
Of windy copper curls so bright;
Scarves of silver, scarves of gold,
Extinguish poor Brucey's sight.

And then, in the mist, a glitter, a gleam,
The twinkle and smile of new golden coin,
The scintillating glow that marks the end,
The end of Brucey B's first quest.

Caylis's Revenge
By Schefflera

Now once in Old Maraqua
There were Aisha sisters two:
Together orphaned by the pirates' curse
And dreaming true.
But Isca had the brighter dreams;
Poor Caylis only knew
Disasters that would strike them,
Unprevented ills to rue.

So Caylis long was outcast
While her sister served inside,
But when the pirates came again
'Twas Caylis' magic turned the tide.
With Scarblade gone their new friends chose
Above the waves to ride,
And Caylis chose to swim alone --
But heard when Isca cried.

Her sister used to visit Caylis,
Hold her when she wept;
If Caylis had forsaken tears,
The memory she kept.
A seaweed necklace Isca held,
That fell from ladder-steps,
And Caylis with her darkened eyes
Soothed Isca 'til she slept.

She went to seek the pirate lad
Who'd thrown the gift away
And hailed his ship with laughter
When she found it in a bay.
She climbed aboard to sail with them
Above the billows' sway;
Fair company, or so she said,
And sailed a week and day.

Oh, Caylis watched her chances
While she learned the crew and cords;
Until a clear night by the rail
Her Captain drank and poured.
While Garin gazed across the sea,
As proud as any lord,
Then Caylis crept up from behind
And pushed him overboard!

A splash! And she leaned down
To see him sputter from below,
"What mutiny? What treason?"
Caylis scorned him, "Don't you know?
How soon have you forgotten!
Did you think it wouldn't show?
Don't you want my sister's necklace
Now you're in the water, though?"

He really faced no danger,
Though his pride was wetted wrong;
He swam until the rescue crewmen
Threw a rope along.
He spat out water on the deck
And looked for her 'til dawn,
But all they found were dampened scales:
For Caylis now had gone.

Total Poetry Pages : 2745

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