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Neopets Poems

To send in your Neopets related poems or to find out more about the poetry contest, click here! The best poems get put on the site and earn 1,000 Neopoints, a RARE ITEM, and a Trophy for the author's trophy cabinet.

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Symol Day Special

Symol Day Celebrations
by _interrupted_

Burring through the ground, 
Just like a mole. 
There is a special Petpet, 
Which is called a Symol. 
They are fun filled characters, 
And love to run and play. 
We really do love these Petpets, 
In every single way. 
You can snuggle them for hours, 
They really will not mind. 
This is their favorite thing to do, 
This you will find. 
So, on this special day of celebration, 
For these critters we all adore. 
Let's be thankful they are the best Petpet, 
That you can you care for.

The Symol Hole
by ohsounicornly

I stumbled upon a grassy knoll,
And saw there within, a mysterious hole.
I peered into its dingy depths
With apprehension; I held my breath-

What frightful creature lies beneath
The earth; perhaps a mutant Skeith
Whose fearsome features saw him shunned?
Those bulging eyes, that belly, rotund...

Perhaps a monster more reptilian?
A Cobrall, or a slithering Frillabon?
Surely this hole is home to a beast
For whom I'd make a delightful feast!

I half expected to be disgusted
By what I saw when my eyes adjusted.
But there they were, five pairs of eyes,
Staring back in disgruntled surprise.

They found it was quite rude of me
To interrupt their morning tea,
And yet despite their clear frustration,
Politely, they offered an invitation.

I climbed inside their crowded burrow -
Their inspection of me was rather thorough,
But, truthfully, I stared right back
As they offered me treats from a tiny knapsack!

With tiny, dainty, two-toed claws
One placed a teacup between my paws.
Tea flowed freely from the teapot's spout;
The Symol sniffed through his tapered snout.

His expert nose inhaled the scent
And continued until he was quite content
That all the flavors were properly checked;
He proclaimed gleefully that it was "Perfect!"

We ate sandwiches, biscuits, cake and jelly;
I smiled and rubbed my bloated belly.
When we were done, they stacked our plates -
These Symols made for charming playmates!

Polite enough to open their warren
To one such as me, a creature so foreign.
So there you have it: this curious hole
Is home to the humble, mysterious Symol!

Same-old Symol
by icysnowe

Oh, this shy little Symol!
He watches the world,
From the inside of a hole.
Every day, the same-old Symol.

Oh, this cute little Symol!
His fur gets extra fluffy in the fall.
But only a lucky few would know.
Every day, the same-old Symol.

Oh, this curious little Symol!
Outsiders are fine - he welcomes them all.
The only catch? They must be small.
Every day, the same-old Symol.

Oh, this generous little Symol!
Once in a while, he hands out a haul.
With a rare avatar - that was my goal!
Thank you, not so same-old Symol.

The Small Symol Hole: A Neopet's Lament
by _brainchild_

The Symol Hole is way too small! 
If only I could fit. 
While only Petpets take the fall, 
I'm forced to brood and sit. 
My friend has freedom to explore, 
A topic of my envy. 
I wish to look for something more. 
There's lots I wish to see. 
I've heard that prizes shall await 
The soul who takes a dive 
Into the tunnel. As of late, 
There's loot for which I strive. 
I send my pal to fetch the prize. 
If I could go myself, 
I would, but space where treasure lies 
Is small, so I need help.

The Art of the Symol Hole
by espressoself

In Meridell there is a tiny hole
That could only be dug by a mischievous symol.
Every day my petpet and I walk by,
To hop in the hole and give it a try.
Entering the symol hole is an art,
And my petpet has learned to play the part
Of the rugged explorer who enters the hole –
Finding the bottom is his only goal.
If he’s feeling cautious, he climbs down slowly,
But this approach is boring and lowly.
His preferred method is to dive right in, 
Eyes closed or eyes open, but he's always grinning.
If he’s feeling bold, he’ll take some deep breaths
And cannonball straight into the depths.
On days where abandon is thrown out the door,
He bellyflops in, hoping to score.
But every time he jumps right back out,
Our winning streak is a winning drought.
Maybe someday we’ll find the bottom,
And that mysterious symol? We will have caught him.

Symol Hole
by she_chose_love

In the land of Meridell,
there is a tiny, special hole.
Big enough for only a Petpet to enter,
if stumbled upon while out for a stroll.

Why would a Petpet squeeze into a tiny hole,
is a question that many ask.
Well with great risk comes big reward,
and there is a great chance of reward with this task.

T hoes who enter the Symol Hole,
have a chance to get a prize.
Some neopoints or a rare item,
the options are greater than the skies.

So grab yourPetpet and head to Meridell,
for a chance to grab the Symol Holes treasure.
If you do not succeed, you can try again tomorrow,
the journey is half of the pleasure.

The Symol Hole
by fourin

The Symol is a burrowing petpet,
You'd find in fields of Meridell,
Not perched up on the parapets,
Of Darigan Citadel.

You might see one out on a stroll,
But if you turn your back,
It will disappear into a hole,
Dug so deep it looks pitch black.

They use their claws to dig around,
Underground they swim like Koi,
They can dive right into the ground,
The art of digging they do enjoy.

The Symol Hole is where they rest,
In tunnels of deepest dirt,
It's safe and sound just like a nest,
A home of priceless worth.

So now you know what Symols do,
And where they go to hide and play,
Your petpet friend can visit too,
It's just a cannonball away!

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