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Neopets Poems

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Dr. Sloth Day Special

We Appreciate Because we Have to.
by beagums

The Lever of Doom looks
especially pull-able
on Sloth Appreciation Day. 

The shopkeep has tied 
bows on all the space 
petpets for the occasion.

we are all very excited
for Sloth Appreciation Day.

Grundos Cafe - located
on the Recreation Deck,
Hangar-B, to the right of
the happy Sloth poster - serves
a special ergyfruit dish
for the occasion.

Ergyfruit is our main crop
as it it one of the few fruits
that can withstand
the chill of space and
the harshness of iron
and steel that must 
house its evergreen plant.

It is a good fruit.
It is the best fruit.

Remember, all pets must
check in upon arrival.
Even on Sloth Appreciation Day.

Celebrate, Or Else
by espressoself

He's not a human, and he's not a Neopet.
He's something you should fear and fret.

Around before the beginning of time,
He lurked around with a heart made of slorg slime.

His head is full of the nastiest thoughts,
Of death and doom and take over plots.

Hide your pets and lock your doors,
Hide all your valuables in your drawers.

Once he has a plan, he won't let it rest
He'll enslave the weak and crush the oppressed.

If it sounds like a nightmare,
Close your eyes and send Fyora a prayer.

Dr. Sloth is most certainly real 
And his wrath is one you don't want to feel.

So even though the monster of hate
Isn't a reason to celebrate --

You best clap your hands and shout and cheer
So Dr. Sloth will keep you in the clear.

Sloth: I Appreciate his Evil
by chirigami


I hear laughter echoing off the halls.
Booming out from behind closed doors.
A deep belly laugh.
A laugh of pure joy. And evil. 

Sloth is celebrating his day.
His day of achievement.
His day when all of Neopia knows
Just how powerful
He can be.

At first I didn't understand this day.
Sloth Appreciation Day.
Why should I attend?
Why should I appreciate Sloth?
What has he ever done for me?

But then I realized:
He makes the world whole.
He makes things make sense.
He makes Neopia a bit brighter.

Because he is evil.
And without evil, there can be no good.
And so I open the door
And I celebrate Sloth.

The Appreciation of Dr. Sloth
by miraday

Dr. Sloth,
We approach this day of appreciation
With a known sense of dissonance.
In your image is the celebration,
But in our hearts was the Resistance.

I speak for all of Grundos here:
We do appreciate you in our history.
You instilled in us loyalty and fear,
Though we were only accessories.

You were the iron-willed leader
With all the charisma required
To convert us to your believers.
Without a doubt, you were admired.

We still see it, yes, we still feel it-
The grandiose appeal and allure.
So much so, we were blinded by it:
Orange and purple- dividing colors.

Your arrival caused change swiftly.
We unlearned how it was before,
When Grundos lived peacefully
Together, undisturbed on Kreludor.

For your plot, you fostered betrayal.
It took battles and internal fighting
For us to realize your portrayal 
Was a ploy and needless inciting.

Now, Grundos walk hand in hand
With no intention of going back
To when we were part of your plan.
This, we all owe to your attack:

A remerged sense of neighborhood,
A newfound love and self-respect.
Consciousness for what is good
As we look out for all Neopets.

You used to be all we breathed.
You were in our veins, in the air,
In our thoughts, awake or asleep.
But we warn you- beware, beware.

If you return, and we know you will,
We appreciate what you taught us
So much and remember it all still
That you cannot regain our trust.

You may still be forever encased
In a Space Faerie Token somewhere.
You were our oxygen, but in space
There is nothing, not even air.

Beloved Dr.Sloth
by wolflova

Your skin such nauseous green,
your eyes a glowing red,
your height so very tall,
your heart so full of dread.

You watched Neopia grow and grow,
every moment awaiting to strike,
you desire to enslave all neopets,
and yet there you sit with spite.

Robots and mutants,
you laugh, cackle, and howl,
but they never get you anywhere,
quite frankly you smell fowl.

Do not despair Frank,
for this is not a sorrowful plea,
for soon you will rule all of Neopia,
and your dread filled heart will be set free.

Whispers from Sloth
by anjie

Whisper, whisper, will doth wither,
Where the words like poison fall.
Dare you, dare you, now resist him?
Like a siren is Sloth’s call.
Delve your way through wicked malice,
Cast your mind to darkest space.
Wicked whispers hear the Grundos,
Now it’s Sloth they all must face.

Shivers, shivers, shudders reach you,
At the sound of Sloth’s command.
Dare you, dare you, do his bidding?
A subtle nod, you understand.
Walk the halls of Sloth’s Space Station,
Here the echo of foot’s fall.
Always marching through the shadow,
To the sound of Sloth’s own call.

Endless, endless, eons drifting,
Since we last saw Sloth the great.
Dare you, dare you, hope for return?
All you do is watch and wait.
With his minion Grundo army,
Sloth may walk our way still yet,
Will you wander to his darkness,
With our realm so under threat?

One of Sloth's Victims: The Sorrow Prevails
by _brainchild_

I, a pet so thirsty, seek
A drink for my unhappy beak!
My pal gives me a juice of grape,
Received from someone in a cape.

I gulp the beverage, taking stride.
Some seconds pass; I'm horrified!
My flesh reshapes so putridly;
My eyes change hue disgustingly.

"A Trans Potion is what you drank!"
Yells one. "You have that Sloth to thank!"
"Who is this Sloth?" I frantically
Inquire as pets freak out and flee.

I research him. Oh, this foul fellow
Made me anything but mellow!
Yucky stenches I emit,
So I can't stand this state one bit!

I hope to gain that sweet revenge,
Yet first, I have a scrape to mend.
No one goes near me; sorrow shows!
This episode just has to close.

Wind Up Dr. Sloth Toy
by indulgences

Pitter, patter, tap tap tap.
This Sloth Toy is the best!
When wound, this toy will walk around
And leave you quite impressed!

Its eyes are glowing, red and bright.
Its head has tufts of green.
This Sloth Toy is remarkable,
The finest ever seen!

You’ll play with it both day and night.
You’ll turn its tiny key.
The Sloth Toy will traipse back and forth,
Tap tap, repeatedly!

This toy is fitting tribute to
Eccentric Dr. Sloth.
A cape is sewn around its neck,
Of finest, blackest cloth!

It’s Sloth Day, and perhaps your pets
Will want this lovely toy!
It’s endless fun for everyone,
For every girl and boy!

Sloth Appreciation Day
by she_chose_love

Today we appreciate,
Neopias greatest villain.
Who ruled Neopia,
and then spent his time just chilling.

The most evil,
in all of the land.
Who controls all Grundos,
who do not take a stand.

Hated by many,
but loved by some.
He will do whatever it takes,
to get you under his thumb.

No matter your opinion,
take a moment today to appreciate him.
Dr. Sloth deserves your reflection,
even though his ruling was very grim.

Mind Control?
by umbreon133

I'm here to set the record straight,
after years and years to date.
You all think of me as this evil genius,
but evil I am not, though I don't deny being ingenious!

You say I've done some terrible things,
and while I'm not as great as those kings
Kelpbeard and Coltzan for instance,
I eventually gave into the Resistance.

I am as good a scientist as they come,
as evidenced by my many clones from
only the greatest mind that there ever was!
So all I ask is just for a pause.

To consider this one thought:
maybe the stories of past plots
were wrong, perhaps Dr. Sloth is just...
a misunderstood scientist.

I can see where you may be led astray, 
but on this Sloth Appreciation Day,
make your way to Mind Control Laboratory
and add another avatar to your inventory!

On Sloth Day
by pedunculatingly

It is once again
the proper time
for us to celebrate
a malevolent villain
we mostly love to hate.
Dr. Sloth may not have
the cleanest reputation
and may be a source
of much trepidation
(but you have to admit,
that is one rad Space Station).
To me, this evil green figure
is a great big mystery
If I ever came to face Sloth,
I would most definitely flee!
The bravest of Neopia
look up to him, though
and proudly wear items
bearing Sloth's image
wherever they may go
(so I suppose that makes me
an honorary Grundo.)

Will Dr. Sloth take over?
Of course, only time will tell
Whether you fear or admire him,
spend this special Sloth Day well!

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