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Neopets Poems

To send in your Neopets related poems or to find out more about the poetry contest, click here! The best poems get put on the site and earn 1,000 Neopoints, a RARE ITEM, and a Trophy for the author's trophy cabinet.

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Korbat Day Special

Guess Who I Am?
by happyinengland

I like to stay up at night,
I sometimes give other Neopets a fright.
I may look spooky and unfriendly,
I'm the opposite, amiable, actually! 

Do you still not know who I am?
I'm trying to give you hints and clues,
The best I can! 

I have particularly long, well-defined ears,
I can hear well, but smell even better. 
I can soar, I can fly,
I'm a pretty stand up guy!

Do you still not know who I am?
I'm trying to give you hints and clues,
The best I can! 

Lord Darigan is one of us,
Yet we are not one of him,
This is the only thing we have in common,
Come on, have a guess, hint: we're not all villains!

Do you still not know who I am?
I've tried giving you hints and clues,
The best I can! 

Yes, you got it,
You got it right!
I am indeed a Korbat,
I squeal in delight!

Korbats in the Belfry (Happy Korbat Day!)
by exequy

Tired candles line the halls
As groans are heard from creaking doors.
Lined against the old wood walls
Is paper crawling to the floors.

The banister sinks, heavy, down,
Spiraling with broken stairs,
A plushie with a broken crown 
To raise your Neopets' neck hairs.

But, oh! hear the laughter from above?
The wind in wings and playful names?
This house fits Korbats like a glove!
It fits their love for spooky games.

So, next time you pass by a house
You fear is dark and haunted,
Be as quiet as a Miamouse 
And remember someone wants it!

Korbat Day Unity
by pedunculatingly

Most Korbats I know
prefer to take flight
above The creepy Woods
on a chilly, dark night. 

There are Korbats, though,
who find it quite fun
to read a scary book
until the day’s done. 

The famous Kevin, by day
is likely to be found
playing Gormball with his pals
on a grassy playground. 

This may sound surprising,
but though chances are dim,
a Korbat or four would
much prefer to swim.

Whatever their interest,
one thing’s for sure:
This Korbat Day can be as special
as the other ones before!

Korbats, Defenders of the Night
by keleri

In old Neopia you'd stay in all night
Lest the Haunting creatures give you a fright
But there are pets who sleep all day
and when the sun sets they come out to play

Korbats! The night is theirs
But they'll help pets caught unawares
The sun sets so early, you see
Here in the land of the Halloween tree

Korbats' keen ears catch every sound
And most of all a lost pet on the ground
Blundering through dark forest air
The night is thick with monsters--beware!

If you're lucky, oh little lost pet
You'll see a stay of your fate yet
As Korbats swoop from the sky
And drive off monsters with a piercing cry

Pale traveler, shaking in your boots
Follow the Korbats' aerial routes
Find yourself in a spooky town
With music and laughter all around

We hope you'll visit the Woods once again
Perhaps in the company of your new friends
Calling all Korbats bold and brave!
Join us now, the night we'll save!

Let's Talk about KORBATS
by icysnowe

Little is said 'bout these nifty pets,
So let's start a revolution.
My goal by the end of this rhyme,
Is to kickstart a conversation.

Why don't we hear about them more?
These winged ones known as Korbats.
It's not as though they're shy or unfriendly,
The truth is rather far from that!

See, when the sun rises, unlike most others,
Korbats fly into dark caves and hide.
And there they rest from dawn to dusk,
Their souls content from just being inside.

Nighttime is when they are most active,
They’re as nocturnal as can be.
And if you have the pleasure to meet them,
You’ll discover that they’re just plain silly!

So if you don’t know much about Korbats,
Please go and find out more.
And when you do, you’ll soon learn --
They’re awesome to the ‘kore’!

Ode to the korbats
by smilingpony

Silently in the evening,
As the shadows fall,
A nocturnal species of neopet
Awake to the moon’s soft call.
Although you may not see them,
They swoop and spin with delight
They appear as moving shadows,
Ghosts, cavorting with the night.
Their voices softly cry
And they circle the air in rings:
The whole of Neopia is filled
With the beating of their wings.
As the darkness deepens,
The korbats become busy,
They fly far and fast,
Not once becoming dizzy.
Slowly dawn approaches,
As the dark turns into light,
Then the korbats head back home,
And sleep until the next dark night.

The Korbat, Hazard of the Night
by _brainchild_

The Korbat’s figure, oh so slim,
Epitome of night,
Shall complement a dance so grim,
A move unknown to light.
The only source of seldom-sighted
Glimmer lies in teeth.
They symbolize such creepy might,
Triumphing over Skeiths.

The palest skin, of creepy contrast,
All the eye can see,
Shall pierce the sight. Impressions last
From white among the trees.
A softer streak shall indicate
A Korbat’s chilling soar.
He shall unnerve at any rate---
His flight shall never bore.

So, if you meet this creepy monster,
Batterflies will rush
Within your stomach, flight absurd.
Your soul will melt to mush.
May curses strike you if you take
A bite from shiny fangs.
Avoid the bat---well-being’s sake
Depends on lack of pain.

The Cursed Korbat
by remidica

No one in Neopia had heard the cries before,
From a cursed Korbat, whose heart fell as if it was no more.
So sad, alone, it's greying skin had changed it’s very soul,
To match the forever fear of dread, and never feeling whole.

The cursed Korbat sat upon a cold and weary ledge,
Surrounded by soulless creatures, clutching the frightful edge.
Tears ran down his puffy face, the end, it felt, was near.
To be broke from its curse, it asked for a miracle to appear.

The cursed Korbat waited, but no sign had appeared,
Dismayed and broken, it felt justified by what it strongly feared.
Forever alone, a fragile soul, to pass through life alone,
It's name in sorrow on its tombstone would stay unknown. 

The cursed Korbat stood upon the weary ledge,
Said goodbye to the soulless creatures perched upon the edge.
It closed its eyes, to say goodbye, to no one that was there,
It felt it could not go on, the hurt, it's heart filled with despair.

Suddenly, a tiny whimper, in the night, faintly could be heard,
The cursed Korbat peered around at the noise coming from downward.
And then appeared a small Zomutt, who cried out into the night,
Alone and frightened, its body shook with never ending fright. 

Alone it was, against the shadows, of unknown echoed frights,
The Zomutt cried out, despaired, it's whimpers cutting through the night.
The cursed Korbats heart fluttered, the idea of a friend,
The curse of being alone, was suddenly coming to an end.

It took flight with its leathered wings down to the frightened pup,
Whose eyes lit with happiness as soon as it turned it's face up.
The cursed Korbat plopped right down near its frightened mate,
It sat quietly, looking upon the Zomutt with great debate. 

The Zomutt’s tail, thick and big, it wagged so playfully,
It scampered over to the now appeared friend, it's fear now set free.
The cursed Korbat, uncertain, about the unknown joyful pup,
Began to wonder if it should return, to its ledge, yes go back up!

The Zomutt leaped upon its friend with happiness and glee,
It felt as if their meeting, this sorrowful night was meant to be.
It curled up, happily, onto the Korbat’s cold leathery lap,
It's bushy tail, around its friend, it swore to never unwrap.

The curse Korbat, shocked, looked upon its new furry friend,
Vowed to never, ever, let this new found friendship end.
Their hug, their first, grip so tight, they both fell asleep that dreadful night,
To wake up the next day, to start again, with friendship, felt so right. 

Their friendship found, when most needed, no matter how bizarre,
The cursed Korbat and Zomutt found a friendship for the stars.
They run and played, from that day forward, never to be apart,
For they had found a friend that forever healed their broken heart.

Katie The Korbat
by she_chose_love

Katie the Korbat went out for a stroll,
one sunny morning.
She something shiny in the bushes,
and picked it up without warning.

The shiny item she had found,
was a Golden Korbat Charm.
Katie placed the charm around her neck,
thinking it could do no harm.

She had no idea,
the powers that were deep inside.
The charm made her a powerful fighter,
its powers she could not hide.

Katie the Korbat became,
the ultimate battledome champ.
Winning every battle that she fought,
Katie was happier than a young neopet at camp.

Today Katie is busy preparing,
for her biggest battle yet.
A Battle in celebration of Korbat Day,
this is about as festive as today will get.

So head on over to the battledome,
to enjoy this special fight.
Happy Korbat Day Neopia,
enjoy the celebrations until midnight.

The Flight of a Korbat
by jellikescherrypie

All the other Neopets sit and chitchat,
But he soars through the sky like a bat,
They stop their conversation to look at that,
They adore his wings which are strong yet flat,
His flight pattern has a unique format,
A marvelous Neopet to stare at,
What a happy day to be a Korbat!

Barallus the Korbat
by voiceprint

Kept under strict, careful security
Hidden away in the Citadel’s dungeons obscurity 
Is a puny Cellblock-playing Korbat.
You decide to pause your game & chat. 

“What brought you here?” you question,
As you wait patiently for the Neopet’s confession. 
The Korbat laughed and shrugged
As he strained against his chains and tugged.

The guard’s careful watch of Barallus
Was a common topic for others to discuss.
How could such a tiny, innocent-looking creature 
Be so dangerous and such a feared feature? 

He escaped once without a trace of disappearance 
Perhaps he is more dangerous than appearance?
Maybe Lord Darigan knows what we do not? 
Certainly, the Korbat’s captivity is not for nought.

As these questions you begin to ponder,
Your game of Cellblock is carelessly squandered,
“Ah hah! I win!” Barallus gleefully claimed.
“Would you like to play me in another game?”

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