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Neopets Poems

To send in your Neopets related poems or to find out more about the poetry contest, click here! The best poems get put on the site and earn 1,000 Neopoints, a RARE ITEM, and a Trophy for the author's trophy cabinet.

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Aisha Day Special

The Aisha Who Purveys Precious Treasures
by _brainchild_

An Aisha sells commodities
That are so pretty. Sure to please,
Their colors are extraordinary!
I’ll buy all that I can carry.

This amazing Aisha sells
Not only gorgeous seashells
But also Treasures of the Deep,
As well as precious coins to keep!

This lovely, sparkly, rare Shell Comb
Shall look exquisite in my home.
I’ll also buy the matching clutch,
Since I’ll never have too much!

The Choker of the Deep is grand!
Among the finest in the land,
Its gold is great. I’ll wear it to
A party, with my dress so blue.

I love this Crimson Spotted Shell!
The hue so bright is very swell.
My collection shall receive
Another item sure to please.

The Aisha gets my gratitude
For selling treasures that exude
Such elegance. I will be back
To buy more items off the rack.

Reminiscences of a Relic Aisha
by anjie

Where the sunlight dapples down,
Where the gold does glow.
Statue stands so motionless,
As ‘round her time doth flow.
Yet take a look, now peer in close,
The Aisha seems to shift.
A glimmer of those relic eyes,
As long ears start to lift.

In Altador she hides away,
For there a statue may.
Observing all as time goes by,
She dreams the passing day.
Do not be fooled by motionless,
The Aisha stands by choice.
Seeking to see all that pass,
Without a raise of voice.

She’s seen the fall of Altador,
She’s watched its mighty rise.
A Relic Aisha, motionless,
Yet life lives in those eyes.
And should you seek the lore of old,
And stories of times past.
Seek the Aisha where she stands,
Her stand remains steadfast.

Of what she views she shall tell all,
If you but think to seek.
What wonders would her secrets hold,
What magic would she speak?
The Relic stands, disguised as stone,
The Aisha who sees all.
What wonders does the land behold,
To hold her in such thrall?

Aisha Day Glee
by rosevixen

Is it possible and can it be?
The day of Aisha on sleeping three? 
Lumber and playful just like a noil
Looking forward to new colored Aisha to spoil!

Ears so Lon they hear all, 
Proud as ever, so they stand tall. 
Graceful and beauty the do contain 
The glee I feel I cannot contain. 

Two new colors are soon to appear 
And not enough space on my accounts I fear 
Never enough Aisha’s I own!
It wouldn’t hurt to call a few more home!

A song for Isca
by tessahcamille

Deep within the ocean

beneath the rolling waves,

far below the water's surface

through shiny coral caves,

A beautiful aisha swims 

with bubbles all around,

She's Isca of the great blue sea,

and this is where she's found.

Her fins are blue and shining

With a flowing cotton dress,

When it comes to great Aishas

There's no doubt that she's the best!

Her bravery helped Maraqua

during war and devastation,

She helped the great King Kelpbeard

with her courage and persuasion.

So if you ever doubted

Isca's great heroic acts-

Just ask the people of Maraqua

To tell you all the facts!

It Comes From Outer Space
by califorthehomeless

Though I may look different
I am not
From my shiny helmet
To white suit
I am not another brute

You may think I’m with Sloth
Or here to take over your world
But I am one of you
A neopet looking for someone in this world

Four ears, one tail
No nerkmids here to sell
We join in the fun of Gormball
Even if we may be small!

Though my skin may be green
And I talk in other tongues
I hope we can be friends
For alien aishas can be a lot of fun!

Ally The Aisha
by she_chose_love

Aisha Day was fast approaching,
Ally couldn't wait for it to be here.
It was a day filled with laughter,
and celebrations that she waited for all year.

Ally wanted to make this year,
extra special and fun.
So she decided to call up all her friends,
so they could celebrate until the day was done.

They had a giant party,
with games and with treats.
Everyone was so happy,
and filled up with sweets.

The party was such a success,
and everyone had such a ball.
That Ally decided to make it an annual tradition,
so that annual fun could be had by all.

So grab your coat,
and head over to Allys event.
Enjoy the Annual Aisha Day party,
and don't forget to bring a present!

Caylis and Isca
by espressoself

Visions of the future, predictions of new times
These Aishas did what they could.
But one was alienated from the other,
Her dark predictions misunderstood.

Dreams of prophecies, nightmares of doom
Sisters bonded by a remarkable gift –
One that would tear them apart,
And leave them with an unfixable rift.

Survivors of destruction, creators of hope
Maraqua was born again from their dreams.
Without their help, the city would have fallen,
And the underwater world wouldn’t be as it seems.

Friends by heart, sisters by genes,
They interpreted their visions.
Hearts were warmed, hearts were softened 
To live alone but near was a heartwarming decision.

The struggles of restocking new Aisha’s Day clothes
by martia_elior

On the third day of the Month of Sleeping
Amyufi remembers it’s time to go shopping:
The Clothing Shop has more than a new set
Which my White Aisha’s deep curiosity whet.

She wears a pair of shoes and a cute dress
Ready to face the Neopian Uni’s store mess.
It is widely known that it is a crowded shop
Where every day pets can restock non-stop.

So, she puts money in her purse and goes out,
She'll find what she wants without any doubt!
Amyufi also has a list of old Aisha’s day clothes 
She’d like to put her paws on, but who knows?

She sits in a corner near the counter and stalks
What the Uni shopkeeper randomly restocks;
She needs to be careful, and avoid being slow
Since the third of the month is half price day also.

“Will the new Aisha’s set include a colourful shirt?
 It could be paired with a trendy hat, or a nice skirt.”
Amyufi thinks, and gets distracted by her guesses
So, when it restocks, it’s grabbed by other Aishas.

The set is sold out and my poor pet starts to cry,
It’s almost closing time, but she still wants to try.
She patiently waits with some money in her paw
Until at least some new pieces of clothing show:

She finally manages to snag more than an item,
And examining them, she exclaims: “Awesome!”
She comes back home happy and, despite the stress,
Can’t wait for an opportunity to dress to impress!

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