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Neopets Poems

To send in your Neopets related poems or to find out more about the poetry contest, click here! The best poems get put on the site and earn 1,000 Neopoints, a RARE ITEM, and a Trophy for the author's trophy cabinet.

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Wocky Day Special

The Great Auction Genie
by butterflybandage

We know that magic man
He knows us all by name
Residing in Neopia Central
Auctions are his game!

Who is that mysterious Wocky
That can find just what you need?
To look until he can look no more—
That’s his lifelong creed

The genie with mystic powers
He must be as old as time
Commanding auctions near and far
From breakfast through bedtime

We admire his great ability
He’s smart and handsome, too
Doing Neopia a great service—
Finding things for me and you!

Auction Genie, please say
Have you always been this grand?
With talents rarely seen
You’re the greatest in the land!

A Wocky with a zest for deals
We celebrate you today
Though, I do need help with something …
Would it bother you if I stay?

Have a Wintrily Wocky Day!
by aeaglecutie

Little, furry and playful,
Prancing through the snow, 
Playing with our friends as the winter winds blow,
We play throughout the day and all throughout the night, 
Watching for Santa; sipping cocoa in the soft moonlight,
It's the perfect end to Wocky Day, 
Until it comes again next year,
...What was that? Oops, I think I got snow in my ear. :)

Happy Wocky Day and Merry Christmas Neopia!

Snowy Wocky Special
by frostiepompom

It's the season of the Wockies -
Deck the halls, with fur and holly!
They'll help you decorate all around,
Your Neohome will surely be proud!

Those Wockies, the Snowy ones, for sure.
Just look at their fluffy, snowy fur!
Their cute coal eyes and tiny nose,
Are they gods? Well, who knows?

They strut their stuff, with great accuracy,
They're destined to win, can't you see?
Their little icicles forming all over,
They're as lucky as a four leaf clover!

Their cute little tufts of hair everywhere,
And they can do it - they don't care!
Contest after contest, they come in 1st place,
For their beauty is shining with regal grace!

Happy Wocky Day =^W^=

Wocky Hockey
by tyuio_k50

"GOAL!!" The Ref shouts,
Followed by a shrill cheer,
The audience celebrates-
Hockey season is here!

The Altador Cup is fine,
(In the blistering heat...)
But is there not fun to be had
With skates on your feet?

And when better than today?
On this Wocky Day?
To grab your skates, pucks, and sticks,
And go out and play.

Summer has long passed us,
And the Fall leaves have blown,
And as the rinks grow merry,
An event's to be shown.

"GOAL!!" The Ref shouts,
Followed by a shrill cheer,
The audience celebrates-
Hockey season is here!

The Gingerbread Wocky
by hamstergirl224

Once, on a cold winter's day,
A young Wocky went out in the snow to play.
She and her friends threw balls of snow,
Until the sun had set and it was time to go.
Home-bound she trudged, reluctantly,
Once she opened the door, what a sight she did see!

Right before her very eyes,
The Gingerbread Wocky began to rise.
He stood on the counter and began to dance,
While the young Neopet stood and watched, entranced,
Has a faerie cast a spell? Wondered the girl,
As she watched the cookie leap and twirl.

The Gingerbread Wocky stopped and took a bow,
Then he asked the girl, “What shall I do now?”
“Can you sing me a song?” asked the young Wocky.
The cookie smiled. “That I can, and I shall do so with glee!”
He sang the sweetest of melodies, and she listened happily.

All of a sudden, the Wocky's mother came in, all aflutter, 
Her eyes fixed on the miraculous sight, and she stuttered,
“H-how is this possible? The cookies I made... they could not do this!”
The Gingerbread Wocky fell silent, then grinned. “Hello, miss!”
He took another bow, then jumped down and looked at the door.

“Shall I tell you the tale of how I came to be?” asked the living cookie.
“Mama, please, let him tell us! I really must know!” cried the young Wocky.
The mother took a breath, then said, “Gingerbread Wocky, tell us your tale!”
“I would be glad to tell it, lovely ladies!” the cookie answered with a swish of his tail.
“It all began this evening, when the Snow Faerie came.”

“Taelia herself?!” the mother Wocky exclaimed. “How did I not see her? I was here at the time!”
The cookie smirked. “While you were napping in your bed, through the window she climbed.
Silent as a Miamouse, she cast a spell which made me as I am. Then, she disappeared from sight!”
“I knew it, I knew it!” the young Wocky laughed. “Please let him stay, he's such a delight!”
“You can stay,” the mother told him, “but just for the night!”
“Thank you, kind lady!” sang the Gingerbread Wocky. 
The magical cookie danced and played until the first ray of daylight,
Then the spell wore off, and the Wockies told their friends of that incredible night!

A Wocky Is Not Cocky
by happyinengland

Today is the day of the Wocky,
They are confident but far from cocky. 
Daring, valiant and love to adventure, 
There are some famous ones, so let me tell ya! 

Have you ever heard of Wock Til You Drop?
They're a band who like to play heavy metal, rock. 
Playing to an audience on the Plateau, 
Take this guitar - go on, have a go!

Today is the day of the Wocky,
They are confident but far from cocky. 
Daring, valiant and love to adventure, 
There are some famous ones, so let me tell ya! 

Wallace is another one, 
His game Wicked Wocky Wobble is so much fun. 
Collecting junk and hoarding items,
These are the things that excite him!

Today is the day of the Wocky,
They are confident but far from cocky. 
Daring, valiant and love to adventure, 
There are some famous ones, so let me tell ya! 

Don't worry, there's one more I need to share with you,
I bet you already know, don't you? 
He is a destroyer called Magax,
This Wocky is full of remorse and loves to battle in fact!

Mint Chocolate Wocky
by indulgences

Zesty, like a whiff of cold,
This chocolate coats my tongue.
It’s minty, fresh and chilly stuff.
The vapor fills my lungs.

I’m loath to eat this pretty sweet,
And yet, I can’t resist.
Its fragrance is quite heavenly,
And fills me with such bliss.

I close my eyes, and breathe in deep.
My world is chocolate mint.
My mind is swirling with such joy.
The flavor just won’t quit.

This candy is the paragon
Of all the sweets there are.
Go take a bite, and see why it’s
The finest sweet by far!

Wock Til You Drop
by kayahtik

Wock, wock, Wock Til You Drop! 
My favorite band, I hope they never stop.

If you’re ever looking for a way
To celebrate annual Wocky Day,

Check out the Tyrannian Concert Hall
Spend the day there and have a ball.

This trio of Wockies make a great band
So when they’re all done, give them a hand.

A day full of fun is guaranteed,
What else could you possibly need? 

So give them a chance 
And go out and dance

Rock the night away
And sing with me, happy Wocky Day!

December Joy
by gelibear

December has bestowed upon us, may I have a cheer!?
It’s the last month left of this fun-filled neo-year! 
The advent calendar has arrived at last.
Let’s share a toast, raise your glass! 

What a wonderful time is with us now.
We get to eat yummy foods like cookies, gingerbread, and fruit cake, chow! 
A choir of neopets are caroling in Happy Valley with smiles upon their faces.
Santa claus is bringing presents to good neopets, he’s coming down fireplaces.

The season of giving has graced Neopia.
The stockings will be filled and presents are a joyful cornucopia.
Neopians and neopets will share glee celebrating the greatest season of the year.
Let’s gather with our beloved neopets and have one last cheer, to celebrate the end of this wonderful year.

A Chilly Wocky Day
by erroneous

When festive bells do lightly chime
(around mid-December time),
There comes a very special day -
The Wocky's day to celebrate!

Food a-plenty and music galore,
Wock-til-You-Drop perform an encore!
The Wocky celebs are having a blast -
and even Magax looks happy at last!

And though the cold might nip your nose
despite your warming winter clothes,
You know that you will have such fun,
and Wocky Day has just begun!

Stay Warm and Celebrate
by akubasuto

Grab your Neopets and huddle by the fire
For it is winter and the need for warmth is dire
Use the shop wizard and search for a beverage that’s warm
Like hot cocoa or coffee, but be wary of snowstorms 

Buy your neopets sweaters and attire to keep in heat
Take your neopets to the advent calendar to receive a delightful treat
Visit Taelia for a quest which will give you snowballs to use for battledome fights
Go out and splurge and buy some wearable Christmas lights

The holidays are nearly here and it’s time to splurge
Find your neopets and neofriends the special gifts they deserve
Season greetings are special during this winter season
Celebrate and be gleeful for this special reason

Magax: Destroyer of Evil
by catchinglights

If you are a ghost or a ghoul then beware,
Hope you never catch this Wocky's stare.
The guardian of graves is none other than Magax,
He will vanquish evildoers with his Darklight Axe.

Though Magax hates all evil, he has one true foe:
The dark Chia Nox and the secret he knows.
Nox may be crafty but Magax is wise,
He sees right through the Cybunny disguise.

Magax has sworn himself to protect the living,
He hopes when he's done the faeries will be forgiving.
As Nox's servant he committed great wrongs,
But in infamy is not where Magax belongs.

With each swing of his axe, foul spirits do fall,
Magax won't stop until he's defeated them all.
The Vow he made grants him great power,
Rather than fight him, many ghosts just cower.

Magax never tires, he is not allowed,
Til all innocents are safe and sound.
He will never forget the promise he swore,
...Watch out, Magax! Nox is back once more!

Happy Wocky Day everyone!
by voiceprint

A little Wocky prances 
Through the newly-fallen snow.
Towards the town he makes his advance,
Shouting, “Hooray! It’s Wocky Day, Don’t you know?!” 

And indeed, he was right!
Today is when we celebrate the Wockys
Who bring joy, make our days bright,
Are playful and bring endless glee!

These bold little creatures
Are adventurous and fun.
In any exploration they are featured!
They love to play and run!

When not exploring new places
Wockys love to cuddle, chat,
And give you warm embraces!
Adopting a Wocky is where it’s at!

So let’s all celebrate these gracious pets
Wockys are amazing, Hooray! Hooray!
How much better could it get?
So happy, happy Wocky Day!

Winter Starlight Celebration
by dragonsfriend1021

Snow falls, softly
Lights twinkle, brightly
Icicles grow, gradually
Carolers sing, gaily
Snowmen watch, silently

The Snowager sleeps, soundly
Raindorfs stuff, furtively
The Advent Calendar gifts, delightedly
The Chef stirs, bubbily
The Ixi shares, enthusiastically

Adee dodges, cheekily
Mika and Carassa clean, furiously
Dieter eats, ravenously
The Chia Thief steals, sneakily
Hannah adventures, gallantly

Myncis climb, fearlessly
Boris skate, sportively
Nimmos fish, contentedly
Goldys fish, surreptitiously
Grundos toss, playfully

Neopets celebrate, merrily

Happy Advent!
by lajill_x3

Neopets saves
the best month for last
This year seemed to
zoom by oh-so fast!
We call it the month of
Celebrating for a reason
This is the happiest,
most generous of seasons!

Everyone looks forward to
the gifts they will get
from the Advent Calendar
(I wish for
a cute new Petpet!)
We can face the Snowager
without risking its fury
In order to succeed,
be quiet, and hurry.

This merry season
is impossible to hate
Grab your warmest coat
and with us participate!

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