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Neopets Poems

To send in your Neopets related poems or to find out more about the poetry contest, click here! The best poems get put on the site and earn 1,000 Neopoints, a RARE ITEM, and a Trophy for the author's trophy cabinet.

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Gnorbu Day Special

A Merry Hairy Day for Gnorbus
by stargirl346

Today’s the day that all barbers fear
Gnorbu Shearing day is finally here!
So celebrate with Neopia’s hairiest pet,
on this day you certainly won’t forget.

Pamper your Gnorbu with a stylish new cut
and a new paintbrush color they can strut.
Electric Gnorbus can look quite shocking,
Faerie Gnorbus will leave people gawking.

A trip to the Grooming Parlor is quite nice today,
stocked with beautiful Gnorbu items on display.
Some Gnorbu Gel to style your pet’s new hairdo,
or a nice Gnorbu Brush in a beautiful shade of blue.

Spend the day celebrating the best species around,
with the hairiest pet species Neopians ever found.
Gnorbu Shearing day is a day of great cheer,
too bad it only comes just once every year!

Making a Sweater, Wearing a Sweater
by chirigami

Once a year I buy a sweater,
Warm as the sun, light as a feather
I've got a collection of about twenty-five
In every colour, in every size

This year I have my eye on a yellow design
Made of clean sheared fur, with straight white lines,
I met the Gnorbu who will be making it for me
He's excited for him, I'm excited for me.

I told him about my love for his craft,
He looked at me, and said with a laugh:
"Well thank you my boy, it's a gift from my mom.
She's the best of our kind; she taught her son.

Every year on gnorbu shearing day
We would shear our coats, then she would say
'Time to knit our old coats into sweaters,
Warm as the sun, light as a feather.

The Neopian who gets it will get so much cheer,
And we will say hello to another new year.'"
So there you are: it's quite the event!
A new year for him, and for me? A present!

Gnorbu's ode
by vic379

Gnorbus are fluffy
Gnorbus are fun
Runnig through hills
In the shinnig sun

Gnorbus are wise
Go ask them something
They'll share all they know
Go try you will see

From babys to grannies
From clouds to the blues
From fire to the faeries
The gnorbus are free

Little sugar cotton
Maybe a cotton cloud
All soft and cuddly looking
Makes you want a hug

Gnorbus are here
Gnorbus are there
Celebrating their day
Gnorbus everywhere

Warm Woolen Mittens
by beagums

Do you ever wonder
if Gnorbus  
get cold
without their wool?

If the cold breeze nips
and rips at their 
un-wooled hide?

Why does shearing day
fall in January?

When all is frozen
and stiff
and the frost collects
on the windows
in creeping concentric circles
like memories of the
ever distant past.

I think the Gnorbus are cold.

Gnorbu, Gnorbu.
by barrium

Thick and fluffy, soft and curly
Gnorbu, Gnorbu, how I love your wool!

After frolicking and playing, you provide a comfy rest
Gnorbu, Gnorbu, how I love your wool!

The cold air comes, but the joy you bring remains
Gnorbu, Gnorbu, how I love your wool!

Warm in winter, resembling the clouds of summer
Gnorbu, Gnorbu, how I love your wool!

Falling and fleeing, as you shave it away
Gnorbu, Gnorbu, how I miss your wool!

Gnorbus Need a Haircut
by espressoself

It’s Gnorbu Shearing Day, 
So all their fluff must be cut away.

Grab your Gnorbus, grab your shears
And watch as their fur disappears.

Can you imagine having such a warm coat?
You and Gnorbus aren’t in the same boat.

Without a proper groom,
Their heavy fur brings them gloom.

Once all their fur is gone,
Grab a sweater for them to don.

It gets a bit chilly without their fur,
They’ll shake and shiver and say “brrr.”

But don’t worry because hair regrows
And until then, Gnorbus will just need some clothes.

Gnorbu Shearing Day
by frostiepompom

Gnorbus are so fluffy, don't you think?
And they come in all colors, like red and pink!
But today's the day, that they get sheared -
And no, this Neopian tradition ISN'T weird!

Gnorbu fleece is put into tons of things,
Blue fur coats and the linings of jeans!
Hey, and they think the trim is neat!
It protects them from the summer heat.

It even gives them a new looks, for a while,
They get to show off the latest Gnorbu style.
Walking around, feeling happy and free,
No Gnorbu in Neopia would ever want to flee!

Happy Gnorbu Shearing Day!

Does your Gnorbu knit?
by kayahtik

Does your Gnorbu knit? 
You never know, he might a bit.

It’s a little-known fact, 
They’re rarely caught in the act, 
But should you turn your back,
He’ll admit his knack
For making things out of wool. 

And can you blame him? 
I assure you, it’s not just a whim. 

It’s simply the Gnorbu way,
They can’t help picking it up one day,
When on their backs the material lays,
And their imagination wanders away,
All it takes is one good pull. 

As the wool slowly unwinds,
The Gnorbu has a great time. 

The best part is at the end,
He finishes up a gift to send
To you, his absolute best friend,
On whom he always depends,
Because your love is always full.

Wanderings of a Wraith Gnorbu
by anjie

Thunder splits the midnight sky,
Tears realm below in two.
Wary, angry, rage the woods,
That now you wander through.

What noise is this? A braying hum,
For something wanders by.
A wraith aloft in midnight breeze,
Lit by the storm-hued sky.

Form illuminates with light,
A Gnorbu, onyx cast.
Violet shadows haunt the beast,
Dark gaze holds yours, steadfast.

The creature lifts a shadowed hoof,
And through the dirt it slides.
Ever-moving seems the coat,
As wind tugs creature’s sides.

The lightning dims, has spectre gone?
Was Gnorbu but a dream?
Yet the hooves on hallowed ground,
Echo, like sordid scream.

The Wraith lurks near, it wanders by,
Cast in the tempest’s light.
The lesson, friend, I bid you well,
Don’t walk the woods at night.

Ballad of the hairy Gnorbu
by tessahcamille

Some might say I'm hairy

But I like all of my fur,

It keeps me warm in winter

And protects my skin from spurs.

But every spring no matter what,

The shears start to come out-

And all my Gnorbu friends will cry

"Don't trim me, please! I'll shout!"

I don't want to lose my hair,

It's fluffy and it's fun!

It's a cozy coat that's soft

And keeps me warm from head to buns!

I know it's getting warmer

but hear my bleating plea!

Let me keep my hair this year-

Get those shears away from me!

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