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Neopets Poems

To send in your Neopets related poems or to find out more about the poetry contest, click here! The best poems get put on the site and earn 1,000 Neopoints, a RARE ITEM, and a Trophy for the author's trophy cabinet.

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Skeith Day Special

Skeith's Are Great!
by kahlen369

Look at the cute little pointed teeth,
On the one and only magnifique Skeith! 
They can make for quite a ferocious look,
Especially paired with a good right hook!

But despite this fearsome reputation,
And a look that causes exclamations,
The Skeith is truly quite great,
In many nice and friendly ways!

How about that little Baby Skeith,
With even tinier rounded baby teeth?
Clad in his soft starry blue onesie,
He looks nothing less than a softie!

And how about that Chocolate Skeith?
He certainly looks like quite a treat!
There's absolutely nothing scary,
About such tasty sweets of dairy!

How 'bout the one inspired by Faeries?
With those wings that so perfectly airy!
With a colour scheme of bright blue and pink,
There's nothing at all to fear, I think!

A Skeith's Dinner
by puddydog

Kelp was first on the list
To sate my belly's hole
Lemwart Fizz with a twist
and a Tropical Fruit Bowl

An Ocean Platter, Filet of Beef
But my next dish brought shock
Panic, stress and so much grief
Which made the patrons gawk

"What is this here, how dare you?!"
I'm reviled by the sight
Someone didn't think this through
Didn't get my order right

Succulent Cheese Dip sat there
Like a toxic, noxious trap
A smart Skeith knows to beware
Or they'll be sick in a snap

You don't bring cheese to my kind
ANYTHING but cheese
So just keep that in your mind
To avoid spreading the Neez'

Happy Skeith Day
by she_chose_love

Today we celebrate,
one of the toughest neopets around.
One with the biggest appetite,
the species who loves food the most in this town.

I am talking about Skieths,
today is their day.
All of Neopia is celebrating,
everyone wants to laugh and play.

On this special occasion,
I feel that it is best.
That we speak about a special Skeith,
more famous than all the rest.

King Hagen is who I am speaking of,
the most popular Skeith of them all.
He lives in a castle in Brightvale itself,
and make each and every tough call.

He is very wise,
and seeks knowledge in every way.
If you tell him wisdom he is unaware of,
he will reward you, hooray!

Happy Skeith Day Neopia,
I hope you enjoy all of the new things today brings.
I cant wait to see the new paint brush colors,
and all of the Skeith themed things.

Glamourous Skeith Outfit
by indulgences

The Skeith is sometimes hard to dress.
It looks so fierce and bold.
It’s hard to soften up its looks
For people to behold.

Its smile is wry, its fangs are sharp,
And hands are tight in fists.
Its girth is large and menacing.
It cannot be dismissed.

So when it’s time to be refined,
The Skeith must dress with care!
To look quite pretty, shapely, lithe,
The Skeith must dress with flair!

There does exist an outfit which
Is Glamourous by name.
Exclusively for trendy Skeiths,
It turns them into dames!

The Dress is scintillating with
The best of sequins pink.
A belt of silk around the waist
Does glow with rosy tint.

The Wig is crafted with great care,
And blessed with locks of brown.
A stunning plastic band of pink
Does match the outfit’s gown.

And finally, the Shoes are bright,
With straps that snap in place.
They’ll make your Skeith dance beautifully,
And fill its steps with grace.

It’s Skeith Day, and your Skeith might like
This gorgeous set of clothes!
Your Skeith will look quite marvelous —
As lovely as a rose!

A Wonderful Skeith Plush, Am I White?
by _brainchild_

I'm blinded by a plush of white.
Its pure hue is oh so bright!
Resembling a jolly Skeith,
This cute toy is what I need.

Its grin is unmistakable;
Its eyes are so adorable.
I most notice its big belly,
Which makes it loveable for me.

What a present this fine day!
I just cannot wait to play
With this sweet plush. Its luscious fur
Bests that of real pets, I'm sure.

I'm completely satisfied
With this toy. I shall take pride
In carrying him to and fro.
I bring him to each place I go.

The Good Skeiths
by odditybloggity

Skeiths have gotten a bad repuation
And have been disliked by many for years
For being rude, selfish, greedy
And hurting all their peers

There’s so much more to this species
Than the negatives abound
For Skeiths have been more than what they seem
And this I will resound

Yes there are some Skeiths who give
The species a bad name
Skeiths like King Skarl, and Malkus Vile
Are the ones that should be blamed

Regardless of the negatives, Skeiths
Deserve more credit than what they get
For many Neopians do not see
The good Skeiths that help us (yet)

Bigsby Shadington runs Wonderclaw
A marvellous machine game
The bank is managed by a Skeith
And great service is his aim

King Hagan rules over Brightvale
And he is wise and just
Gordos was council member in Altador
A heart that all could trust

Yes, there are some Skeiths you see
Who fit all the stereotypes
And may seem like a type of pet
That cannot change their stripes

But look closer at the good ones
The ones who have stayed kind
For those of you who’ve disliked Skeiths
I hope I’ve changed your mind

Skeith Day Celebrations
by _interrupted_

Excitement is spreading across the land, 
For today is the day. 
We wish out favorite species, 
A massive happy birthday! 
Standing mightily just like a dragon, 
Skeith's are extremely large. 
The ground thuds as they walk, 
And small Neopets get pushed as the Skeith's barge. 
They have spikes running down their tail, 
And a pair of wings sitting on their back. 
This Neopet is very strong, 
And can defect you in one attack. 
So, on this day of celebration, 
Let's gather and cheer. 
And wish the Skeith's a happy birthday, 
Our favorite time of the year!

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