Neopets Poems
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Slorg Day Special
Celebrating The Slorg
by littlehector
What can you find on the ground,
Squirming and slurming,
Wriggling and giggling,
and as cute as a happy worm?
A Petpet eager to please,
who can give you a smile with ease,
He comes in all shades from Halloween to Green
And every colour found in between!
Here he comes, slow and steady
He even has a love of spaghetti
A new best friend for me
Oh me, oh my, who could it be?
Why, it's a Slorg of course!
What were you expecting, a horse?
Though he is small and slimey
It's impossible to find a Petpet more smiley!
We can adventure far and wide
From the top of the mountains to the most tropical isle
Faithful to the very end,
He'll be my best friend!
There Once was a Slorg From...
by firedragon9078
There once was a Slorg from Moltara
Who loved to put on mascara,
She said it was not
So incredibly hot
With her lashes red, like Marinara
There was also a Slorg from Brightvale
Who loved to leave a slimy trail
He set out in a meadow
But didn’t get the memo
That on grass, his slime trail would fail
There once was a Slorg from Kiko Lake
Who just about needed a break
He could hardly swim
He was filled to the brim
With water and a big bellyache
There finally was a Slorg from Faerieland
Who thought life was incredibly grand
Until she fell of a cloud
In front of a crowd
And realized life never goes as planned
Little Slorg (Slorg Day Celebration)
by lepitode
Crawl, little Slorgs
In your humble little homes
Just some tiny dirty nooks
In the creepy Haunted Woods
Near the Brain Tree (and other spooks!)
Slide, little Slorg
In the coolness of the lakes
Finding scattered Slorg Food Flakes
A gift sent from the shore
From caregivers up above
Glide, little Slorg
In your owner's fancy house
With your greenish oozy slime
Cleaning up is a hard time
Decorate the house with grime
Creep, little Slorg
With your beady little eyes
And your little tiny size
Getting mad at you is hard
Since you crawled into my heart
A Special Ode to Slorgs
by kiahti
Slorgs can slither slimy streams
And smile sunny smiles;
A slorg can snuggle, scout, and solve
And sport the latest styles
Slow, but steady, slorgs are swell
They're steadfast, smart, and spry
And if you study slorgs sometime,
You'll see they're seldom shy
A sleeping slorg is quite the sight,
For as they snooze, they snore
And if a slorg should ever sneeze,
Their slime gets slimed some more!
As you can see, I love the slorg,
A sidekick sweet and stout
Of all the petpets, vast and small,
A slorg always stands out!
The Happiest Little Slorg
by painted_dreams87
You would have a hard time finding
a petpet who is happier than a Slorg.
Carefree and cute as can possibly be,
yet they're not everyone's cup of tea.
Some do not find the Slorg to be charming.
Some do not see all that they can offer.
Some even consider a Slorg a pest,
putting their Slorg-Be-Gone to the test.
Despite the bad reputation,
the disgusted looks, and the pest sprays,
the Slorg continues to smile
with each and every trial.
Today, on Slorg Day,
look beyond the puddle of slime.
Instead, see a cute and happy petpet
who presents you no threat.
Slorg Attack!
by catchinglights
Go forth, brave Slorgs, today we take the field!
Our target, you may ask, is the Yurble farmer's yield.
Juicy marrows, his pride and joy, are our prize,
Just beware to evade the mad farmer's eyes.
He can't stand us at all, he hates our slime,
If he sees you, that farmer will commit a great crime.
The farmer's blaster is wicked, it truly is foul,
But my troops, we are strong, we won't throw in the towel!
We will zig, we will zag, we will dodge and weave,
Despite his best efforts, till we're full we shan't leave!
Blue, green, and pink, then red and brown,
Avoid your color fellows as you move around.
For we are Slorgs and our numbers are great,
And the farmer's crops will our hunger sate!
There! There! The marrow's within reach,
Go forth and feast, good Slorgs, I do beseech!
With our bellies full, we shall leave this place,
And when you see us next, we'll be out in space!
Have You Seen My Slorg?
by espressoself
Have you seen my slorg?
I think I’ve misplaced him,
Or maybe he inched away himself,
Sometimes he wanders off on a whim.
He left a trail of slime here,
It’s really bright and green.
I hope he’s somewhere safe
And not off making a scene.
I told him to be careful,
But my words fell on deaf ears
Of course I think that’s metaphorical.
(Slorgs probably don’t have ears.)
I’ve followed this trail through the Haunted Woods
And into the clouds of Faerieland.
Then I followed it back down again
To the Lost Desert, a stripe of green through the sand.
All the slorg slime used to annoy me,
But now I can’t be mad.
He’s left a trail for me to follow,
And when I find him, I’ll be glad.
The Slorg Scourge
by fleurdust
The sun rises on another,
Quiet day in Meriacres.
But amidst the sleepy farms and fields,
Comes a slurping from the distance.
A sticky, slimy, sinister sound,
Sets every vegetable a-trembling.
Lock tight your doors and windows, for--
The Slorgs! They are assembling!
Row on row of slippery brutes,
Mass for their first attack!
Peasants all grab their trusty tools,
To drive the munching menace back.
Tomatoes, Bomberries, and marrows fall,
Beneath the gnashing, chomping teeth.
It's as if the earth has come alive!
The very ground appears to seethe.
In rainbow lines they slither on,
Their hunger yet unsated.
There never was a petpet,
So small and yet so hated.
How can this sleepy little realm,
Defend against this pest?
So comes the mighty Yurble,
To take up the quest.
With a crazed and menacing roar,
He dives into the midst!
And with his famed Slorgeriser X4,
The terror is all but squished.
And as, at last, the line retreats,
The crowds give up a cheer!
Meridell survived another Slorg Day...
We're safe...until next year.
The Wonders of Slorgs.
by voiceprint
Slorgs are friendly, happy little petpets.
They may be sluggish and spooky,
But I assure you they are no threat!
A slorg just wants to be your best friend.
It loves to play and will support you to no end!
Its affection is hard for other petpets to contend!
Slorgs come in many different types,
Such as rainbow, faerie, and Maraquan.
You’ll find your perfect companion without gripe!
Sure, slorgs may leave massive slime trails,
But every one of us has flaws,
So please don’t hold a grudge and bail!
I believe you’ll find that slorgs are dashing fellows.
Go ahead, give one a chance and take it home!
The slorg will always greet you with love and hello’s!
Slorg & Steady
by happyinengland
Slorg and steady wins the race,
Every little Slorg needs to find their pace.
One step, two step, maybe three,
Life is short - don't be in a hurry.
I'm very happy, can't you see?
Come on now, sing with me.
I leave slime here and there,
I leave slime everywhere!
Slorg and steady wins the race,
Every little Slorg needs to find their pace.
One step, two step, maybe three,
Life is short - don't be in a hurry.
I can get you an avatar,
Make your account look better,
Attack of the Slorgs and Hidden Tower to name a few,
Are places where I can help you!
Slorg and steady wins the race,
Every little Slorg needs to find their pace.
One step, two step, maybe three,
Life is short - don't be in a hurry.
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