Neopets Poems
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Pteri Day Special
Champions of the Sky
by espressoself
The cloudless blue Tyrannian sky
Are filled with Pteris, who love to fly.
The fun loving bird is no stranger to the air,
Even if they’re not going anywhere.
Pteris loop and soar around,
And if they have to stay on the ground,
They prefer to perch on the braches of trees,
In high spots where they feel at ease.
They love to tell funny jokes
And are fans of a good hoax.
Their heads are often in the clouds,
Because up there they can escape the crowds.
But just because they fly away
Doesn’t mean they’re not here to stay.
Ptreis are extremely devoted
To their owners, so let it be noted --
That ptreis are champions of the sky,
And if you own one, you’ll know why.
Poem of the Pteris
by aslyilvestera
In Meridell, you're humming, picking berries;
When beating wings descend upon the countryside.
You ought to know it's just a flock of pteris--
There's just no need for you to look so pterrified.
At tea with Queen Fyora and the faeries,
You hope that nothing happens to embarrass.
What's this now? Ah, another crowd of pteris,
Chattering and perching on the pterrace.
Browsing through the quiet Brightvale libraries,
An aisha gives a glance that feels accusatory.
What's wrong? --Oh no, please not these awful pteris!
How DO you always end up in their pterritory?
"Please leave!" you holler at your adversaries,
"What have I done? I don't know where to hide!"
Bemused, a quiet murmur from the pteris:
"We meant to tell you that your shoe's not ptied."
Song of the Black Pteri
by zodiacstar144_
Song of darkness
Song of night
Eyes ablaze with crimson light.
Song of evil
Song of death
Screeching at the last scared breath.
Those scathing claws
That deadly beak
No words of hope are left to speak.
The darkest feathers
Wings unfurled
Wishing doom upon the world.
A plotting grin
A watchful gaze
Numbering Neopia's last dark days.
Squawking laughter
Loud and long
These are the words of the Black Pteri's song.
Water Pteri
by firedragon9078
The little Pteri didn’t know
The day she tumbled from her nest
That she’d fall into the water far below
Her eggshell would be struck by a blow
Sending her on a strange quest
All around her the water did flow
Her eggshell cracked with a vibrant glow
Her flimsy feathers did their best
But she was caught away in the undertow
The little Pteri was filled with woe
But just as she became distressed
A frantic Faerie did bestow
A gift she knew from long ago
And thus, the Pteri was blessed
And from then on, could let go
The feathers she no longer had to tow
Alongside her, the water coalesced
The little Pteri didn’t know
The little Pteri couldn’t see
Beyond the clouds in the distant sky
How she was perfectly made to be
As one with the watery sea
And all day long, she would cry
And send the Faerie a heartfelt plea
Hoping she would just agree
That Pteri were made to fly
In flocks up in the clouds, carefree
But the Faerie could foresee
That happiness wasn’t always dry
So she decided to set free
A few more Pteri, who let out a scree
As they said goodbye
To the distant sky, and stopped being feathery
Nowadays a happy little Pteri agrees
That there’s more to life than flying high
The little Pteri couldn’t see
The Pteri Flying Championships
by she_chose_love
Pteri day is here,
and that can only mean one thing.
It is time for the Pteri Flying Championships,
everyone has shined up their wings.
Pteris from all over Neopia,
gather in the special location.
To take part in the competition,
and be the best in all of the nation.
Sometimes famous Pteris win,
like Clutch Billaban, the Black Pteri and the Golden Pteri too.
Sometimes unknown Pteris win,
in every color from faerie, to water to blue.
No one knows who will win,
but all of Neopia will be there to cheer.
The Pteri Flying Championships are so exciting,
its a shame they only happen once a year!
Pteri Day Is Here!
by gravitize
Pteri Day is here at last
So keep your eyes on the sky.
Because each Pteri is having a blast,
As they swoop, dive and glide!
Today, Pteris are testing their skill,
In games of precision and speed.
Soaring through the clouds is such a big thrill,
Pteris young and old have agreed!
The Pteri Flying Championships are an amazing sight
These Pteris love a daring maneuver.
When they race and compete, it's a true delight,
There's nothing else that's cooler!
Pteris are among the best,
At moving through the air with ease.
If you don't spot them snoozing in their nest,
Then they're flying up high, on the breeze!
So if you see a Pteri today,
Be sure to give them a good cheer!
Let's watch them soar, fly and play,
Because Pteri Day is here!
Celebrating Pteri Day
by painted_dreams87
On the 8th day
of the month of Storing,
Neopians display their love
of Pteris with an outpouring.
With two widespread wings
and not a feather out of place,
it's a privilege to watch
Pteris fly through the sky with grace.
Through the skies of Tyrannia,
they dip and soar.
Admirers come from all around
to see this sight they adore.
Those who are extremely lucky
just might see a nest,
hidden among the leaves,
where the Pteris take their rest.
The Pteri Purveys Creepy Tales
by _brainchild_
O'er spooky trees and gloomy haze,
A Pteri has her stall.
She sells her tomes---they thrill for days.
Their topics shall enthrall.
The magic of the words, no bore,
Brings joy to old and new
Enthusiasts of creepy lore,
Of tales so grey and blue.
So fascinating, books shall speak
Of monsters far and wide.
The Pteri tells you: Don't be meek---
Prepare for what's inside
The tome, or nightmares will possess
Your wretched soul. Destroyed
Are brains not up to lore of lesser
Spirit, spawning voids.
So, if you dare, lift dusty covers
Of the spooky tomes.
Don't shudder, cry, or whine for Mother---
Don't you dare run home.
The Pteri warns all readers of
The creepy tales within.
Don't read in search of joy and love---
You'll find results so grim.
Soar: A Short Poem for Pteri Day
by jellikescherrypie
Flying above,
Soaring through,
The Pteri soars by,
with feathers wet from morning dew.
The go one-by-one,
And sometimes two-by-two,
The call out to each other,
with a chirp or coo.
Zooming through Neopia,
They wouldn't have it any other way,
Everyone cheers as they go by,
For today is Pteri Day!
The Blue Pteri's Quest
by voiceprint
There once was a young Pteri
Who wanted to be painted Faerie.
Their flowing and bright beautiful wings
Made him want to dance and sing!
The Pteri was not wealthy however,
And he feared he could afford it never.
As he stared sadly at his plain blue coat,
It felt like all the painted pets seemed to gloat.
Then one faithful day in November
He received a quest destined for splendor!
“Hello there,” the Grey Faerie said in her advance.
“Would you mind helping me out by chance?”
The Pteri agreed to help with the task,
And the faerie requested a Happy Chia Mask.
The Neopet quickly ran to the Neopian Toy Store
Where he was able to find masks galore!
He purchased the one he needed for a small amount
The Pteri was even able to haggle for a discount!
The helpful pet returned it to the Grey Faerie
Who smiled appreciatively at the blue Pteri.
“Unfortunately,” she said “My magic is zip.
Nala, though, will let you in her Fountain for a dip!”
The Pteri’s eyes lit up with glee.
“Wow!” he stammered, “You mean it? Really?!”
“What color,” Nala asked, “Would you like to be?”
“Oh please,” the Pteri requested, “I’d love Faerie!”
The Pteri jumped happily into the water,
There wasn’t a moment he wanted to squander!
As he lept back out, he was a transformed Pteri.
He looked at his colorful wings – he was really Faerie!
Nala grinned, “My friend, happy Pteri Day!”
“Oh thank you!” he shouted, “Hooray! Hooray!”
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